Ah wow experiencing a storm on a Hawaiian beach must have been an experience for the memory bansks!!
1 of my 2 most memorable acid trips took place on a beach, in northern Spain, a week prior to Boom festival 2 summers ago. We dropped 3 tabs a few hours before sunset and came up in the water...could attempt to describe that eve, but that was a dream fulfilled...
Another dream fulfiled was to trip during a storm. One eve we had just stopped in the middle of nowhere in the south of France. We were trying to make the sunset, and dropped 4 tabs. I knew we were gonna be in for a wild one...I could feel the shift in only 15 minutes, so knew it was going to be powerful... We were still putting up tents and what have you, and being spannered was not an ally in this endevour.
We missed the sunset because it clouded over, but we could hear distant rumbles of thunder. So we ran up the hillside (we were camped in a dip at the bottom), and up and up we ran, the 4 of us, losing each other now and again, while it was getting darker, the storm was building, and the acid was getting stronger... Needless to say, we were very quickly lost, had no idea where we were or where our camp site was, but despite this, were in no way concerned about our predicament after disussing it as a group...there was no direct threat to our survival, and the sun would rise again...
Incredible night. The wind was howling, and the acid had made me incredibly agile, leaping over the geometric arrangemnts of rock prisms that seemed to be everywhere like some crazy imp-beasy. The beauty and power of the storm we witnessed...for me anyway...seemed perfectly in tune with the electricity and energy flowing, on a molecular level, throughout my brain and body...what a night, a definite peak experience.