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storage of mushrooms Options
#1 Posted : 6/7/2021 11:11:50 AM

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i have been trying to figure out some solutions for storing mushrooms both long term and short term but i am seeing a lot of conflicting information about it.

i have dried what i have so far to a cracker dry state using epsom salts (i plan to get a dehydrator soon) and i was about to powder them and pack them into a jar and store them in the freezer, but then i started reading about that not being the best way to do it and keeping the mushrooms whole might be better.

i also read that storing the powder in chocolate form stores for even longer. is this because of the sugar or because it encases it or for another reason? i ask because i was wondering if it would work the same to use a chocolate alternative.

how do you guys do it? what does the science say?

thank you for the help <3

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#2 Posted : 6/7/2021 6:37:28 PM

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Storing powder in honey has worked perfectly for me. İt was still crazy potent until I finished it after one year.
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#3 Posted : 6/7/2021 7:54:42 PM

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The alkaloids in mushrooms are very sensitive to oxygen. When the shrooms are powdered they are easily oxidised due to exposure. Trapping them in honey or chocolate are both great ways of preventing this.
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#4 Posted : 6/7/2021 8:06:13 PM

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I find storage of mushrooms the same as most other psychedelics; cool, dry, and out of light.

Light, oxygen, and heat all degrade things.

I have stored mushrooms for years in this manner without any discernable loss of potency. I also leave the mushrooms whole.

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#5 Posted : 6/8/2021 10:21:44 AM

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thank you all very much for your replies.

it seems powdered and encased in a chocolate, honey or something else along those lines will be the most useful storage method for both long and short term. i can just make a bunch of snacks and store them in the fridge.
i am happy to learn it is just a matter of encasing the mushroom, so modern chocolate should not be necessary at all. i guess this is why so many people choose honey, solely for its long life.

what is the ratio like for honey and powder? how much honey do you typically need to eat per gram of powder? i am not a huge fan of honey but will eat a few teaspoons for convenience of storage.

thank you for the help
#6 Posted : 6/8/2021 11:25:51 AM

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Honey has purported preservative properties beyond just encasing and preventing oxidation.


I don't remember if I got any information on honey to mushroom ratio. I would think it should not matter a lot as long as it all fits in the honey. Set an amount before hand, weigh both powder and honey, and calculate how much mushroom honey is worth a basic dose. Stir well, make it homogeneous.
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#7 Posted : 6/8/2021 12:32:09 PM
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I also use honey to store mine. Grind into a fine powder and mix in about 1/4-1/2 OZ per pint jar depending on my surplus and my budget. I am at the tail end of a jar that had about 10 grams in it that I started over a year ago. If you bury it for up to 2 months some kind of chemical reaction happens, turning the honey blue. You will probably want to sterilize everything really well before using, as there are some stories I have heard about honey turning rancid? But I, nor any of my acquaintances have had any issues. More on that here. https://www.shroomery.or...owflat.php/Number/681148
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#8 Posted : 6/8/2021 2:03:39 PM

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Real organic unalderated honey is probably the safest.
The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#9 Posted : 6/8/2021 2:19:34 PM

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If you add moisture to the honey it can certainly turn as bacteria will grow in the water. Honey itself is an excellent preservative though. They have found ancient jars of it that still had not gone off, pretty amazing substance.

I keep my shrooms in a ziplock bag in a jar though, crush them as I weigh them. Keeps a very long time. Honey is a bit sweet for me and any chocolate in my fridge is likely to be pilfered, that would be interesting.
The nearest we ever come to knowing truth is when we are witness to paradox.
#10 Posted : 6/9/2021 9:51:32 AM

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thank you for the replies.
honey seems to be the best way. i am the same as you, northerner, honey is a bit sweet for me too. i was hoping to fit more like 4 ounces into a pint jar, but picturing it in my head i think i am asking too much. i guess the best way to find out will be to do a sample batch.

i will use sterile tools and keep moisture out to be safe. a friend of a friend is a beekeeper and produces local, organic honey that i can use. i have needed an excuse to go see the guys setup for a while anyway Smile

i think i will make some chocolates too just for the sake of having chocolates, might as well have fun with it, but honey seems to be the obvious all-rounder choice for anything that is not planned to be consumed any specific time.

thank you all for the help
Fruit is life
#11 Posted : 6/9/2021 10:18:18 AM

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I recently finished my first grow which ended up yielding nearly 200g dry, quite alot for one person..especially considering I only really take them once a week and always with an MAOi, so I have just stored them in air tight glass jars with anyhdrous magnesium sulfate as a dessicant, does anyone else have experience with long term storage keeping the mushrooms whole in just simple glass jars? They should be fine for a year like that?
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#12 Posted : 6/9/2021 10:39:45 AM

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Yeah they keep fine in jars, slow potency loss. If I am opening and closing them I put them in a quality sealing bag inside the jar, helps loads.
The nearest we ever come to knowing truth is when we are witness to paradox.
#13 Posted : 6/9/2021 8:04:49 PM

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Voidmatrix wrote:
I find storage of mushrooms the same as most other psychedelics; cool, dry, and out of light.

Light, oxygen, and heat all degrade things.

I read somewhere that light degrades the alkloids as fast or faster than oxygen. So whatever you do, keep them in the dark.

And for some reason over at the Shroomery they don't recommend freezing. I'm not sure why. In the past I put my cracker dry shrooms in a mason jar with dessicant and pulled the air out with a food saver. They seemed fine.

Fruit is life wrote:
I recently finished my first grow which ended up yielding nearly 200g dry, quite alot for one person..especially considering I only really take them once a week and always with an MAOi, so I have just stored them in air tight glass jars with anyhdrous magnesium sulfate as a dessicant, does anyone else have experience with long term storage keeping the mushrooms whole in just simple glass jars? They should be fine for a year like that?

Congratulations! 7+ dried ounces is great for a first (or any) grow.

How much do you take on your weekly journeys, and with what MAOI? This past weekend I took 90 mg harmine, 110 mg THH, and 1.5 grams potent shrooms. This was my first time trying psilohuasca. I had strong CEV (unusual for me) and it lasted many hours. The peak was almost too much. I had to talk myself into staying calm - and I've done plenty of heroic doses in the past.
#14 Posted : 6/9/2021 8:08:31 PM

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Fruit is life wrote:
I recently finished my first grow which ended up yielding nearly 200g dry, quite alot for one person..especially considering I only really take them once a week and always with an MAOi, so I have just stored them in air tight glass jars with anyhdrous magnesium sulfate as a dessicant, does anyone else have experience with long term storage keeping the mushrooms whole in just simple glass jars? They should be fine for a year like that?

wow nice job. i also just had my first harvest. i only have about 20g dry though haha. more to come soon though!
#15 Posted : 6/10/2021 8:41:19 AM
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I store mine in glass jars with a desiccant in the bottom and another one taped to the inside of the lid. If they start getting too moist (I used the kind of desiccant that changes color), I replace them with fresh ones. I find I only need to replace them every six months or so. I've kept mushrooms for a year+ this way with no apparent degradation. Just make sure they are super dry before you put them in the jar. They should not bend or flex in any way and be totally rigid. If you try to bend one, it should snap in half.
Fruit is life
#16 Posted : 6/10/2021 10:43:51 AM

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Congratulations! 7+ dried ounces is great for a first (or any) grow.

How much do you take on your weekly journeys, and with what MAOI? This past weekend I took 90 mg harmine, 110 mg THH, and 1.5 grams potent shrooms. This was my first time trying psilohuasca. I had strong CEV (unusual for me) and it lasted many hours. The peak was almost too much. I had to talk myself into staying calm - and I've done plenty of heroic doses in the past.

Hey thanks, I have been taking about 2.5 - 3g dry cubes with 150mg manske rue alkaloids, about 6:4 harmine to harmaline, I only use THH with DMT, it can be strong, but with sufficient practice in daily life we can tame the fear, meditation asanas mantra natural diet etc etc then you can really use these medicines I have found.

After resonating the lense clean you can keep it online with 150mg harmala alkaloids daily, ~60mg of melatonin after dark daily, combined with meditation asanas and a natural diet of fruit and leaves etc etc this will keep the pineal engaged/right hemisphere management systems online
The self that talks doesn't know, the self that knows doesn't talk.
#17 Posted : 6/10/2021 10:44:13 AM

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BongQuixote wrote:
I store mine in glass jars with a desiccant in the bottom and another one taped to the inside of the lid. If they start getting too moist (I used the kind of desiccant that changes color), I replace them with fresh ones. I find I only need to replace them every six months or so. I've kept mushrooms for a year+ this way with no apparent degradation. Just make sure they are super dry before you put them in the jar. They should not bend or flex in any way and be totally rigid. If you try to bend one, it should snap in half.

thanks. i think i will probably keep some unpowdered for short term, it would be a shame to not have any mushrooms in mushroom form. i will keep those stored the way you suggested.
thank you.
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