SWIM used 112g of Mimosa bark, 56g new from Bouncing Bear (again amazing service) and 56g hanging around for a couple years in the back of a cupboard. She wasn't expecting much from the old bark, or really to get much other than the operation down.
Followed Entropymancer's outline, and Norman's tek. Mad props and love.
Used two quart mason jars, filtered tap water, NaOH and VW&R Naptha for the extraction. Sodium Carbonate for cleaning. Four pulls off of the old bark, three on the new bark. Decided to keep the first pull off the new bark really clean and keep it separate, allowing the other pulls to combine. Not very scientific, but there it is.
Sent prayers and loving energy during every swirling and switching freezer/fridge.
Everything looks pretty white, so SWIM did not think she needed to use charcoal. Will provide end weight after samples dry completely.
Thank you for all the guidance and inspiration.
Filtered crystals from first pull, freeze precipitated crystals from first pull, all other pulls (still drying)
ragabr attached the following image(s):
(169kb) downloaded 59 time(s). spice2.jpg
(202kb) downloaded 59 time(s). spice3.jpg
(173kb) downloaded 60 time(s).PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms