i live in northern Brasil, there is plenty of jurema. not directly where i live, but not too far. i usually do my own harvesting,and i must say i don't see to much of it being harvest. i mean people cut the trees to make charcoal and fence for cattle, but as far as the dmt situation goes... there are those area that are forest of jurema, it is pretty beautiful, to stay by an ancient tree and smoke a bit of dmt, powerful powerful. it is quite an intense work to take the roots off, because it is sometime buried deep in the ground. the last times i went, it was in a part of the forest that is going to be destroyed to make a road, so i didn't worried too much about the tree, just cut the roots off. but in other spot it is nice to take the root bark and let the root be, although it is more work. if the jurema is collected for the purpose of drinking it, it is good to take off the white skin inside the bark, while the bark is still fresh, because it is responsible for quite a bit of stomach discomfort. i've always harvest in the littoral region or close to it,would love to go on a trip to the desertic inland, the sertão, which is the real home of jurema, both physically and culturally. the dryness of the earth makes it more difficult to take off the roots, but it also makes the jurema have much more dmt... my real fantasy is to take a jurema tee beneath a jurema tree, at night. that would be something
next time i go make an harvest, i can send you guys a picture, although it won't be to soon, because i still got plenty of them. but this week end i go to do a ceremony in a place where they might be a few tree, if i see some beautiful one, will post a pic.
if you have any question , don't hesitate