Thanks for posting - they did a pretty decent job there.
I guess we can be pleased that awareness of the psychedelic reawakening is taking off in some sections of the mainstream media at the moment. But, repeal the unjust plant prohibitions already, UK, and get up to speed with the 21st century! That a documentary like this can be produced is some testament of the progress being made and a
first screening on BBC2 at 9 p.m. wasn't too bad.
My version of a film review/critique:
The narration at first toes the line of the drug propaganda which I guess shouldn't be too surprising if they want to keep the average Joe viewers engaged. They - in particular Professor Nutt - make up for this later on. The testimonies of the patients involved in the trial were particularly moving.
I do take issue with some minor inaccuracies, for example at 1:27 "one of the oldest drugs known to man - magic mushrooms," and at
1:41 "Synthesised from a Mexican mushroom over sixty years ago, psilocybin is a class A hallucinogenic drug," although that's probably just me being pedantic. Product placement at 4:00 onwards - a can of a well-known brand of soft drink, maybe could have been avoided as it once was on all BBC productions. 18:00 the dumbing-down of 5HT-2a receptors to simply "2a receptors" is sloppy and nonsensical; it's like they are trying to obscure some important facts when view alongside the the first two inaccuracies highlighted above.
Less relevant , but at 23:59 hearing Margaret Thatcher speak was as every bit as horrible as I ever recall it having been and I was literally nauseated! It was somewhat surreal that she appeared to be addressing a pile of bin bags, as though the confiscated drugs in them could actually hear her (the vile beast).
I do find it curious how the audio in all the audio segments with Dr. Rosalind Watts is deliberately degraded, seemingly using something like a 'decimator' effect. Dr. Watts is already
moving into the field of "Wellness Retreats" so I wonder if she has some kind of copyright on the sound of her voice
I offer my great respect and admiration to Prof. Nutt and the rest of the team for the great work they have done.
“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli