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Intro: Beginning to lockout Options
#1 Posted : 5/9/2021 5:54:29 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello everyone, I've finally decided to make an account here to share some of my experiences after lurking for a while. I was introduced to the spice a couple months ago when a friend gave me a vape to try, since then I have done a STB mimosa extract with which I have blasted off 20 times or so.

Everything was great until today, when I loaded up 50mg spice in changa into my bong, took the two hits it usually takes for me to blast off, and not much happened. There was the effect of being able to see the "inner light" of objects but besides that and a bit of confusion, nothing.

A few hours later I tried again, but to the same effect... I've been reading about people getting locked out but I've only been using it every couple days for the last month or so and I really didn't expect that to happen so soon. I haven't gotten a hyperslap or really any kind of bad trip yet, but recently one of the beings asked why I kept coming so maybe it was suggesting I chill with it.

I hope I can trip again after a few weeks, but reading Coastal's post about the lockout, I'm worried I may have fucked myself for a while at least.

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#2 Posted : 5/9/2021 9:44:52 AM

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im locked out, and it didnt take long. i cant rule out the possibility of some sort of physiological problem that caused it, or an interaction with other substances. its a rather fantastic concept to believe that the beings of hyperspace can chose to lock you out, and ban you from their realm, but based upon the progression of my experiences, i definitely favor that possibility.

you mention how they asked you why you keep coming back.. i suggest you put very much thought into that question before going back. dont go back without an answer. many people do it simply to enjoy the colors and sounds without getting locked out, so that may be simple enough. i dont know..you hear the word intention thrown around here alot, and i have decided that it is to be taken seriously.

in my case, i ignored many warnings, wrote them off as halucinations, or who knows what. but looking back, it was not a sudden block out. it progressed slowly, the hyperslaps are not plesant.

the first stage of reduced effects can be described as feeling like i was demoted to spectator. i was no longer totally immersed in the experience, it still happened, but it felt more like watching it as opposed to being in the middle of it. have you experienced anything like that?
Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
#3 Posted : 5/9/2021 10:01:31 AM

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also, even after all the beautiful colors and sounds were no longer possible, i could always break through with a ridiculously heroic dose, thats when you get the hyperslap. the last time i tried, i experienced my own sudden and unexpected death.

these are pretty recent experiences, and the most interesting thing about it all is that as i am slowly integrating and reflecting on all of it, my life is gaining momentum at an extraordinary pace. like ive just broken free from a lifetime of depression and oppression. im friggin on fire! kicking butt on life. everyone around me is fascinated and proud as hell of me. as i am of myself...

its the most amazing molecule.
Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
#4 Posted : 5/9/2021 2:04:22 PM

Like a stone in the shoe...

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There seems to be a self regulating aspect to DMT. I used to smoke it quite often after my first breakthrough. I suffer from depression and DMT would improve my mood, so I sometimes would smoke it multiple times a day. However one day it just stopped working. I would see an image of what would appear to be a chained door, and that was it.

I've been locked out multiple times. Sometimes there would be a warning, like a unpleasant trip. DMT has never scared me. Its preferred warning that I'm smoking too much is to gross me out. Once it even yelled at me: "What are you doing, man!?"

Stop smoking for a while. The last time I was locked out must have been in August of last year. I've only smoked twice since then. I personally think it's better this way. It makes for happier trips.

Good luck!

#5 Posted : 5/9/2021 2:10:45 PM

Like a stone in the shoe...

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Bisy wrote:

the first stage of reduced effects can be described as feeling like i was demoted to spectator. i was no longer totally immersed in the experience, it still happened, but it felt more like watching it as opposed to being in the middle of it. have you experienced anything like that?

Interesting you mention this. I never thought of it that way, but now I remember the warnings I received (gross out trips) were like movies being projected on a screen.
#6 Posted : 5/9/2021 5:50:07 PM

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Thanks for the responses guys, I know I have probably been using it a little too much, but I'm at a point in my life where I have a lot of free time and too many tryptamines laying around haha. I didn't really get much of a decline in intensity before the "lockout", one of my most intense trips was just a couple days ago.

The first failure to blast off yesterday it really felt like a denial by some entity right after I took the second hit. I'm guessing I'll have to take a break from all psychedelics, which is disappointing because I had some acid I was hoping to try for the first time next week.

Anyway, I'll update this thread next time I try to go back to the spice.
#7 Posted : 5/9/2021 6:51:21 PM

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Also Bisy, I just read some of your posts about getting locked out. I also had that weird "ghost" that didn't seem like something from hyperspace in my room (the entity that I feel like denied me) That hallucination only lasted like 20 seconds after I dosed myself though. Felt kinda evil but I was more pissed that I wasn't allowed to go than I was scared. Even considered loading up another whole dose to see whats up, which I'm glad I didn't (probably would've been beat up by elves idk)
#8 Posted : 5/18/2021 1:13:16 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome to the forumBig grin

There's a lot of ideas as to why lockouts happen and there may be more than one reason.

I am one who advocates for intention. Helps prevent poopy surprises (like being locked out). It also reassures the entities. Even if it's to learn and grow, they seem to be good with that. (IME).

Just take a break for a little while. Engage with life and develop yourself with all that free time you haveThumbs up .

For me, the more reverence, respect, and will to surrender I have, the better the experience.

The Spice will always be there, so don't fret. You'll get back inLove .

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#9 Posted : 5/18/2021 11:43:50 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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rootBarkEnthusiast wrote:
Also Bisy, I just read some of your posts about getting locked out. I also had that weird "ghost" that didn't seem like something from hyperspace in my room (the entity that I feel like denied me) That hallucination only lasted like 20 seconds after I dosed myself though. Felt kinda evil but I was more pissed that I wasn't allowed to go than I was scared. Even considered loading up another whole dose to see whats up, which I'm glad I didn't (probably would've been beat up by elves idk)

could you give some more details of the ghost/entity? what did you see? did it give you any sensations, was there a color/aura associated with it?
Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
#10 Posted : 5/19/2021 2:12:24 AM

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Bisy wrote:

could you give some more details of the ghost/entity? what did you see? did it give you any sensations, was there a color/aura associated with it?

It's getting hard to recall since it was a while ago, but right after I smoalked I remember feeling very paranoid. The entity I saw at first appeared as a shadow in my peripheral vision, very much in my room as I didn't really get a taste of hyperspace or leave my body that trip. There were multiple "shadow" entities darting around my room, in and out of bookshelves, etc for about 20-30 seconds upon which time I was almost completely sober except for an odd discomfort that lasted a few more minutes.
#11 Posted : 5/19/2021 4:52:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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This is a relatively common reoccurring phenomenon with DMT use. I tend to wonder if this is more likely to happen after people read other trip reports of being locked out, and the "power of suggestion" causes the lock-out to manifest within themselves. Did this happen shortly after reading a few trip reports of others going through a lock-out?

It may be something related to hormonal conditions within the body during the time of consumption. Or it may be similar to someone remembering a dream vs. not remembering a dream.

In the past, I have considered an external entity type reason. However, lately I have become less infatuated with the idea of external entities, and more aligned with self-accountability. Perhaps this has a tad bit of introspection of the "power of suggestion" as well.

Either way, take as much time as you need and address the basic responsibilities within your waking life. Maybe even try to forget that you were locked out - or at least wait until the lockout has less influence on your thoughts before returning to DMT.

Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.
#12 Posted : 5/21/2021 10:37:19 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:

This is a relatively common reoccurring phenomenon with DMT use. I tend to wonder if this is more likely to happen after people read other trip reports of being locked out, and the "power of suggestion" causes the lock-out to manifest within themselves. Did this happen shortly after reading a few trip reports of others going through a lock-out?

It may be something related to hormonal conditions within the body during the time of consumption. Or it may be similar to someone remembering a dream vs. not remembering a dream.

In the past, I have considered an external entity type reason. However, lately I have become less infatuated with the idea of external entities, and more aligned with self-accountability. Perhaps this has a tad bit of introspection of the "power of suggestion" as well.

Either way, take as much time as you need and address the basic responsibilities within your waking life. Maybe even try to forget that you were locked out - or at least wait until the lockout has less influence on your thoughts before returning to DMT.


that is most definitely the mature and responsible perspective to take, and probably almost always likely to get us closer to the answers faster. it has always been my preferred viewpoint.. in fact, i used to be kinda narrowminded in that i ONLY accepted logical reasoning.. but the experiences ive had as of late suggest that both are correct, that we can self manifest just about anything, and also that doing so is beyond our abilities to control because we underestimate what we really are, and so we may manifest all or part of an experience, but with no idea how, or even that we did. and i include in that manifestation, the hormonal conditions of the body. like dmt gives us the vehicle that takes us to that place, but with no instructions on how to fly it, or what to expect when we get there, and without a clue how to understand the languages of the beings and their customs either.

its total chaos, but something about it seems so much less chaotic than life.
Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
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