Oh boy! See, specific questions, that's how I roll!
I like to say my background is philosophy as well;
all roads lead to Rome, as they say. I studied a whole bunch of science, engineering, and philosophy in college. Of course my financial aid ran out right about the time I settled on a real major (microbiology), so now I work in logistics (and I'm darn good at it, thankyouverymuch). If I had to pick one, I'd say metaphysics just slightly beats out ethics as my favorite philosophy topic. Whisper "hard determinism" in my ear and watch me get goosebumps.
I got interested in psychedelics after reading something somewhere about microdosing LSD as a remedy for various issues, ADHD being one of them. Being decidedly non-neurotypical myself, I decided to give 1cP-LSD a try. A 30mcg minidose in March changed my life. I'm still working on figuring out how to make the most of it; it's definitely more of a behavior-modification training aid than a take-this-and-you're-cured kind of thing. Experiments are ongoing, although sourcing RCs here in the US is becoming
non-trivial. Reeeeaaallly don't want to have to buy street acid, ugh...
Of course, once I got into the big world of psychedelics, it didn't take long for me to learn about DMT and all it has to offer. One thing led to another, and now here I am talking to you fine people.
As for my chemistry side projects, the big one has been refurbishing lava lamps. I love love love lava lamps, I have about a dozen of them, and some of the ones I've bought were in pretty rough shape. I had the idea of homebrewing my own wax for them, but that turned out to be non-trivial so I ended up buying a GooKit instead. Works pretty well!
Funny story, I've actually had a distillation apparatus for a while, I just haven't had a chance (or an excuse, really) to use it yet. Preparing for my first extraction gave me a great opportunity to set it up, and I've been having a lovely time playing around with it. Maybe I'll post another thread about it!
I asked about hexane because when I did a simple distillation on my Bestine (see other thread), I found a not-insignificant fraction distilled over at 70°C, the boiling point of hexane. I didn't measure how much, maybe 50-100ml, and I just tossed that into the Waste Organics can. Now I've been eyeing that can, thinking about doing a fractional distillation on it to see if I can't recover that hexane. Is it worth isolating the 70°C fraction and using it for a pull? Would I be better off adding it back in to my distilled Bestine? Should I quit fussing over my distillations and get to extractin' already??
downwardsfromzero wrote:Looking at your choice of nickname, iridium itself (as I'm sure you'll already appreciate) is a fantastic element that I dearly wish had its presence in my element collection. Alas, it is also insanely expensive!
Oooh, I always thought element collections are soooo cool. Do you collect pure samples, or representative samples? Looks like a nice little sample can be had on eBay for about $45, but that's out of my budget too these days.
I think all the Period 6 elements are delightful, but I picked iridium to be one that I connect to the most, since I also fancy myself to be both a writer and a space nerd. What do pen nibs and meteorites have in common? As for the other half, IridiumAndLeather would have been a lot more apt for me, but that's too long of a username for a lot of sites. Oh well, it still works. lol!
Hmm. How many interests do I have to have before I get to call myself a polymath? Is there a test for that?