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Water Fast for Healing Options
#1 Posted : 5/18/2021 9:29:41 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Lošinj
Hello good folks. I am starting a water only fast today at approximately 2:00 p.m. This fast will consist of (you guessed it) nothing but water. My goal is somewhere between 5-10 days depending on how I feel. I have past experience fasting up to 96 hours but I was also drinking unsweetened coffee and herbal tea. This will be a complete detox.

I will keep myself busy with work(work from home) and will do some vegan cooking and freezing of meals. Maybe work some other easy non-physically intensive projects around the house/property. Work on meditation as well? I am open to suggestions! I am starting this thread to help keep me accountable, document my progress and have a place for support and encouragement.

The impetus for this fast is to heal some arthralgias and skin lesions(eczema according to the dermatologist though I believe it to be associated with some kind of rheumatism). I also want to document any positive effects on blood pressure. I want to see if autophagy can help my inflammation and even shrink or resolve my skin lesions. I will update daily and hopefully include some before and after pics of my lesions. I will also provide links to some information about fasting in the hopes that others can learn more about this ancient tool for spiritual growth and physical healing.

Thanks all

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Fruit is life
#2 Posted : 5/19/2021 5:45:13 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey best wishes, I finished a 7 day water fast last month, I like to fast atleast 7 days once a year, however this last fast shook me up a little as I was already at a low body weight, I also ate mushrooms a day or so after breaking it and my body and mind weren't up for the task of steadying myself. I highly recommend you rest as much as possible and maintain your meditation regime, and break with raw food etc fruit leaves I'm sure you know whats up. I would advise you give yourself a week to recover before using Tryptamines etc, harmalas are fine though.

Also water fasting beyond 7 days will surely yield a positive result regarding your skin issues, one of the fastest things that clear up for me on water fasts is my skin.

Also check out John Rose on YouTube regarding juice "fasting", in my experience extended juice feasting 60 days + has been far more powerful and useful then water fasting, but both are mighty special tools .. but juice feasting really cleans the intestines and colon of the mess we all have inside us, allows the body to use that organ as a channel of elimination.

Enjoy your fast, I like to listen to the essene gospel of peace book 1 audio while I'm fast n also, you might like to give it a listen!
The self that talks doesn't know, the self that knows doesn't talk.
#3 Posted : 5/19/2021 12:16:14 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Lošinj
Hey Fruit is Life! I have wanted to do a juice fast(or feast Big grin ) for some time. I have a nice slow juicer to make delicious veggie and fruit juices. I am excited to see the progress of a water only fast. I am already tempted to drink coffee as it does not technically break a fast or mess with autophagy but I am wanting this to be special and cleansing. Thanks for the comment.

#4 Posted : 5/19/2021 1:33:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey all.

Here are some more links to pertinent fasting info and some other healthy lifestyle docs that I have found useful.



#5 Posted : 5/19/2021 3:31:12 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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My weight as of this morning was 206 lbs. or 93 kg. I am only 20 hours in at this point so I expect a major drop in body weight probably tomorrow morning.(basically water weight and carbs from muscles) Smile
#6 Posted : 5/20/2021 1:05:31 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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As expected I am down to 202 lbs this A.M. Yesterday was rough in terms of cravings but I managed to hold off. Knowing that if I ate I would have to come on here and admit failure was key in keeping me on track. I feel much better this morning at the 42 hour mark. I expect to get hungry today but it shouldn't be as bad as yesterday. Then tomorrow at the 72 hour I expect to not very hungry again.(hopefully) Hey Fruit Is Life. I see where you recommend staying off of tryptamines until you fully recover. I was thinking of trying my spice for the first time ever once I start my refeed. Given the short duration do you think I would be in the proper place as opposed to the much longer mush experience? Haven't had a chance to check my BP however it has been high over the past few years so if it tests in the 120s over 80s that will be an improvement.
#7 Posted : 5/21/2021 4:47:33 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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It is with humility and a heavy heart that I report I broke my fast at 51.5 hours. I have gone longer when I was on a Keto(animal food) diet last fall/winter. However, since going whole food plant based in Feb. of this year I feel that my body reset and I need to train up to fasting longer. I don't see this as a failure and I will continue this thread to document my fasting work and any benefits/consequences that arise.

Going forward I will update periodically as I complete a fast with any pertinent information. Anyone wishing to ask questions regarding fasting or who has tips and tricks for fasting please post here!

Again guys, instead of seeing this as a failure I need to be compassionate toward myself and realize I am human. I am sure one day I will do ten straight days on water. Until then I will continue to work on my fasting and will probably have dozens of days fasted under my belt before I am proficient enough to go a full ten days. I expect a cumulative beneficial effect from this work and will keep you all informed.

Thanks for reading!
#8 Posted : 5/21/2021 6:33:16 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 56
Joined: 11-Jul-2020
Last visit: 24-Aug-2024
Some friends inspired me to do a very similar fast during the first week of April. Each morning I had at least one large glass of water (almost one litre) with a small lime squeezed into it and every other day a little Himalayan salt as well - and then more water throughout the day. I wasn't tempted to break my fast before the week was over but I did have a few very pleasant and detailed food fantasies as well as the occasional dream about eating. Pleased From about the middle of that week I struggled most with lack of energy through the day and having nothing better to do than nap through it - and it would probably have been better if I had taken more advantage of the early morning, when I felt most capable of physical effort, to go for a walk and enjoy the cooler time of day. I had some joint pains and it was kind of difficult to lie comfortably in bed at night at times. At the start of that week I was still smoking a small pipe of Mapacho (strong tobacco) in the morning but I didn't continue with that. I think I could have continued my fast for a few more days but by the end of the week I really wanted my energy back! A few days after breaking my fast I thought I wanted to smoke my pipe - it was like I'd never smoked before and the taste of the tobacco smoke stayed in my mouth for a day or two afterwards. So, at least at that level, I definitely managed a certain amount of bodily reset.
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