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The Failure - to hide love, to spread hate, to forget love Options
#1 Posted : 1/25/2010 9:15:38 PM

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Not beeing able to spread love means to fail in life.

I've read in another thread that we are "eternally loved". I couldn't agree more. They are here, they love us and they want us to share it. We have to share the gift. This is our obligation as humans. We can find the touch of divinity in every soul on earth, we just have to realize IT. But how do we realize IT?

We're not perfect, trapped in "modern life" with all it's difficulties. It makes me angry to see that most of them are unneccessary time wasters. It makes me even more angry to realize that they also distract me from the whole purpose. And then I look at my anger and see that I've learned nothing.

There was this girl standing (I think I've talked about her before)...walking slowly...struggling....almost crying, holding tight to her books. The only right thing to do would have been "Hello, can I help you...you seem troubled"....but I just couldn't do it. "She would think that I'm a creeper, trying to take advantage of her miserable state"...so I left her crying. It makes me so sad...

I'm sitting in the bus and EVERY human beeing on the whole bus annoys me. I keep thinking that I'd love to see all of them vanished. Even myself included. Life feels like a shithole in these moments and I know that it's unjustified and a product of negative conditioning ...years over years of self doubt, anger, hate, violence against my soul.

This is why I need healing, and why you might need healing too. Heling means: Not to fail in life. It means: To move foreward together not seperated. It means: To have the courage to show love and let go.

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#2 Posted : 1/25/2010 10:08:56 PM


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powerful realizations. it's processing feelings like this that fortify our ability to spread this love. gotta thank you for sharing this, obliguhl, it's too true. the more we open, the more we can open.
shall we ...

#3 Posted : 1/25/2010 10:09:26 PM
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This is a difficult topic. I think you shouldn't be so pessimistic about yourself. It's most difficult to be a positive human being when faced with negativity. It's in this negativity where you find the biggest challenge.

If you have difficulty's surrendering to live, i can recommend meditation on a daily basis.

We all have our weaknesses. The fact is that you aim for something better, wich says you're a wonderfull being with a pure soul. Wanting to be loving towards the world, to be a loving human being, is the main difference between loving beings and those who lack this quality.
This ambition is sparked by who you realy are, deep inside. And because it goes way deeper than all the hate, no matter how powerfull and invasive, it will easily prevail.
In the end, you cannot renounce who you realy are.
#4 Posted : 1/25/2010 10:10:00 PM

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Not only are "they" (whoever you may refer to, there are many groups) here to spread love, so are YOU. To spread love is the sole purpose of every single human being. If you just feel deep in your heart, you will know - you are nothing but love. No matter what you have done, no matter how you feel, deep inside you are nothing but pure love. When you realize this, you can start spreading that love, and by that creating the world we all want to live in! Michael Jackson was correct... Start with the man in the mirror. Smile
#5 Posted : 1/25/2010 10:41:00 PM

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I agree but I wouldn't really say that we can fail in life...I think that all paths are valid becasue on some level they bring us to that next level...everything is like an elevator to something else..we are all at different stages here in this life and whats important is that we learn to see that, so that we can understnad where other people are comming from, accept them how they are and love them reguardless..

Lots of people are carrying around pain..hurt that they probabily cant even regognise for what it is anymore..they burried in away deep down so long ago and it builds..dealing with that is like living in a pressure cooker all the time..and working through all that crap is painful..and in the world today that pain seems to much in this fast paced society..

I dont believe that people really mean to do the things they do and act the way they do..people just work with what they have...lots of people just have lots of pain..easy to get in this society..but I think that people are generally good and they mean well..

Whats important is that we love each other for who we are reguardless of our differences..there is no failing or failures..just different people on different paths going through different things..but that what we all hold in common.
Long live the unwoke.
#6 Posted : 1/26/2010 12:58:40 AM


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I know how you feel man..I feel it everyday looking at these kids and its so hard just to give way and try and let the love through to others and especially yourself. A lot of times i feel like i'm a guy with one eye in the kingdom of the blind. I've torn myself up for years because all i really want is for people to wake up, to become AWARE of themselves and the world on a bigger level and realize the love and beauty all around us instead of robotically going about self centered short term compulsions and ego games.. I feel like i've really begun to work through it though and I remind myself that I used to be the same way, that we've been conditioned this way; but at the same time we have such great potential for changing our minds, our entire concept of the world and our place in it, and extremely quickly. You gotta start with urself because after all you can't do good till ya feel good. Don't forget laughter is like a direct route to GOD

Today i running real late to my first class when some girl i recognized was trying to get her drink out of the vending machine and looked really pissed off because it was stuck somehow. My first reaction was 'wtf relax its just a fuckin gatorade', then i realized i'd probably be mad to, so i helped her get it out and she smiled really big and it turned her mood around on a dime. We chatted and turns out she wasn't as stuck up as id always thought she was. Felt good. I was late as hell to class though! dope

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#7 Posted : 1/26/2010 1:13:05 AM

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I am writing this because I think you are a nice guy. But I really do not know you, your history or your situation, so I will have to do with what you give me. Forgive me if I’m totally off.. Anyways,

So you like to doubt (yourself). If so, then why not be consequent and doubt also your ideas (assumptions) about what others think (of you). Perhaps you can come up with alternative ideas of what others are (deep inside) thinking (of you). Since you cannot know for sure which idea is true, then why not take a positive idea as a basis? Or just do not deal (judge) with it at all, if not necessary. Will save you from suffering a situation that is not really happening at the moment. Also it will show a positive attitude towards the other, which will then be returned (by most people). If they were thinking in a negative way (about you) then that might change because of your positive attitude. So keep your options open. That is the benefit of the doubt.

And even if your positive assumption turns out to be a mistake, then just accept the consequences. Things are relative. Whatever happens, you’ll probably live and have many happy moments coming in life. So just forgive yourself (for being angry) and get back on your feet. You will get back on your feet eventually, so might as well do it right away. It is not that hard once you get the hang of it. You will keep on tumbling and tilting here and there, like we all do. So learn the art of falling and getting up. Stop hurting yourself. You deserve to be your friend.

To sum it up:
You decide what you look at. And you decide how you look at it. Pick something that is positive.
Do not worry too much about what is not really happening.

The girl was a lesson. You will help her later in life, someday, sometime, someone. You see?

Cheers : )

β€œThe most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#8 Posted : 1/26/2010 3:09:43 AM


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I hear where you're coming from.Just remember you have a whole community here who loves and understands you.To realise that means you haven't failed at all !

"Love is life.All,everything that I understand,I understand only because I love."
#9 Posted : 1/26/2010 3:26:53 AM
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obliguhl wrote:
Not beeing able to spread love means to fail in life.

I've read in another thread that we are "eternally loved". I couldn't agree more. They are here, they love us and they want us to share it. We have to share the gift. This is our obligation as humans. We can find the touch of divinity in every soul on earth, we just have to realize IT. But how do we realize IT?

Can you provide a link to the other thread, as this 'eternally loved' idea sounds intriguing. Unfortunately the search function keeps timing out on me.
#10 Posted : 1/26/2010 6:14:57 AM


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obliguhl, here is a quote for you:

"Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still."

You are not standing still, friend..
#11 Posted : 1/26/2010 8:10:23 AM

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#12 Posted : 1/26/2010 8:21:52 AM

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oblighuhl Very happy

I relate very profoundly with your thoughts my friend.

your bus journey was extremly familiar to me also. sometimes i feel embarassed for the disgust i feel at my world and other human beingsSad

your a great soul and an incredible influence, your love and positive vibes can be felt ever present surging the energies of this forum and beyond.

thanks for sharing your feelings

take careVery happy
ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions
#13 Posted : 1/27/2010 7:06:11 PM

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Reading your replies overfilled me with joy! You're all so amazing, you give me hope in humanity Very happy

it's processing feelings like this that fortify our ability to spread this love.

Do you think so? This would be very cool...

It's most difficult to be a positive human being when faced with negativity. It's in this negativity where you find the biggest challenge.

Your most realistic perspective gave me a boost. I just can't be an excuse. I once was a very very negative person who blamed everything and everyone for his situation. Now I know that this behaviour doesn't help anyone at all.

@evening Glory
That's what I was trying to say....amen brother!

@fractal enchantment
Some quite deep words of wisdom you're offering me. Thank you very much!

@Universe Cannon
Yes, it makes me not only sad but angry most of the time. Maybe that's the propblem. And yes, reminding me to start with myself is pretty good advice..one that is easily forgotten.

Thanks for the compliments. Assuming good things about others is very important, thank you very much for reminding me of this. It also helps not to constantly compare yourself with others. It's impossible, really...just think about it - we're all unique beeings. We might share similaritys, but only to a certain degree. I also like your idea that you can learn to re-gain strength

Thank you!

Very nice quote, I like it!!

I had this experience more than one time. I looked at those empty faces and couldn't stop laughing. But in reality, all that happens is some weird looks..at best Pleased

Wow, some very nice words you've got for me. Thannk you very much Smile
#14 Posted : 1/27/2010 9:15:49 PM


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I know so. It's how we learn. An exercise, just like anything else.
#15 Posted : 2/2/2010 4:30:40 PM

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cellux wrote:

haha great!

β€œThe most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#16 Posted : 2/2/2010 4:41:31 PM

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Virola78 wrote:
cellux wrote:

haha great!

the following is a remake of this short film using only smileys lol

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions
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