DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 373 Joined: 22-Dec-2019 Last visit: 09-Feb-2024
what to feel. Yes, strange as it seems I still can't say that I feel so much of the rue extract I've made in it self.
Ok, a bit of context. I've extracted harmalas from rue (mostly following 'The Tao of Rue Extraction' here on the nexus for about a year. I wanted to calm down and expand the DMT-space but also discovered that there was a lot more to be found in that combination. But more about that some other day. I started taking it sublingual, at around 25-50 mg, and it really worked regarding changing the DMT experiences. But in it self, not much.
I read that you could get nauseous, feeling 'drunk' or even see tracers. I've had nothing of that. I later started taking it orally going up from 75 to 175 mg. Still no feeling from it (but it's really good for the DMT I'd say).
Since I've made the extract myself (a HLC that I believe is quite pure) and haven't tried anyone's else I have nothing to compare to. Now I could grind (or toast and grind seems like a better idea) and eat the rue seeds, or make a tea. But that seems pretty harsh and now what I have the extract I'd like to use that.
In short, I'm happy with how it combines with the spice but I'm also curious why I'm not feeling something from it by it self. I've read that with use you feel less nauseous and that there are a reverse tolerance. I've taken it about one a week (but not more, sometimes less) for about a year.
I can of cause just increase the dose but I don't want a really bad experience from pushing the limits.
Any thoughts around this? Thank you.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 150 Joined: 14-Nov-2020 Last visit: 27-Jul-2023 Location: Sweden
A few considerations come to mind. Do you have any idea of the purity? How many manskes did you do? Are they mixed harmalas or did you separate them into harmine and harmaline? Rue is normally around 50/50 between the two. I find harmaline has stronger body load, nausea and tracers compared to harmine, and a mix of 200mg (100 of each) would normally get my pretty heavy tracers. I would try to up the dosage a bit, or re-x some of it to make it purer.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 617 Joined: 16-May-2015 Last visit: 13-Feb-2024
I'd try increasing the dose a bit, the freebase is more potent than the HCl by weight (HCl has higher molecular weight), the 175 mg HCl is equivalent to approximately 150mg freebase and 2.5g rue seeds (assuming 6% freebase yield). so it's not a big dose. 250 mg HCl would be equivalent to a well prepared 3.5g rue seeds tea, which should give you a noticeable experience "Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
 Yūgen "a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe ... and the sad beauty of human suffering"
Posts: 133 Joined: 23-Jan-2021 Last visit: 11-Jun-2023 Location: Center of the universe
I cant speak for oral or sublingual, but I smoke about 10 to 15mg every night before bed and sometimes I get quite a heavy load. I touch too much and I start to get the spins. I like smoking it because I dont want it to last too long, just long enough to help me meditate and ease into sleep. I did try snorting some once with similar effects but not as strong and lasted a little longer. Here for the insights as I have been considering extraction and recently some rue seeds.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 373 Joined: 22-Dec-2019 Last visit: 09-Feb-2024
Thank you for your responses! Great to have a place to bring up these issues and have experienced and/or thoughtfull response. BongQuixote wrote:A few considerations come to mind. Do you have any idea of the purity? How many manskes did you do? Are they mixed harmalas or did you separate them into harmine and harmaline? ... I would try to up the dosage a bit, or re-x some of it to make it purer. No idea about purity. I think it's quite pure. Did about 3 manskes I think. Done it three times in the year. Can't taste any salt but I don't know it that says anything. Not separated, but would love to do that some time. And yes, I should try increasing it a bit. Thanks. Sakkadelic wrote: I'd try increasing the dose a bit, the freebase is more potent than the HCl by weight (HCl has higher molecular weight), the 175 mg HCl is equivalent to approximately 150mg freebase ... 250 mg HCl would be equivalent to a well prepared 3.5g rue seeds tea, which should give you a noticeable experience Yes, so true! I knew this when I started but later just forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me! Th3_tRuTh wrote:I cant speak for oral or sublingual, but I smoke about 10 to 15mg every night before bed and sometimes I get quite a heavy load. ... Here for the insights as I have been considering extraction and recently some rue seeds. Yes sometimes inhaling is a good way to getting to know the effects and to be able to control it better then other routes. but I don't understand, what is it that you smoke? I've made a rue freebase powder to mix with herbs (and DMT), but I found the smoke not so nice. And then I found sublingal lasting longer and better for my lungs  But I've liked changa with caapi! By the way. This might be a Syrian Rue year for me. I must have seeded some in a pot here because it started growing beside my tomatoes and chili-seedlings. I've compared images and I'm pretty sure I now have a Syrian rue plant to get to know.
 Yūgen "a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe ... and the sad beauty of human suffering"
Posts: 133 Joined: 23-Jan-2021 Last visit: 11-Jun-2023 Location: Center of the universe
murklan wrote:Yes sometimes inhaling is a good way to getting to know the effects and to be able to control it better then other routes. but I don't understand, what is it that you smoke? I've made a rue freebase powder to mix with herbs (and DMT), but I found the smoke not so nice. And then I found sublingal lasting longer and better for my lungs Smile But I've liked changa with caapi! I sandwich it in some trees. Got some freebies from the dispensary yesterday so last night I packed a fat one (Indica on the bottom, then 10mg harmala freebase, then sativa, then indica kief. This was a good one. I had a rather intense meditation session before falling asleep. Otherwise, I have fallen in love with changa. Been tinkering with my e mesh rig as I mentally prepare for my next breakthrough, but honestly, I could stick with changa for the rest of my days and be perfectly content. Harmala has been a blessing for us ever since we first tried it. My fiance doesnt wake up with headaches as often as she used to. I have been using it to enhance meditation and sleep. I have also had this nasty staph infection in my nose for months (plan on seeing a doctor about it now that my deductible is all paid from the surgery) and it has actually improved a lot since I have started using harmala regularly. Not sure if it as an actual result of harmala or a coincidence but worth mentioning.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 617 Joined: 16-May-2015 Last visit: 13-Feb-2024
Smoalking it can be very intense, and yes you have to smoalk the freebase and sandwiching it between leaf works great. I've always made harmalas enriched mixes to smoalk with hashish and it's great (a better high imo). I also tried harmalas enhanced leaf and while the leaf impregnation doesn't work as well as with dmt, i just added an excess harmalas freebase and piled some of the leftover freebase on top of the enhanced leaf (pic attached) I've had really strong experiences from smoalking a bowl like that or sandwiching it between leaf using a bong. The auditory hallucinations are quite strong but maybe in my case they are even stronger bcz of tinnitus Sakkadelic attached the following image(s):  20150902_020302.jpg (1,585kb) downloaded 97 time(s)."Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 373 Joined: 22-Dec-2019 Last visit: 09-Feb-2024
Th3_tRuTh wrote: I sandwich it in some trees. I could stick with changa for the rest of my days and be perfectly content. I read that many enjoy the combination. But for me, I just can't imagine the combination of the two. I really love cannabis and I'm enjoying it several times a week, but never together with DMT. Or do you mean harmalas? I have not tried that with weed, yet. Th3_tRuTh wrote: Harmala has been a blessing for us ever since we first tried it. ... and it has actually improved a lot since I have started using harmala regularly. Not sure if it as an actual result of harmala or a coincidence but worth mentioning.
Great to hear! There seems to be quite a lot of beneficial properties of harmalas / Syrian rue. Well worth checking out further! Sakkadelic wrote: Smoalking it can be very intense, and yes you have to smoalk the freebase and sandwiching it between leaf works great. I've always made harmalas enriched mixes to smoalk with hashish and it's great (a better high imo)... Sounds interesting! I've not tried it and I have no harmalas freebase right now but will try in the future. But I think I'd prefer sublingual or oral for the longer duration and less stuff in my lungs. But perhaps it does something else when combined in the combustion of weed. And just a small update. I did 210 mg harmalas HCL orally yesterday. Empty stomach (~4h since last food). Even if I waided about 1,5 h I didn't notice much effects. Perhaps a bit relaxed and easier to stay in meditation. But then I smoked some DMT (infused leafs), ~65 mg over a few hours. And here I could really notice a difference to ~170 mg harmalas. Longer, more grounded, positive, sensations in body, more like mushrooms (at least more similar). In all very good!I'll try 250 mg next time.