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Bufo Changa Options
#1 Posted : 1/25/2010 5:13:00 PM

Mr Ident

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Hiya folks,

There's a guy called Bob Dobbs who's realised that he's going to be unable to get himself sorted for a full DMT extraction until his finances get sorted out (He's on incapacity benefit due to a back injury right now and the Subgenius Foundation exco-reco-excommunicated him a while ago) but me and him have been reading on here about bufo-changa and done a bit of research. He's figured he could afford the materials to make this within the next week or two and says he's really looking forward to his first experience with tryptamines rather than pipe after pipe of delicious Frop.

He's got a couple of questions which he'd be grateful for any response to.....Smile

Bob Dobbs wrote:
I read the tek which was posted on the wiki about bufo-changa and have noted the recommended herbs to use, but I was wondering if using pau d'arco would be detrimental in any way? Going by the praise it's been given by other changa/enhanced leaf users on here I think it would be a nice one to use. Also, would passionflower work as an MAOI rather than having to use harmalas or caapi vine?

I'm new to this so excuse my lack of education on the subject, I've been studying and learning constantly since I found this site but I'm still learning as I go. I think that, even when I get 'round to getting MHRB, changa will be the way forward to a new level of slack for all.

Bob's actually a decent guy but he's nigh on impossible to get in touch with. He calls me from time to time with this kind of shit so I told him I'd ask on here since he can't use computers himself due to the immense amount of slack he has. He tried it once and shut down the entire internet. Go figure.

Anyhow, thanks on behalf of Bob and myself and I'll be sure to let him know your answers!
Ident is a fictional character - The stories and quoutes attributed to Ident should be treated as having no basis in reality.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 1/25/2010 6:22:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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sorry cant help with the bufo. but why can he not afford DMT but can bufo? cost to extract dmt is around $30. MHRB 56g from BBB is $14, then some naptha and lye which can be obtained from a local hardware store for approx $15

granted you need to have a few things around like a pyrex dish, eyedropper, coffee grinder (a magic bullet blender works well too!) and some mason jars but i think you could start from nothing for under $50.
Who's this SWIM person and when do I get to meet them? They sound friken cool!
#3 Posted : 1/25/2010 6:59:34 PM

Mr Ident

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dtabbler wrote:
sorry cant help with the bufo. but why can he not afford DMT but can bufo? cost to extract dmt is around $30. MHRB 56g from BBB is $14, then some naptha and lye which can be obtained from a local hardware store for approx $15

granted you need to have a few things around like a pyrex dish, eyedropper, coffee grinder (a magic bullet blender works well too!) and some mason jars but i think you could start from nothing for under $50.

Aye, I know but he says he wants to wait to get all the right jars, dishes etc to do the full shebang with MHRB as it's something very important to him and he's being quite particular about it. It'd be easier for Bob to get hold of all his stuff as he has the basic equipment for making bufo changa in his workshop already and the seeds, IPA and materials can be got for about £30. Bear in mind also that he's working from the UK right now and the prices you're talking about are different to what's available here, especially not including shipping, postage etc when he can get the majority of the materials direct from a local vendor.

Cheers for the advice anyhow!
Ident is a fictional character - The stories and quoutes attributed to Ident should be treated as having no basis in reality.
State of the Mind
#4 Posted : 1/25/2010 8:17:15 PM

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In my opinion I wouldn't attempt the Bufo chenga if you are worried about cash or believe you have inadequate knowledge . Confused . Bufotenine extraction can be so frustrating due to all of the problems faced.
Too name a few:
*Buying bad seeds can be a waste of money and happens quite a lot. Well it has done for me. Crying or very sad Crying or very sad
*It can be frustrating dealing with Nausea.
*Also due to the lack of knowledge about Bufotenine, there are many unexplained variables.
*Worst of all, when toasting the seeds the stink that is given off is unbelievable. And your house won't smell the same for about a week. Not the best thing to do when sharing a house. Confused

Apologies to sound so negative. I understand how the tek seems so cheap and simple, but honestly that isn't half of the story.
People spend their lives searching for perfect moments and fail to see, that there are many unappreciated perfect moments everyday that are overlooked.
#5 Posted : 1/25/2010 9:00:59 PM

Mr Ident

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State of the Mind wrote:
In my opinion I wouldn't attempt the Bufo chenga if you are worried about cash or believe you have inadequate knowledge . Confused . Bufotenine extraction can be so frustrating due to all of the problems faced.
Too name a few:
*Buying bad seeds can be a waste of money and happens quite a lot. Well it has done for me. Crying or very sad Crying or very sad
*It can be frustrating dealing with Nausea.
*Also due to the lack of knowledge about Bufotenine, there are many unexplained variables.
*Worst of all, when toasting the seeds the stink that is given off is unbelievable. And your house won't smell the same for about a week. Not the best thing to do when sharing a house. Confused

Apologies to sound so negative. I understand how the tek seems so cheap and simple, but honestly that isn't half of the story.

No worries man, rather than negativity I tend to see it as being realistic. I know that the tek isn't as simple as it seems and further study will definitely be done before buying a single thing. As for lack of knowledge, I got my higher in chemistry so I'm fairly ok with the process itself and the science behind it but, again, it'll be thoroughly researched before doing anything.

I've been reading the tek on the wiki but I've also been checking all over this, and other sites for tips and I see how variable the results can be. I've seen it referred to as being pretty much hit and miss, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I accept the risk and if I make an arse of it then it's my own fault and another lesson on my journey.

As for the nausea, I'm fairly confident that I could manage that and also minimize it's occurence through toasting the seeds. If they stink then so be it, my kitchen is pretty well ventilated so it's another risk I'm willing to take.

I really appreciate your advice, especially being so realistic about it and not sugar coating everything for a newbie like myself! Ha! I'll be sure to report back anyway and hopefully be a fully fledged member by that point.

All the very best to you all.
Ident is a fictional character - The stories and quoutes attributed to Ident should be treated as having no basis in reality.
#6 Posted : 1/26/2010 9:40:38 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Moderator | Skills: Extraction Troubleshooting, (S)elf ProgrammingChemical expert | Skills: Extraction Troubleshooting, (S)elf Programming

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personally i think the bufo toast tek is sooo damn easy...after messing with many many bufotenine extraction teks..this is by far the easiest damn thing i have ever done..just follow the directions..and do each step..dont worry about what things look or smell like..just follow the directions...the tek doesnt involve any thinking done on your part Pleased

but its easy and can be done in a day..and if you have good seeds...i hear maya ethno has some good ones from argentina...anyway if you have some good seeds you WILL get sometihng from it...

but seriously the toast tek is soooooooo much less hassle compared to any other bufo tek i have ever tried...AND its the only one that has ever worked for me
it's a sound
#7 Posted : 1/26/2010 10:03:35 AM

Mr Ident

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Jorkest wrote:
personally i think the bufo toast tek is sooo damn easy...after messing with many many bufotenine extraction teks..this is by far the easiest damn thing i have ever done..just follow the directions..and do each step..dont worry about what things look or smell like..just follow the directions...the tek doesnt involve any thinking done on your part Pleased

but its easy and can be done in a day..and if you have good seeds...i hear maya ethno has some good ones from argentina...anyway if you have some good seeds you WILL get sometihng from it...

but seriously the toast tek is soooooooo much less hassle compared to any other bufo tek i have ever tried...AND its the only one that has ever worked for me

Cheers Jorkest, it was actually your original conversation on here with Ron that got me interested in bufo! Very informative and wonderful to watch how that all came about with you both testing various facets of the extraction process.

I was actually looking out for the Argentinian seeds so thanks for the heads up on the stockist, I'll definitely be checking that out later today. Sounds like an amazing substance and I really look forward to trying it out, DMT will require some more equipment than I've got access to at present but the bufo tek is do-able with what I've got here already and an equally satisfying experience!

Thanks again for your input Smile
Ident is a fictional character - The stories and quoutes attributed to Ident should be treated as having no basis in reality.
#8 Posted : 1/29/2010 5:54:24 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Old mate says the bufo changa tek is very easy. THANKS GUYS!

acacia baileyana leaves


and 3-4hrs after enjoying a peppermint HBW tea

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