Hello all!
I’ve lurked for quite a while before finally making an account and here I am almost a year later with my first post…of hopefully many more to come.
In short, my interest in psychedelics was kindled when my best friend offered me to come trip on mushrooms with him. 2 grams later it seemed like a new world had opened up for me. Since then I’ve had multiple LSD trips, albeit they’ve been fun but not nearly as insightful, and several other mushroom trips. My last one of which lead to a fairly desolate and unpleasant form of ego death which has caused me to take some time off haha.
I’ve tried DMT once so far but messed up vaporization and nearly broke through but didn’t so that was pretty disappointing. But I've started moving towards the notion of growing my own plants and making my own extracts which is where I hope to be in a couple of years instead of having to rely on others.
These experiences have fostered an even greater interest in psychedelics, philosophy, magick, and plants/fungi which become all the more fascinating the further you delve.
Interesting question for those who have used Cannabis after trying psychedelics, has this altered your perception of being high? When I took a little too good of a bong hit, as someone who keeps tolerance to nearly none, I started having time distortions, visual distortions, such as light constantly getting brighter and darker when nothing was happening and seeing moving patterns on the carpet. It felt like I was on a strong LSD trip albeit fairly short and was incredibly overwhelming. However once I crested the worst of it and sat in quiet room it felt incredibly peaceful and welcoming and was by far the best I’ve ever felt on Cannabis (and the worst right before that haha). Nowadays I can always visually tell when I’m high by everything being more saturated, before I notice the effects in myself…but when I talk to others none of them ever say there is a visual component to Cannabis. It could just be at higher doses for those who’ve used psychs before but who knows…
I'm also planning on trying Salvia this summer...any tips?
"In the dark and the deep there are truths that can always heal"