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Chocolate Mimosa Hostilis Vision: His Ghost, and Date Night with the Goddess Caapi Options
#1 Posted : 1/23/2010 7:40:30 PM

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I. My Dream
II. Interesting Note; My Date
III. Why this Dream may have happened

This is a literal and real dream, no chemicals. It happened at about 7:30am this morning, VERY STRANGE:

I had an invitation to the wedding reception of a childhood friend in my tux pocket, I was alone and it didn’t bother me. My buddy and I have moved apart in the past 15 years; so I was honored to even attend-—but I was sent to the reception in the basement room--not the upstairs reception with the bride, groom and music. Ah well.

I opened the heavy solid wood doors and met two stern bouncers giving me the stink eye, probably wondering what the hell some kid in an ill-fitting tux was doing down there. I smiled at them and handed my invitation to the fuzz on the right. He nodded, unexpectedly pleased, and took me across the wide open, mostly bare grey-room to the food. There were two tables of loud guests on the far side playfully mocking the groom (my buddy) saying ‘well at least he’s cute!’ Laughter. The guard took me to a simple buffet table, showed me some strange dishes (of pastes) and taught me how to break off a “tray” of recycled cardboard/paper from the other trays (like a stack of post-it notes), and left me to my business.

I took my cardboard tray of paste and found a quite table off to the side. When I set my tray down, I noticed another room that I hadn’t noticed behind my back at the buffet table. I walked over to find a small room filled with complementary (and off brand) bags of licorice, dried fruit, nuts, and other candies. I grab a bag of licorice and walnuts and then noticed another open door way. It had 5-6 steps leading immediately up to another room.

I stepped up into a surprisingly nice, yet small, wood paneled office full of books; this was surprising because the rest of the basement was really drab. I was greeted by a very well-dressed chubby man I recognized as “Pat” (but I didn’t know how I knew him). He was very pleased to see me and welcomed me by name from behind his desk. We playfully saluted each other with our top hats. I could tell by his face something was “off” with him and he wasn’t entirely human. I noticed another doorway a few feet from the left of his desk, it was a white space, like a very well lit lobby of a nicely designed museum.

Suddenly, before we could get into any real conversation, about eighteen well-dressed people appeared in his office and budged in front of me! Pat, now deluged with work, politely asked if I wouldn’t mind being a gentleman and wait a bit? I had nothing pressing to attend, didn’t mind the interruption and agreed. I went back down into the candy room to collect more snacks.

To my surprise I found about ten packs of new candy item hanging at waist level, the label read:
“Mimosa Hostilis Chocolates”! Subtitled: “Full of Health Benefits! Read the PDFs [on our website] for more information!”

My mouth dropped. I NEVER KNEW THIS CANDY EXISTED!! I grabbed at the first package for a closer look, it was already opened! The inside candy looked like clumpy chocolates in the rough shape of a half-twisted orange slice. I didn’t try one because it was opened and might be stale. I wanted a fresh bag. In fact, the first five bags were opened? wtf? Who does that? Anyways, no one in this place even knows what Mimosa is, let alone its implications! I wanted to grab at least three unopened bags to share with my friends and learn more!

I had to take all the candy bags off the wire-rack to get at the un-opened bags. Suddenly, the bouncer was at the door to the reception hall, and right next to me. I thought “no, no, no I’m not taking them ALL, just a few of the fresh ones!” But everything went blank, I dropped out of the dream and woke up.

Obviously, the first thing I did this morning was search for “Mimosa Hositlis Chocolates!”
Nothing. No off-brand candy companies sell this candy… well duh.

HOWEVER, I found this: Shocked

“Terence McKenna has mentioned chocolate being a weak MAOI, which could be a reason for the popular habit of ingesting mushrooms with cocoa.” (from http://deoxy.org/trypfaq.htm )

Does anyone know of any products like this!? Google didn’t turn up anything. (I'm sure it would be illegal)

Was I really at a wedding?

Can we eat raw root bark as an ingredient? Just use jungle spice?

Any luck with chocolate as an MOAI? How much?

An Interesting note:
(I promise I’m actually not as crazy as I sound)

Last night I had a quiet Friday at home, so I turned it into a Date Night with Caapi. Gosh is she pretty, AND A FLRIT!! (and no, we didn’t “do anything”).

Perfectly sober, I went downstairs with a ginormous 350g hunk of B. Caapi vine to cut down by 130g and turn into very very small shredded pieces to soak in Everclear for a few weeks. As I was a shredding down these pieces, in the quiet of the basement, I talked to Caapi: "date night?" She said of course! I took her to the rooftops of downtown Minneapolis and set up a nice table just touching the clouds. I wondered "what she’d like to eat?" And was like "duh, she’s a plant!" Sunlight then? No, something better: RAINBOWs! So I had a silver platter brought out with a fine silver lid that once opened, sprang out a whole wash of color arching off the table into the air. She laughed.

She’s doesn’t talk much (great listener), but I kinda ran out of things to say. I asked if she’d like to watch a movie? (I was breaking pieces by hand into a jar on a tv tray in front of the blank screen). She just smiled. I wondered what she’d like to watch? I looked through the DVR for something a South American goddess might be interested in seeing. Ha! I found a documentary on the Mayans, I thoguht Caapi would be pleased to have me learn of her past friends. So I watched it.

It was a History Channel documentary on “Apocalypse Island.” These two archaeologists headed to the Juan Fernandez Islands of Chile, a little place in the middle of the south pacific, and the only place on Earth that will witness BOTH the 2012 transit of Venus at sunset AND the 2012 total solar eclipse at sunset. Somehow, a thousand years ago the Mayans figured this location out and built a little statue there (and no, I don’t believe the world will end in 2012; apocalypse means “lifting the veil,” or “revelation” in Greek; not "the death of everything"Pleased

Anyways, I’ve been noticing how subtle Caapi’s lessons are. Caapi and Ayahuasca come from South America, a place whose indigenous cultures were UTTLERY wiped clean form the face of history by the clueless and technologically superior culture (and diseases) carried by the Conquistadors.

IRONICLY, this indigenous South American culture, with their Caapi and DMT becoming slowly adopted by The West, offers us the technology that takes us into the worlds of other technologically superior cultures far beyond anything we can imagine.

We here on Earth, are the Mayans. They, those UFOs and Entities of Hyperspace, are the equivalent of Conquistadors; NOT in the sense they are here to “invade,” but that too much contact, no matter how polite and supportive, will destroy us Mayans and who we are--and more impotently, who we can be. They know this and must proceed with utmost subtly and restraint. If we are meant to change, we must do it on our own; but under watchful and loving eyes…
this is why she’s a such a good listener, and why i find her such a tease.

Here’s why this Chocolate Dream relates to my Caapi Date:

My first meeting with the MIMOSA spirit was a complete surprise. I was having weak CEVs of the traditional sort, and was approached by this large, curious glowing bundle of sticks. It became known to me this was the mimosa spirit, he was shy and feeling just a bit jealous (like “hey what about me?!”) of all the attention I was giving Caapi! I apologized and promised to acknowledge him more, and did so.

Except last night. It was a Caapi Only Date and I forgot about Mimosa again. The early hours this morning, I think he got me to remember.
Very happy

i think we have some fine adventures yet to come!

thank you for your time and love


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 1/23/2010 11:18:11 PM

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hmmmmm, mimosa chocolates....could surely make those.

might be a bit tannin-y using straight powder.....maybe the jimjam fumarates.

could mix it & some cacao powder into some melted, but cooled to warm temperature, ghee or coconut oil.

stick it in the fridge....20 minutes later, Whalah!

of course, without caapi it would have to be a rather large dose of jimjam fumas. hmmmm....one could mix in some harmalas as well.

the ghee and/or coconut oil...or butter or whatever, would target the healing qualities toward the liver and gallbladder...i.e., might be a bit of an upset to some people.

would definitely be a long(er) and likely more intense journey.

i really enjoyed the read by the way. i love well-written dream reports.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#3 Posted : 1/24/2010 12:43:33 AM


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Dude.... Mimosa is a tree. It's a huge genus. It's also a very popular tree, both as an ornamental and medicinal. It is a well know name of trees. There are restaurants named after Mimosa. Wines named after Mimosa. There is all kinds of stuffed with Mimosa in the name.

It has NOTHING to do with DMT.


I am Teotzlcoatl, older cousin of Quetzalcoatl. My most famous physical incarnation was Nezahualcoyotl, but I have taken many forms since the dawn of the cosmos. In this realm I manifest as multiple entities at a single time. I am many, I am numbered. I am few, but more than one. I am a multifaceted being, a winged serpent with many heads. We are Teotzlcoatl.

"We Are The One's We've Been Waiting For" - Hopi Proverb
#4 Posted : 1/24/2010 3:46:53 AM

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Dimitrius wrote:
the ghee and/or coconut oil...or butter or whatever, would target the healing qualities toward the liver and gallbladder...i.e., might be a bit of an upset to some people.

would definitely be a long(er) and likely more intense journey.

thanks Dimitrius! I'm sure as heck not much of a cook, how this might get made is a mystery!

I wonder if the Chocolate fat might indeed transport the spice in different ways? to different places?

How else can Chocolate be used with hallucinogens?! (or is this a myth?)

Does RAW cacao vs. processed coco matter?
yes i think: "the benefit of raw cocoa, it contains a naturally occuring MAOI, plus the phenethylamine. " (from shroomery.org )

Mysteries... Mysteries... indeed!
#5 Posted : 1/24/2010 4:48:36 AM

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Ya know, if DMT-Fumarate was used with pure Harmalas (Harmine, Harmaline & THH) & added to the mixture of some home-made chocolates, or brownies or something the sweetness of the chocolate would probably cancel out the bitterness of the alkaloids & you'd have one hell of a space-cake there!!!!

I don't think there would be any interactions with the MAOI's (RIMA's), although it might be something to verify before going too far ahead with a plan like that. Just keep the amount of the food item small...down to just a bite or two.

Pudding....Mmmmm pudding.....would also be a cool way to take a dose.
Or jello cubes...???....

Now it's a bit too much like college again....Embarrased

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#6 Posted : 1/24/2010 5:52:11 AM

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well...if i were going to make mimosa chocolates....i would:

melt a tablespoon or so of ghee and/or coconut oil...hmmm, probably just ghee for me...

melt it in a double boiler just until it turns to an oil...(could be done in a microwave...takes mere seconds)

then pour it into a dish that would serve as my mixing dish & final mold...and let it cool until it's just warm, but still melted.....(don't want to degrade the mimosa spirits with hot oil)

then i'd mix in the fumarates, raw cacao powder, some raw honey and possibly harmalas to an even consistency.

then pop it in the fridge or freezer for 10-20 minutes....and there you go....a raw cacao/mimosa spirits/possibly harmalas chocolate treat.

store in the fridge until ready to imbibe.

different things could be added to the mix, like: a bit of sugar or honey, some spices(cinnamon, nutmeg, etc...), etc...

the raw cacao powder could be lightly cooked/infused into the ghee/coconut for a short time, before cooling and adding the special ingredients. this wouldn't be necessary with processed cacao powder.

butter could be used in place of ghee or coconut oil.

you'd want to use just enough oil to get your dose of cacao and alkaloids in there. maybe 1tbsp. ghee + 1 tbsp. cacao powder + 2 tsp. honey....or something like that.

Acolyte wrote:
I wonder if the Chocolate fat might indeed transport the spice in different ways? to different places?

generally, fats/oils target the liver and gallbladder.

i was thinking the mimosa & harmala alks in this sort of fatty medium might result in a deeper healing effect. and potentially more sick feelings in some people...could make for quite a purge depending on all the ingredients.

ghee is an excellent carrier of medicines though. it carries medicines deep into the tissues of the body and is very healing.

Acolyte wrote:
Does RAW cacao vs. processed coco matter?

from a friend's website:

"CACAO SEEDS, RAW Theobroma cacao "Chocolate Beans"
Many of us have an intimate relationship with chocolate, but few are familiar with the raw, unprocessed seed, the
original Food of the Gods. Once utilized as a form of currency in Aztec society, raw cacao seeds are a true
superfood, being high in protein, beneficial fats, vitamins and minerals. Raw cacao is reported to be the richest
natural source for magnesium, an important mineral highly deficient in modern diets. The raw seeds are also
surprisingly high in vitamin C and an excellent source of natural sulfur, a mineral associated with healthy skin, nails,
hair and proper liver & pancreas function. Raw cacao is the most medicinal of any chocolate product, containing the highest levels of immune enhancing antioxidant polyphenols, procyanidins and other flavonoids known to protect against a wide array of
ailments, especially heart disease. Unfortunately cooking and processing seriously compromises or destroys many
of these health enhancing constituents in the seeds. The psychoactive properties of the raw seeds are also very
different, having a much more mild stimulant effect, being pleasantly relaxing, imparting a sense of well being,
along with a wonderful enhancement of tactile sensation that leaves no doubt to their aphrodisiacal efficacy. These
actions are thought to be at least partially attributable to a much lower caffeine content and higher theobromine
content than the fermented, roasted, processed and sugared "cocoa" that we are all use to. The taste of raw
cacao seeds is similar to that of unsweetened baking chocolate, slightly bitter and deliciously rich. They can be
eaten whole as is. Soaking in water for several hours softens them nicely, at which point they can be made into raw
hot chocolate by adding a handful to a blender along with your favorite milk (we prefer almond or macadamia nut
milk), a little vanilla, cinnamon and honey to sweeten and then warming on the stove. This can alternately be frozen
for a special treat. The dry seeds can be ground in a coffee mill to make raw cacao powder. This can be mixed
with 1/5 -1/3 raw coconut oil & honey to taste, then shaped into squares, placed on wax paper in the fridge for 10
minutes to solidify, and you have truly phenomenal raw chocolate bars! For those who prefer a more familiar taste,
the seeds can be roasted in a pan, then eaten straight or ground and mixed with honey."

"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#7 Posted : 1/24/2010 8:25:40 AM

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Making raw vegan cacao truffles are part of MY CALLING on Earth... (hey, I'm a lactard)

AND I WAS CONTEMPLATING THIS!!! I've made plenty of tasty ones with love, but never with magic. Pleased

I was totally thinking about fumarates. I've also been recently intrigued by blackcurrants as an MAO inhibitor, and got quite excited about cacao + currants. Even just for snacking out before a ceremony. Oh, and tongue-gasms. Razz

Does anyone know anything about how much cacao is generally needed for inhibition? People on the Aya forums talk about as little as 5g.

The nearly-raw vegan brownies with cannabis coconut oil were great... but, there was too much brownie and not quite enough cannabis, so one was left feeling rather "full" and "oily."

The lesson: *ratios* are very important and a dreamer would not want to waste precious spice.

Has anyone experimented with Mimosa and Cacao? Are there any details of dosage from personal accounts (vs. experience, other kinds of dosage needed for the individual, etc., to get a better idea) that anyone can share?

And, finally, any thoughts about harmalas?

Dreamer is, frankly, a lap-dog of Aya and has been too nervous to mix the Mimosa and Cacao without her. Confused

And, as a note, cooked chocolate is very high in tyramine and should be avoided with MAOI... cacao is where it's at!
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#8 Posted : 1/24/2010 7:14:35 PM

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space-cake indeed!!

This is excellent.

Dimitrius and Ms Minxx, I’d love to see you two earn some sort of badge for a recipe! Let me know when you need a clueless guinea pig.

Any reputable sources of Raw Cacao? http://www.rawcacao.com/ perhaps?

I knew cacao was from South America, and was rather important to the old Mesoamerican cultures, but never new HOW IMPORTANT until now: a sacred drink they believed was closely related to their god, Quetzalcoatl. The plant’s botanical name, Theobroma cacao, literally means “food of the gods.” Shocked

Spliced together from various websites:
“In addition to its social and economic worth, cacao was important in Mesoamerican ritual and religion.

A review of documentary sources at the time of Spanish contact as well as of ethnographic accounts indicates that cacao is an integral component in many rites of passage, including those associated with birth, social personhood, initiation, marriage, and death, as well as the initiation of shamans" (see attached).

Numerous references to cacao appear in the Mayan creation myth, The Popol Vuh, as well as in the Dresden and the Madrid Codices, two of only four surviving examples of Mayan books. The Aztecs attributed the creation of the cocoa plant to their god Quetzalcoatl who, descended from heaven on a beam of a morning star carrying a cocoa tree stolen from paradise. Most dramatically, cacao played a role in Aztec human sacrifice rituals: victims were reportedly given xocoatl as their last meal.

"In both the Mayan and Aztec cultures cocoa was the basis for a thick, cold, unsweetened drink called xocoatl... believed to be a health elixir. Since sugar was unknown to the Aztecs, different spices were used to add flavor, even hot chili peppers and corn meal were used! ...Aztecs believed that wisdom and power came from eating the fruit of the cocoa tree, and also that it had nourishing, fortifying, and even aphrodisiac qualities.”

More scientific sources: http://www.acticoa.com/en/28

Perhaps we have a NEW SPIRIT trying to make our acquaintance???

#9 Posted : 1/24/2010 9:43:57 PM
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Cacao is great. I like a bit of the raw powdered nibs every now and then in my coffee. I have no idea how much is required to fully inhibit MAO, though I think it'd be a whole bunch. Probably best used as an admixture on top of some other MAOI.

I'd vote for an extraction like that of pharma, or reduced tea with egg white treatment for tannins, all made into a tasty space-cake. Maybe with some peppermint? I haven't really gotten in to making candies/chocolates, so I really don't know much about it.

You really gotta watch your cacao source though, wash your beans when you get them at the very least. Most cacao on the market, even if it's not advertised as such, is heat treated for health and safety reasons.

I got this info [paraphrased as I remember it] from a credible friend in the biz: "When harvested in bulk, many of the beans [nibs?] are picked up off the ground. They are about the size of monkey poop and bullets, so some of all three of these are generally collected. We wore gloves and face masks when sorting and working with all this material shipped out of Central America because of all the foreign bacteria. Eating untreated cacao from a standard source will probably make you sick. You need to get it heat treated unless you want to be ill."

Unfortunately, heat treating the material also brings it to a high enough temperature to destroy some of the alkaloids. Also, chemical contents can degrade with time. I've read that eating fresh and ripe cacao off the tree provides "the best" methylxanthine (caffeine, theobromine, theophylline) based buzz complete with mild visual effects. There's a lot of great chemicals in cacao, and if you can get a good organic/clean source then you're in for a treat.

I tried it with ayahuasca a while back, if I can dig up the specific journal entry I'll edit this post.
Basically, I remember it to be based on my standard recipe at the time, taken down a notch for the advent of cacao: 3g syrian rue, 10g caapi, 4g chali, 3g mimosa and then 3g-4g raw untreated cacao. Usually the brew would last 4-5 hours, but with cacao it was definitely 8+ hours. I started around my usual bedtime and was still coming down a bit after sunrise.

The come up was standard, and when the visuals started to hit, this strange smiling face came in and offered a few vortexes to try out. It was pretty hard to focus on and travel through them, though I hadn't mad a big effort to get very familiar with deep concentration in my journies at this time.

The effects were not as 'strong' as they should have been (visually and spiritually), even for the amounts without the cacao. However, I was extremely emotional. It wasn't complex emotions like those that are introduced by psychedelics, more like my regular emotions (happy, sad, love, angst, guilt, joy, appreciation, humility) were greatly intensified. All relationships, however small, were analyzed in close detail viewed through this amplified emotional lens.

I also thought about the importance of money on the physical plane and how it was viewed basically as a form of energy even though it's not generally referred to as such. Source/method, effort, and of course intention are the most important factors that taint monetary energy.

This topic of money lasted for about half of the trip itself (checking the clock throughout the night, the topic would just not leave me alone) with the usual pockets time dilation. I didn't/don't have a whole bunch of (re: any) money, so it wasn't exactly positive although it was quite educational. These hours have strongly affected my conscious direction in life.
I haven't even considered combining the two since then. I was sensitive and emotional for a good couple of weeks after this. I would not dare combine even caapi and cacao until I have fervently and diligently taken more of the steps outlined by that trip, some of which are time-dependant.

I would not recommend this combination unless the voyager is fully prepared for the emotional equivalent of open heart surgery with a lasting recovery time. Could be it was just my context and self at the time, but the possibility warrants caution.
#10 Posted : 1/24/2010 11:26:54 PM

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Check out Maya-Ethnobotanicals for the Cocoa!!
They sell cocoa beans, "nibs", powder, "essential oil" & even a "raw butter"!!
I'd think the "raw butter" would be the way to go, if your planning to use it for cooking.

Here is a link

Their prices for most things is a bit higher than some other you may find, but their quality is always 100% reliable & better than most other vendors!
I've bought their powdered Theobroma cacao & I've also received it as a free sample (which are included with pretty much all orders) from them.

I liked to mix a small amount of it into yogurt & ice cream & a few other things, but I never coked with it though.

Just be careful & research cooking with raw Cocoa well before doing it, because the alkaloids in Cocoa are easily destroyed by temperatures that are too high above a certain temp. And I don't think it is very hot either.

Good clean DMT-Fumarate & some pure Harmalas like from FV, could make a good clean tasting cake or pudding etc...
(check Suppliers section or PM me, if not familiar with FV)

This is a delicious idea!!!Wink

Anyway, keep us informed!
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#11 Posted : 1/25/2010 1:23:48 AM

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I've actually been thinking about mimosa without harmalas.

I know, not orally active without harmalas...but mimosa is said to be active at 30-35g cold-soaked, if I remember correctly. I don't know if that was strongly active or just beyond threshold active, but.....

So I've been wondering....might broad-spectrum jimjam fumarates be active by themselves at a certain level.

If say 30g was the active dose for the mimosa cold-soak, and the 'jimjam' content within the mimosa were say 1-2%, then 0.3g-0.6g jimjam fumarates might be orally active on it's own. 300-600mg. Lot of fumarates, but it might be a worthwhile experience.

But then again, it may be other properties within the mimosa that are working with the alkaloids to make this happen. I don't know. Maybe the tannins are bound with the alkaloids in some way allowing for the activity??

I think what got me thinking about this is:

- caapi plus enough cacao me feel swimmy in the body and head....like a sort of empathic blissful nausea, haha, or something....that may not be the way to describe it....but I remember not enjoying it. If I'd had a full dose of harmalas and 'light', it probably would've turned into a big, messy, empathic purge...... the caapi I was taking was a concentrated tincture, taken sublingually at mild-ish doses. Not even orally, which might be a bad idea...as minxx said above cooked chocolate is very high in tyramine, so that's something to consider. Not sure about raw cacao.....the tyramine probably form during the fermentation process.

- something about mimosa + cacao/chocolate just sounded so 'right' or obvious when I was reading Acolyte's dream....I don't know. Just sounds good and I don't know why...?? It might be a really good combination.

This is the stuff I have right now. Seems to be the best I've come across.


"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#12 Posted : 1/25/2010 2:28:22 AM

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ms_manic_minxx wrote:

Does anyone know anything about how much cacao is generally needed for inhibition? People on the Aya forums talk about as little as 5g.

There was a period of a few months where I would go through a pound of raw nibs in just a couple weeks.

I would eat several 'palm doses' throughout the day, and by the end of the day, I was definitely in an inhibited, empathic, open state. Definitely primed for inner exploration.

Cacao could be very useful in combination with something more 'illuminating' for working through heart traumas....emotions and feelings that never got worked out, that leave residual scars, hurt feelings, pain, numbness, anxiety, etc....

So let's see, 454g divided by approx. 14 days would equal (calculatorrrr)....hooooly sh*t, 32.428571428571428571428571428571g a day!! Shocked Wow. I bet that's not too far off. I was chomping them down quite furiously.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
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