Sananga is an interesting plant, and most commonly taken in the form of eyedrops. It's related to iboga, and is used to aid in breaking addictions/inertia/bad habits, aka panema. Panema is that black gooey stuff you may have the pleasure of seeing on Ayahuasca that accumulates in the solar plexus, and can bring bad luck. Sananga does not contain ibogaine (that it contains ibogaine is a busted myth). It's used to treat all sorts of ailments of the eye, from floaters, to glaucoma, to infections. It enhances vision before hunting, and also enhances visions before an Ayahuasca ceremony. It is oneirogenic.
By itself, it contains no psychoactive effects. Sadly there have been few studies on the alkaloids.
The drops are very delicate. Because they are water based, they must be refrigerated, and after being opened, are only fresh for about 2-3 months. They can lose potency and also grow mold.
And when you take them... THEY BURN
![Twisted Evil](/forum/images/emoticons/devil.png)
Spiritually, the idea is to sit with/meditate through the pain to cultivate/train in mindfulness, and you can apply that skill to other areas of your life.
I started working with mild drops about a week ago. I feel fresh and energized afterward. It's too early to comment on if it is helping any of my vision issues (covid WRECKED my eyes).
The burn was not nearly as bad as I expected. I started with 1 drop per eye and now I'm taking 2.
Sometimes I have mild visuals with cannabis. Since starting to work with Sananga, the visuals I have with cannabis have increased dramatically. The character of the visions changed - I saw tons of inukshuk/rock spirits, bird spirits, and what looks like weird microbiology stuff, but the geometry of the visuals was very circular and unlike what I normally see.
I haven't noticed a difference with visuals during Ayahuasca (yet), as I have only drank twice since starting. But I made an intention to clear my panema, and had two of the deepest and emotionally productive experiences possibly ever. Some things that I scratched the surface of in ceremony 10 years ago completely came to light, and I was able to get into them, move through them, and translate them practically into life.
I had difficulty sleeping when I took them late in the day. I wonder if this has to do with the oneirogenic effects? Because of this, I have yet to try them during an Ayahuasca ceremony.
They can dry the tear ducts with extended use - on the eyeball feels better (cathartic burn that quickly dissipates) than in the corner of the eye (burn that is just burning because something astringent went where it shouldn't have).
The plant's vibe is so delicate and gentle, like whispers and lace.
For anyone who wants to learn more:
Great site for general infoInteresting blog about panema, and mixing with Syrian RueBlog about working with Sananga for 6 weeksSome things will come easy, some will be a test