Teknoshamaani wrote:I've used shrooms only once. And 4-HO-MET (it's effect are like between LSD and shrooms. I have definately experienced that distortion of time. I think it's pretty common with LSD too, but it feels a little different. And I also feel like it's very much connected to how you feel emotionally and what you are concentrating in to and how much.
Edit. I forgot to mention about time loops when combining LSD and nitrous. It's crazy. Imagine watching a video, and you see the same part of the movie ten times, and it moves back and forth, almost as long as you feel something bothering you about it. Not always that pleasant experience, depends on what are you looping on your head.
I concur with the unpleasantness you speak of.
Its very taxing to the body and brain and its
Not something im eager to have happen again lol.
Its like... I dont know, i remember, i think, i was
feeling like a floating brain sorta... Basically
The feeling of a dream; and ive always say- if life
Ends up not all being a dream, id be surprised like.
Its like a dream that has become a double dream:
Of being awake and then dreaming at night a dream.