Very sorry to hear about your situation!
I understand wanting to explore psychedelics to find some peace about death. If you are going to pursue this path I highly recommend you find some assistance in your endeavors. There are some great people in Colorado who can help. Please contact
MAPS and perhaps they can point you in the right direction.
Ram Dass worked with end of life patients and has some valuable
insights into death. I highly recommend you check him out if you have not already.
It would be irresponsible for me personally to give advice as there are far too many variables considering your brain tumors. I highly recommend seeking out help from professionals that can assist in making peace with death and do it in a way that creates peace within. You can go through this with dignity and comfort and love!
Things to keep in mind.... I don't feel DMT would offer the best experience for what you are currently going through. Psilocybin mushrooms would be the first place I would look. Take a look at the article listed below from MAPS, I feel it explains things much better than I ever could on a forum. yourself with people who you care about most. Find the support you need to make peace with death. If you pursue psychedelics, please do so with care. The visions that we have on psychedelics can be scary and certainly could be intensified when going through something as serious as brain tumors. There are people out there that can help! If you do not feel up to the research, please respond to this post and I will do my best to gather as much information for you as possible and share that information with you.
You can find peace with psychedelics, this is true, but it needs to be approached in a therapeutic way enable to provide peace and not more problems on your plate. I just don't want to sound like I am sloughing you off or talking you out of going this route, just please do it in a way that feels good for you. In the mean time, please try and stay positive! You can find peace in death even without using psychedelics.
This is a good time for everyone to think about their own death. I think it's important to look at death in the face from time to time, acknowledge it is coming, and then lead the best lives that we can enable to die the best we can. I have often thought about my death and it points me towards the right way to live for me. Hard topic but it doesn't have to be full of sadness and pain. It can be approached in a loving way!!
Thank you for deciding to reach out on this forum! Please now reach out to those you care about most and those with the experience to aid you in the best way possible for your unique needs. I am more than happy to help in any way that I can within this medium.
Big hugs and love your way!!