Thanatananda23 wrote:A prodding assertive imagining alighted thought to share its intrigue with the cocosmonautitians. DMT theoretically requires a MAOI in order to usher it's alkaloidal bodilessness into the blood stream before its decomposed by natural stomach enzymes. What if the Shaman just chewed some chaliponga scrupulously into liquified mush mush and held it neath the glossal bed until lift off. Has anyone ever tried, effectiveness???
Always never. Now. Here.
I would pay close attention to the Elders on this one, dear explorer. It ain't just a theory. Why waste good chali my friend? Rue is so simple a companion...or passionflower. Just asking...why skip the attenuator?
& Why ask why etc. LOL...
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"If you rely only on your eyes, your other senses weaken."
- Frank Herbert, Dune