Hello, thanks for letting me join this wonderful forum. I've already learned a huge amount and I know this is only the beginning. I love the new members questionnaire. I don't need an excuse to spend hours geeking out over drug science but now I've got one I'm happy as a pig in sh*t.
By way of an introduction I will say that I've been using psychedelics for nearly 20 years but am yet to try spice. Back in the early 2000s when fresh mushrooms were still legal in the UK I had lots of fun picking liberty caps or using cubensis grow kits. I certainly miss being able to walk into a head shop and buy a punnet of shrooms.
When I moved away from good picking grounds and couldn't buy them anymore I didn't take shrooms for years. Ketamine was always a strangely beguiling experience which scratched the psychedelic itch for a few years but it is a very different drug to psilocybin. After having kids I took a fairly long hiatus from psychedelics but more recently I've started getting interested again both on a personal level and because I've realised what amazing potential they have for transforming human consciousness and benefitting society. I've started growing shrooms and have enjoyed exploring them in a much more intentional way than how I used them when I was younger. I think spice is the next step in the journey for me.
I've been reading and studying as much as possible. Luckily I have excellent access to the scientific literature through my job so have been reading a lot. I enjoy joining the dots between the science and the personal practice and experience.
Saying all that I had my first go at extraction using MHRB last night and I have a couple of questions. I used Norman's STB method and so far so good. I did two naphtha pulls before I had to turn in for the night and this morning I could see crystals forming in my crystallisation dish, so something has gone right.
A couple of questions have occurred during the process which I would love to hear views on. Firstly, I was using a 1L borosilicate reagent bottle for the extraction but found that with the basified water not up to the neck of the bottle the layer of naphtha was very thin and trickier than I had anticipated to separate. Would it hurt to add an extra couple of hundred ml of water so the naphtha was sat right at the top of the bottle in the narrow neck, making separation easier?
Secondly, when I was looking at the layer of naphtha on top of the mixture and it appeared that there was a very thin later of dark liquid on top of the naphtha. I couldn't tell if it was a genuine layer and might be a very small amount of fat from the bark or if this was just an optical illustration caused by light refracting on the surface of the naphtha. It didn't appear to carry through to the crystallisation dish but I wanted to check if this is a real phenomenon or an illusion.
Finally, and most pressingly, I'm going to pour off the naphtha to harvest the crystals. I've read varying suggestions that you should point a fan at the dish, have a fan blowing over it indirectly or avoid fanning all together. Is there any consensus on this now? I'm inclined to use a fan as I am doing all this in the evenings after the kids are in bed so I don't want it to take for ever.
I appreciate these questions would probably be better asked in an extraction forum so happy to wait until I can post there if that would be more appropriate.
Rules are for the guidence of wise men and the obedience of fools.