Found that video quite sickening to listen to.. but agree that the way it was presented didn't feel all that objective, and is a shame that they felt the needed to use manipulative techniques to convey the message - especially being that the footage alone did a good enough job. I think it was good that Adeptus Psychonautica did the follow up video.. but after reading through the comments I was dissapointed to see so many confuse the idea of consent
during ceremony with consent
before ceremony.. which are clearly different considering how potent a compound is being dealt out to participants.
The other thing that I find really worrisome is that he is taking enough of the compound himself to get to vomit-point while supposedly holding space for others.. I would have thought a much lower dosewould be in order to allow him to properly watch over and monitor the safety of the participants..
For all its worth.. at least we can now confirm that Martin actually does
something radical.. he's been trying to convince us all for a while now