What do we know about the mystery alkaloids in Mimosa as of 2021?
I'm curious to hear experiences from crock pot users and people who do cold water extraction.
I have been doing the standard 3x3 cook of Caapi and Mimosa with distilled white vinegar for over a decade. I let the pots roar away on the stove and always ended up with a ton of liquid volume to reduce at the end. I topped them up with water as needed. It always worked.
They say plants teach you subtlety...
I recently purchased The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs by Leslie Taylor (founder of Raintree Database). Any ape can boil herbs in a pot, but she goes into detail about how to *chef's kiss* boil herbs in a pot (and other preparation methods).
One of the principles she talks about is how the aromatic compounds of plants are extremely potent. Herbs must ALWAYS be boiled with a tight lid. If it smells good while it's cooking, your medicine is escaping. And then you want to let the herbs soak in the pot overnight before straining them.
I've been drinking Ajos Sacha daily for a while. Before I read the book, I was boiling it with the lid off and it tasted like dead shrimp. With the lid on, the herb keeps its snappy garlic flavor.
She also talks about drinking the herbs while they are hot so you get maximal benefits from the aromatic compounds.
I also recently got an electric incense burner and have been experimenting with natural resins in conjunction with Ayahuasca - a subject worthy of separate discussion, but I feel like the power of aromatics isn't given enough attention.
So, about Mimosa.
I have been drinking Ayahuasca every four days since the winter solstice to heal some things. To highlight the absence of variables, I have been drinking the same amount of Caapi from the same prepared batch (120g red vine/dose). I have been drinking the same amount of Mimosa, prepared from the same batch of bark (1g), though I have cooked up a few small batches through the course of this (following my standard 3x3 recipe).
However, the last batch of Mimosa I prepared, I followed all of the tips about decoctions in my book.
*I explicitly used only stainless steel for every step of the process
*I kept the Mimosa covered while boiling
*Because it was covered, I was able to lower the heat on my stove from 4 down to the lowest setting
*I did have to reduce uncovered, but my curiosity was piqued at this point, so I purposely reduced at low temperature too. In the future, I would cook with less water so there's virtually nothing to reduce at the end - easy if the lid stays on the pot
This Mimosa was much more fragrant, MUCH darker in color after decanting (like Cabernet), and there is a bitterness in the brew I have never tasted before.
Last night I had a ceremony, drank around 7:30pm. I had about .5g of my previous brew left, so I added .5g of this new brew, and...
The body load was slightly higher - some pressure in my head like I had eaten tyramine, though I hadn't (so I would strongly suggest tyramine diet restrictions to anyone who tries this). The visuals were insane and the peak lasted much longer. The color and quality of the visuals were different. Everything looked high res, crisp and defined, with a strict geometry like in Alex Grey's paintings. A gold hue permeated everything. I had a buzz continue well past midnight that was distinctly different from the usual Caapi afterglow. I woke from sleep around 3am into neon rainbow angelic visions. They faded once I got up and moved around, but I was still body stoned.
*I ate a banana with peanut butter around midnight, which may have been responsible for throwing me back into round two.
With my current materials, 1g of Mimosa is reliably like candlelight, or sometimes nothing at all. It's the minimum effective dose for me. Visions are usually light in color, nature oriented and more abstract, like a Pablo Amaringo painting.
So something about cooking Mimosa on low heat and keeping it covered stayed longer in my body, and significantly enhanced visions. This was like a fully immersive smoked DMT experience. I have had oral doses hit me like this before, but the amount of plant material required was much higher with my old cook method.
It was so strong that I will probably only take .75g next time if I'm drinking 100% new brew.
I am recalling someone's report of a no-heat extraction with Mimosa Tenuiflora that was mysteriously psychoactive, and now I am intrigued. Nexus, what's going on?
Can I conduct any experiments for us with my next brew?
Some things will come easy, some will be a test