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On a mission Options
#1 Posted : 2/21/2021 10:10:08 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 20-Feb-2021
Last visit: 13-Nov-2022
Location: Ether
Hello fellow travellers

I am somewhat of a seasoned psychaut, with at least 15 trips to hyperspace, a regular microdoser of LSD and a seasonal mushroom tripper, and I want to tell you guys why I'm here.

I'll be straight up, I have bipolar disorder, had been in and out of institutions for over 10 years when i met Dimitry for the first time. First contact was strange and maybe a bit risky for someone in my situation but he absoloutely blew my mind wide open. I remember clearly coming around afterwards and thinking to myself; I need to think in solutions and not focus on my problems. Right there and then I knew this was something that i needed to do again. Sporiodical visits to hyperspace really helped me put things into perspective and take control over my condition.

Early in my studies of this strange world, a being channeled to me the phrase "life is love" and it has stuck with my ever since, feeling and relaying compassion like I had never experienced before. I had a problem with self respect and often ignored things like sleep and medication, which led to many bad things. Slowly but surely I integrated this philosophy into my lifestyle and started to learn how to love myself for who I am. Things started to work out for me and my mental health improved to a point where today I have not been hospitalized for 3 years.

About 2 years ago I remember coming out of a session full of awe and a feeling that i must share this amazing thing with the world and spread the message of love. Knowing myself, a manic psychadelic user, I know that some of the ideas i get might be grandiose, but there was something inside of me that kept me focused on this mission. With all my history of grandiose ideas I feel myself oft bearing the curse of Cassandra, as I have seen a "vision" of the future, but noone belives me.

So I needed to rid myself of this curse. Gain people's trust and respect. How? Lead by example. I've spent all my available effort into becoming the happiest version of myself that ever existed. It has taken a lot of work and self examination. Realisations of what is important and what not. This combined with my history of dealing with unhappiness through traditional medicine gives me a deep well of information and understanding that i would truly like to share with other so they can find happiness as well.

As of today it is still an ongoing process, but i am 4 months deep into writing a book on well-being and have taken on 3 "students" in an attempt to improve their lifes. Success has been moderate, but I am still learning how to be a good teacher. The students are aware of this and enjoy being part of my mission.

I like where my life is headed and although I can't reccomend DMT to everyone, it has been a powerful tool of self discovery that I would like to have a lifetime access to. Where I live only suitable plant for extraction is Phalaris grass and I would like to become proficient in extracting for personal use. Maybe not something I feel confident in doing tomorrow, but maybe with participation in this board it could happen in a few years.

One Love

Smoked DMT, found meaning in life, starting a cult, want to extract from Phalaris someday


STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 2/21/2021 10:10:56 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Ether
I hope some of you find joy in reading what I wrote. Writing is not something that comes naturally to me and I'm working hard on improving this skill so I can finish my book. Any constructive critisism is greatly appreaciated.
#3 Posted : 2/22/2021 10:39:07 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 150
Joined: 14-Nov-2020
Last visit: 27-Jul-2023
Location: Sweden
Hi! Fellow bipolar here. Have a combo of bipolar 2 and PTSD and spend most of my life is a hypomanic state, traditionally mitigated with alcohol and cannabis with mixed results. I've been 7 years in therapy and 5 years on psychiatrics medications: Abilify, Depacote, Gabapentin, Propananol, Lamictal. Never been hospitalized.

Around 3 years ago, I decided to get off my medications. They have quite severe side-effects and you don't "feel like yourself" on them. They also lose their effect with use, causing you to up the dosage, causing more severe side-effects. I didn't tolerate any medication except Lamictal for more than six months.

Being a casual user of psychedelics, I decided to explore them as an alternate treatment option. I did about a year of DMT research and extracting before I tried it the first time. I had the same experience of "love and acceptance" and cried and cried with relief. I spent about 2 years having regular DMT trips, both aya-style and smoked, going in with intent each time. I've learned so much about the universe and about my self, my fears, my drivers and what's really important. I quit Lamictal, and it was six months of withdrawals. Brutal anxiety. Afterwards, it was like my life went from 2D to 3D, both in experiences and in my thinking. Some of these drugs do make you stupid, no doubt.

Having lived in the US for over 25 years, I decided to move back to Sweden to spend some time with my aging family and build a new life and career with my wife and kittycat. My father passed within a few months of us moving back, but I'm grateful I got to spend some time with him before it was too late.

alter3go, we both seem to be in a similar "phase". We have been through the honeymoon, learned a lot, and it's now "what's next?". I learned that psychedelics do not solve your problems. They show you your problems, but it's up to you to deal with them. I've always been a man of science, and what DMT has shown me aligns very well with my pre-existing worldview. It has answered my questions about the nature of things, "how it all works" and it has given me a solid base to stand on while reasoning about things. I've never been much worried about "what's my purpose?" or "what happens after death?", but DMT firmly put the nail in the coffin of any such worries.

Now I've taking up mushroom farming, which is hard but fun. Sweden started doing psylocin studies last year, so it might become a treatment option in the future, and maybe it can become a business.

Happy to explore collaborating. If you are needing pointers around extraction, I can certainly help, but I'm not close to being an expert like some of the other users here. Cheer!
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