Greetings, Nexus Reader
Throughout my 20's I dabbled in psychedelics, often hearing of "the spice" but never getting to try. Last year it found it's way to me and I have been deeply intrigued ever since. My experiences between the first and most recent times were considerably different, and I have theories as to why.
This is largely why I am here; to learn more about this incredible spice in general, but also to learn about other peoples' experiences. I'm curious about other peoples' experiences, but also various factors and metrics associated with them. I'm wanting to see what factors about people could potentially cause the similarities between experiences for people.
I'm assuming culture and past experience play some role, but that might be more in the interpretation and what one is able to remember.
What I'm really curious about, is how diet and lifestyle affect the experience. Diet and lifestyle were the biggest differences for me and my spouse. We have a fairly unique lifestyle now, and our experiences have been different from other experiences we have read about.
Some of our research over the years has heavily indicated that dietary and lifestyle habits have the potential to calcify the pineal gland. We wonder if this doesn't play some role in the experience of spice and other psychedelics.
We were ketogenic the first time we tried, and had issue breaking through. Our experiences also seemed closer to more of what we read about. This most recent time, we had removed all plants from our diet and had taken up meditation. We can now break through with ease and have had experiences unlike anything we have read about.
This oddity fueled my curiosity and brought me here! If you're interested in sharing a brief about your diet, lifestyle, and experiences I would be greatly appreciative!
Safety, luck, and peace in your journeys!