Got ya. A/B isn't bad but really for MHRB I've never seen it needed with the bark I've had. A simple STB works pretty well. Some later pulls can get a little yellow depending on the bark source but that varies and can easily be cleaned up if one feels compelled.
I believe the ratio was 1:1:15 bark:lye:water but I'd double-check if you were to do it. I believe I did 1:1:10. By soaking it like that and doing a few small pulls with naptha followed by freeze precipitation you can get a nice crystalized product with minimal effort.
Seems you might be trying to go more natural with your route but if that's the case, the good ole STBs work pretty well and you don't wind up with anything in your final product if you're careful.
Honestly I've never done FASW. That's new to me as of now. I've never used limonine either.
I've only done FASA in the past with fumaric acid and that was done with already pulled freebase.
See, I learned something new! FASW wasn't around when I had my old account here. That can tell ya I've been away for a while.
This may simply be my opinion but for something to be used as freebase, that may be tossing in some unnecessary variables/potential failure points. Back to the STB, with good bark and methods, one can recrystalize it into well, crystals. Not just fine powder. It comes out fairly clean that way. I forget who used to have the most popular method on here but they're all about the same and if you search google for "mhrb stb site" I'm sure you'll find plenty. I get better results using google than the site's search bar.
You could have your reasons for that method however. Everyone has their preferences, just sharing mine so don't take that as pushy. Being unfamiliar with that specific route and not having experience with limonine unfortunately I can't help much.
If you're using limonine to separate junk as I'm guessing, you do want it gone. "endlessness" replied to you first and covers it. A nice tall container. You can get cheap glass beakers all over the place that are perfect for this. You can also easily find tall thin glasses (think tall shot glasses or other drinking glasses) and glass turkey basters with which you could pull off the top water, place into the container, suck off the limonine then place the remaining water back with the rest.
I'm not sure at what temperature limonine freezes however you could look that up. If you don't have an adequate container, you could look at it's freezing point. If it's not too mixed with the FASW solution, you may be able to freeze the FASW and dump/dab the limonine off of the top. This paragraph is an assumption however due to not working with it myself but if it were naptha or alike I wanted separated from a water based solution those are the two routes I'd take. With a tall container, droppers like those found in baby medicines and such are ideal. Glass is better but if it's for something to be disposed plastic will work fine.
Good luck!