Hey so I'm new to the Nexus. This is my first post so Im happy to introduce myself. I'm Errl. If anyone who knows anything about salt>freebase conversion could help me understand I would be extremely relieved and enlightened haha. I have been researching different teks and have become pretty comfortable with the process of 2 teks. So following the BLAB tek, after the d-limonene pull, salt with fumaric acid, and convert to freebase. So I am mostly clear on the paste and pull conversion method, but have found contradicting information about freebase solubility. So lextek claims that freebase DMT is insoluble in water or alcohol. But the paste and pull conversion method tells to dissolve the calcium Carbonite/DMT fumarate paste in IPA or acetone then to decant liquid from any solids left in the container. Now this is where my question comes into play. If calcium carbonate will basify the DMT fumerate into DMT freebase, how does the alcohol pull the freebase from the paste mixture?