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supernatural non-hyperspace entities interact with me but only when I use the spice. Options
#21 Posted : 2/4/2021 9:08:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Dean. There was a pretty fair amount of fear this time. Whatever I've gotten myself into is very serious and I'm going to have to get myself out of or away from it. I must assume that my children are not safe from it.
Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 2/4/2021 1:27:53 PM

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Bisy wrote:
I tried today with absolute intentio. I smudged with white sage, I commanded all dark entities to leave my space, i asked for protection from darkness and evil while I was visiting the spiritual realms. 2nd hit and I was in a very dangerous place. The being or entity, or whatever the hell it is was upon me. Everything turns to a dark red kinda danger zone. My vision goes very poor and I'm too disoriented to know where I put the sage, for it was the only thing I had to attempt to protect myself with. After a while, I got up to make an attempt to leave the room and thats when the more familiar entities arrived. The room fills up with a bright light and i knew I was safe for the moment. I know that this evil has attached itself to me and that it is doing whatever it does to my daily life. And that the dmt just puts me in direct contact with it. I have to learn more about this kind of thing and get rid of this thing. I dont think im going to use the medicine again for a while. I need Sam and dean.

I suggest you pray the God you believe in and ask to protect you and your family from all harm. This creates positivity and diverts energy away from these dark entities. Trying to command and exorcise them just gives them more attention and binds your energy.

Doing things that increase love are the best antidote for this. Dwelling in the darkness trying to fight them makes them stronger.

You can and will get through this. Just stay on the path.

🙏 God be with you. ♥️
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#23 Posted : 2/5/2021 3:56:02 AM

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Thanks man, thats excellent advice that I most certainly needed to hear, I was angry and ready to go to war with this madness, but youre so correct. Thats exactly what not to do. Its really nothing, cant touch us if we stay on path.
Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
#24 Posted : 2/5/2021 6:34:54 AM

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Bisy wrote:
Thanks man, thats excellent advice that I most certainly needed to hear, I was angry and ready to go to war with this madness, but youre so correct. Thats exactly what not to do. Its really nothing, cant touch us if we stay on path.

That's so good to hear. Thank you 🙏☺️
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#25 Posted : 2/5/2021 7:58:41 AM

The White Haired Cat

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Sometimes when I see dark evil faces or entities my first thoughts are to square up fight them but I quickly remember to just feel love and be happy. Find the love and you'll be safe. Love
Grass Grows When The Tiny Cat is Dreaming

Phangz wrote:

"this is your height on dmt.."
#26 Posted : 2/5/2021 6:46:12 PM

Boundary condition

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Following on from WanderingCat to some extent:
Remember to smile. It really helps. If things seem dark and threatening remember to make a big smile and see what happens Smile

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#27 Posted : 2/14/2021 8:48:56 AM

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Ok, so I think I've made some progress, im still working on trying to figure out what it all means, but its very interesting and ill do my best to describe it.
This entity has some kind of name, or title within the area i travel to. It is feared but respected. I had a peaceful encounter with it and it is capable of showing love and kindness. It is a very controlling figure, and the encounter didn't consist of any sort of explainable dialog, but I believe it wanted, or expected something from me, and i agreed to cooperate.
I have had a couple trouble free journeys, and they are very profound and meaningful.
So what im still trying to figure out, is what kind of entity this is, and what kind of deal I made with it. My current opinion is that it might simply be a sort of cop, (for lack of a better term). I think its fair to say I was abusing the spice, and as I said in the beginning of this thread, I had already been hyperslapped, warned, but I kept pushing. Kept trying harder, and using a ridiculous amount to get there. Im thinking this entity is a protector of the abuse of, and disrespect for hyperspace.
Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
Violet Quark
#28 Posted : 3/10/2021 7:09:57 AM

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Bisy wrote:
Always just a slow chill that surrounds me, and sometimes I can actually see what I would describe as a rather beautiful luminescent glow or something, like a giant transparent jellyfish kinda thing.

As others have mentioned the cold is just a feeling from smoking the spice. I always make sure the room is very warm and I have a blanket ready before I blast off.
I find the jellyfish very interesting. I have recently seen the same thing. It was kind of very pale blue and difficult to see but it was definitely there and I felt it was interacting with me. I also see lots of other "floaters" as I call them. Multi coloured, like beings from another universe that are always here but we can't normally interact with. They have shown me some crazy shit.
#29 Posted : 8/15/2021 7:39:00 AM

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some things i like to use to get rid of unwanted entities are peganum harmala defumation. the smoke of peganum harmala is really good to clean the space and it is said that the djinn do not like it. to smell agua florida or put some on your face also help as from what i understand, evil spirit do not like good smell, they are attracted by bad smells and repelled by perfume. in this line of taught, blowing mapacho smoke right at the direction of the vision often help to get rid of her. generally tabaco have this protective property in the hyperspace realm, using rapé also help. mentalizing protective symbols toward the vision also help. i personally use the hand of fatimah that i try to picture in the place where the entity is.generally, one can try to manufacture visionary object that can be summon and used within the hyperspace realm such as sword, so to mentally use them when in need. i have been for exemple able to get in contact with a jaguar, that i sometime manage to invoke to get rid of negative forces.

they are a few entities that are hyperspace cops that can be invoked to get rid of unwanted entities, i work a lot with exu from quimbanda practice particularly tranca rua and also, from a different cultural background kali, but those are entities that are themselves quite a bit dark and should be dealt with a bit of caution. but exu tranca rua is really a great entity to get rid of unwanted energies, he really is an hyperspace cop just like this ponto tells about him: tranca rua da uma volta la fora, o que for bom bota pra dentro o que não for deixa la fora ( tranca rua take a walk outside, what is good let it enter, what is not good let it outside). one can ask is favor by feeding him with cachaça and cigarettes at crossroad , asking to remove the unwanted energy. in a more light vibe and christian setting, saint michael is really good to remove negative energy, although some people are uncomfortable at dealing with christian imagery. in santo daime ritual, during the ceremony a candle is placed at the left side of the door for exu tranca rua and at the right side for saint michael, as well as an other one outside, for the soul of unwanted entities to find their path. setting your space in a similar way can be of some help. about setting space, i feel it is really important to keep the place where you travel really clean, as negative energy are attract by dirt, in my understanding.

if the entity is attached to somebody what one can do is to take a bath of herbs, such as Ruta graveolens or mango leaves, the water not to be put in the head of the person, but taken from the shoulder down. or take a bath of salt, these bathing ritual being used to disconnect the energy of the entity from the body mind of the person. there are a lot of herbs used in brasilian and peruvian folk magic for this kind of purpose, but i lake knowledge of which of these herbs are available outside of south america. if the entity is attached to the space, as you said, what is sometime done in brasilian magic is to use some leaves of sacred plant, such as Ruta graveolens or pinão rocho infuse some of those leaves in some water and then take a bouquet of these leave, soaked them in the bath and pass the bouquet on every surface of the house doing the sign of the cross. if the case is really difficult, one can take a little bit of gun powder, do the sign of the cross at the entrance of the house with it and lit the cross on fire, taking good care not to burn oneself. in the same line of taught, one can take a bottle of cachaça and break it in the front of the house ( making sure to collect the glass afterwords of course), these rituals being good to chase the energy out of the house.

a few of these techniques are quite a bit extreme, and do not necessary apply to your case, all the more due to the fact that you said that these entities might not be that bad after all. but well i guess it is always good to be cautious and have some protective measure at hands when working with spirits, because not all of them are positive, and some might even be manipulative. as was mention by someone, any ritual works as long has you have faith in it, faith being the only thing that makes the magic happen. we only need material representation of the work we doing, such are candle and what not because it is a materialization of our thought, that helps our will become real.
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