My favorite sci-fi (and sometimes just sci) blog posted an interesting article discussing Quantum Entanglement., I'm barely abe to wrap my mind around some (most [all]) the theories and ideas being thrown around in the article. Frankly, I hate the cat metaphor they use at the beginning to explain it. Skipping it the numerous times I went back to re-read it did wonders for my comprehension.
But, I digress; the little bit that I did gleam at the end got me thinking.
The theory posits that plants are using quantum entanglement to live. It derives almost 100% energy from every little bit of food and nutrition it takes in, because no energy is wasted in moving it I think).
Now, let's say the spice is a remnant of the plant that has a piece of itself in another plane of existence/dimension/consciousness, and it transfers energy from point A, "Here," to point B, "Hyperspace. This energy is our consciousness/soul/divine spark/universal tether. If we are, when you get to it at a level of essence, energy, then by partaking of the plant, it, in a way, partakes of us, sending our energy, that little bit of us that crosses the divide to point B, to a place where we are shown unbelievable, humbling, fantastic things.
We are, in a way, becoming organic, sentient, quantum supercomputers. We're the software, spice is the hardware, and somehow we transmit data as experiences and learning.
Or maybe we're the hardware and spice is the software?'s not a perfect metaphor... /dr. horrible reference
I'd live to hear the thoughts and opinions of the better educated and experienced voyagers here on the Nexus.
Be Like Water.
Everything I post is made up. Do not fall for it.