Just wanted to say hi, and thanks for the fantastic resource that is the Nexus. Entering 5th decade of my life, drug free (only alcohol) until now. 5 trips in, working from 20mg to 40mg. Using an APX Volt for ROI.
Not sure that I’ve had a breakthrough — which I’ve read means I haven’t. I get lots of fractal patterns in both open and closed eye positions, but it seems that with increased dosage the visuals don’t get crazier. Instead, I’ve witnessed my mind getting more and more granular, slowing down, desperately trying to find itself and then eventually giving up, which is the most peaceful, enjoyable state I’ve ever experienced. I think that’s what is called the death of the ego (temporarily, at least). Once that’s out of the way, I”m just consciousness experiencing consciousness and that is plenty, there’s just no me (no memories, no identity, just pure awareness). But no wild visuals, really. No machine elves, though I do hear a voice (my own mind?) making suggestions such as “it’s okay”, “maybe you should take a break”, “what you desire is experience itself”, and other such soothing comments.
Three years ago I began getting energy sensations (blooms, I call them) throughout my body, but particularly focused in my “3rd eye” region. I can often feel my entire brain, separate lobes and all. I don’t know why this is, apparently there are no nerves with which I should be feeling my brain. I only mention this because it seems the fractalization (generating infinite patterns) that the molecule permits applies to my energy blooms as well, and they morph into an amazing energy massage (of what, I don’t know — I have no body!) that I’ve never experienced before.
Additionally, DMT seems to stay with me long after it should be gone. Particularly at night while sleeping, I’ll get similar sensations such as feeling like I’m not really firmly attached to my body. The blackness behind my eyelids turns into an inky 3D darkness with infinite depth. It’s not scary, it’s actually pretty enjoyable. A bit detached as well when waking up, almost like it takes a while to reestablish a strong connection with this “reality”.
I’ve learned that back to back large doses are a bad idea. What was a wonderful experience can go badly quite quickly. Fractal patterns of nausea and dread are no fun. That’s when the voice soothingly told me “that’s too much, not so fast”. Don’t need to tell me twice!
Anyways, to those with anxiety about jumping in... yes, the unknown is scary. But no risk, no reward. Also, I can confirm the molecule breaks bad habits. Haven’t had a beer or coffee since I started. It really makes you want to have all your senses operating at 100% so you don’t miss anything. I think the biggest reward so far is experiencing not having an ego; no memories at all, no concept of ME, just enjoying pure beingness. It’s a beautiful thing and I REALLY, REALLY wish I could be there all the time. But I can also say the drug is absolutely self limiting. As enjoyable as it can be, I don’t think I’ll ever be completely comfortable taking it.
It was and continues to be a big risk jumping in but I’m glad I did. I think the simple act of letting go of control is the big lesson for me. You fight the molecule, you won’t get the benefits. You let go, it shows you what needs to be seen. I only wish I could share the experience with others but I guess that’s why there’s a Nexus!