Hey Sally's,
Good to have you on both sides of the fence now. There are tons people whom are into gardening on here; I don't know who first came up with the phrase but : "Drugs are a gateway... into gardening".
I have a bunch of cacti around the house and some edible greens seedlings but have put the gardening on the backburner a bit for the last few months as I've been focusing more energy on other areas of my life (some of which will enhance my gardening understanding). It's sort of a dream of mine to have a proper bit of land in a nice warm area to grow on..
Glad to have ya
P.s.: It was also my understanding that S. Divinorum was difficult to produce seeds on, the vast majority of propagation and trading posts I've seen have been regarding cuttings. Did you pollinate the plant with another Divinorum or was is another species? I've never grown any Salvia species (and have only ingested it with effect twice) but I'd definitely like to get some going when I have the time and resources. As TMK said it's just your average, inconspicuous, houseplant. Just Joe Plant. But Joe Plant has a surprise for ya.