Hello everyone!
2020 has been a doozy, and I can assure you that the Nexus has become one of my new hobbies. Love reading all the reports, especially love all the other info you guys have compiled and refined. Not to be too...extra about it, but I view the nexus as a sort of democratization of shamanism in a world where one is hard to come by. In other words, I dig you folks, and am excited and comforted to take my first steps with this community!
So! I have used a variety of your standard entheogens for some time, and I have found myself in a handful of experiences in which the 'veil' really started to peel. On LSD, I have seen the peak of a hybrid of a pagoda and aztec temple made of impossible colors rise through the ground that blinked in and out of existence in 10 seconds? I had entity contact on a good dose of shrooms alone in the dark. But it was, well--peripheral. They were just out of sight, but had a toy in front of me that they manipulated with their voices. They giggled in anticipation as they got me to 'play' with the toy as well. You might have guessed that I am a McKenna fan by now.
I don't truly know to what extent my fascination in the psychadelic experience has informed my own experiences, but I feel that DMT might unlock a new door on that train of thought for me, but we will just have to see! First steps will be changa for sure. I'll likely post a report since I have enjoyed reading all of yours so much!
Until then,