This will trip you out, because I think that its rather hilarious.
SWIM is trying DMT for their first time literally tonight. And I don't know how many of you are familiar with my posts in the nursery or anywhere else on this nexus, but this literally is SWIM.
So I'm waiting fora call from him tomorrow to let me know how it went. I spent about a half hour with him on the phone tonight telling him what he should expect and how to deal with it. I felt a bit like Dr. Strassman. Only a bit though since i"m neither formally, nor respectively a doctor.
The only thing is he does not have internet access or I would have more than likely guided him to the nexus.
Alright so I wanted to share that with you all
an official SWIM story from SHPONGBOY :arrow:
A great deal of meditation is required
Fear the Journey not the cops