Interesting idea, I wouldn't have thought of that. I suspect it wont work, though. The mescaline base solution will either be near saturation or quite dilute. If near saturation then the ionic effect of concentrated sulfate will lower mescaline base solubility, if very dilute you may go beyond what a common ion effect could push out in reasonable yield.
One thing I have not seen addressed in chemical literature, will a common ion effect work in an analogous way in a hydroethanolic or a nearly anhydrous solvent system? So, for example, gunk could be pushed out by bringing it to 60% alcohol and then a salt could be added to over half saturation in that solvent mix to push out the mescaline salt. Or it could be applied to harmalas.
Anyway, here is a short summary of my lab notes playing with trying to salt mescaline salts from refined solution and tea:
First I tried magnesium sulfate as its easy to find in pharmaceutical grade, this I paired with an accessory alkaloid rich cream colored cactus alkaloid hydrochloride. That did not work. Admittedly I didn't take it to the extreme that I could have but I was dubious about it to start with, suspecting that the magnesium ion would have a salting-in effect in opposition to the salting-out effect of sulfate. An amusing anecdote is here, to recover my gram of mescaline I initially based it and used xylene.
Do Not do xylene pulls on freshly precipitated magnesia! It created an emulsion so bad that in the end I had to distill off the xylene and try another solvent.

Saturating with salt, pulling numerous times with isopropanol and proceeding from there did work.
Next I used the same speedy, not very visual, clean cactus hydrochloride with ammonium sulfate [AS] as the salting agent. To a 2% solution of the hydrochloride I added 20g of clean AS with heat, cooled to ~0° overnight and got nothing. I reheated the solution, added another 10g of AS, cooled to ~0° overnight and got a nice crop of crystals which I isolated by vacuum filtration. To the supernatant I then added another 10g of AS, cooled to ~0° overnight and got nothing beyond a few cute crystals that would amount to no more than 1mg. The obtained needle-like crystals were recrystallized in distilled water and after being cooled to ~0° overnight I got a reasonable yield of pearlescent flake crystals. This material was assayed at 800mg in a 57 kg experienced subject

and was found to be stronger, less speedy, and more visual than the starting material. The increase of potency in mescaline-like effect was in reasonable proportion to loss in gram quantity. Unexplored side note: the AS containing supernatant byproduct containing the cactus accessory alkaloid was placed at 4° for eventual isolation of that alkaloid, after some months a white solid formed in the jar that looks nothing like AS crystallized mescaline.
Next I produced a tea of the european predominant scopulicola hybrid. I typically get 0,5% yield of alkaloid hydrochloride from this clone and the product is of good potency, nicely visual, and not overly speedy. Short summary is I got nothing, but here are my raw lab notes:
100g scop chips brewed 4X with a little vinegar on the first two, the liquids combined and concentrated to 225ml, settled at 4° and decanted twice yielding a slightly viscous fluid extract.
Liquid heated and 90g (NH4)2SO4 was mixed in well. A jelly-like blob of brown formed, d. <liquid. Mixture heated to near boiling to help in separation and mixture was slowly cooled to ~0°.
• Black pectinous solids collected from surface and beaker sides, weighed 14,45g, reserved at 4°.
• Thin brown liquid isolated, heated to 85° with stirring, set to slowly cool. Cooled to ~0°
• Crystals and associated thin layer of brown solids all dissolved in 20ml very hot dH2O. Cooled to ~0°
The chilled supernatant produced a few more blocky crystals that look like (NH4)2SO4.
The previous crystals [again looking like (NH4)2SO4] did not recrystallize at ~0°
To see if the pectin fraction entrained the alkaloid sulfates dH2O was added to black solids to a volume of 50ml and stirred to dissolution at at ~70°, cooled, and kept at ~0° overnight. Nothing.
The supernatant formed a layer of apparent (NH4)2SO4 crystals after several days at 4°, crystals dissolved in 20ml 80° dH2O, cooled to ~0° and held there overnight. A single (NH4)2SO4 crystal formed.
• I think this trial, as first conceived, is a fail. Retaining material for eventual reclamation.
• One explanation for a fail would be pectin holding on to the alkaloid, this could be addressed by pretreatment with pectic enzyme or acidification to pH < 2,5, the latter might fail via M-bisulfate and the former might fail by pectin monomers and oliogmers similarly salting-in mescaline
• Another possibility is that the mescaline concentration was simply too low.
This is where I get confused, because my next trial makes me question the assumption that the active alkaloid we chase after is always mescaline
In this trial I extracted 200g of scop by standard method no the point of a combined xylene solution of alkaloid base. I titrated out the alkaloid to yield a pH 7 solution of alkaloid acetate. My plan was to try salting half of this directly with AS and, if it worked, adding more acid to the other half to ensure it still worked if people overshot the vinegar when pulling the alkaloid from xylene, as most people would.
I salted the first half. I got over a gram of crystal product that was clearly not AS. I tried to recrystallize in distilled water using the same parameters as before. I got absolutely no yield

This is good, visual, cactus that makes me trip balls. I got a sulfate alkaloid isolate in a yield that would suggest high process efficacy, and it did not have the solubility profile of mescaline.
This suggests A) one of my favorite hallucinogenic cacti might be active due to something
other than mescaline. B) my previous tea trial was trying to extract this mystery substance and not mescaline.
A possibility also exists that it was the first extraction attempt that wasn't mescaline, this I deem unlikely because the pearlescent color and shape of the crystals matched mescaline sulfate, as did its near insolubility in 0° water.
At this point I proclaimed myself in need of a break, I ate all my mescaline and proceeded to play with harmala extraction while taking 7 gram doses of mushrooms to get my equilibrium back

At some point I will at least reclaim alkaloids from all that AS filled liquid. Presumably by basing, extracting to xylene, salting to water, basing with Ca(OH)2, distilling off the ammonia, extracting with xylene, and salting with HCl.