The last weeks I was busy with harmalas.
I just want to sum up some stuff I figured out and some results of extraction.
Mostly for my self, but maybe s.o. find it usefull.
So the two main alkaloids are
Harmine and
Harmaline (also know as
DHH). So called
Harmala-Alkaloids or
Harmala-HCl are a naturally mix of Harmine, DHH and small amounts of other alkaloids.
Both Harmine and DHH do fluorescence up VERY bright in green-yellow under UV-B if in acidic solution (less to no fluorescence at higher Ph).
Harmine is a reversible MAO-A inhibitor (RIMA).
DHH is also a reversible MAO-A (and maybe MAO-B) inhibitor and twice that potent (= half dose of Harmine).
Harmine freebase has (very small) needle-style crystals.
DHH freebase has (very small) plate-style or leaf-style (sometimes up to a few mm) crystals.
Harmine HCl has fiber-style crystals.
DHH HCl has has unknown-style crystals.
All (FB and HCl) can be dark brown to red to (almost) white (when thoroughly cleaned).
Both freebase alkaloids have almost no taste.
Both HCl salts have a very bitter and unpleasant taste.
With mecke or mandelin reagent test it is easy to distinguish them.
DHH can be transformed to THH, with is no MAOI, but a weak SSRI (serotonin re-uptake inhibitor). This reduction can be done from mixed harmalas. Separation is easier after the reduction.
You can smoalk freebase or HCl, they seem to need quite high temperatures for evaporation but are not heat-sensitive (will not burn/decompose so easily).
for changa or Harmala-enhanced leafes it+s easy to dissolve the HCl in water and then apply on the leaves.
freebase is difficult to dissolve in most common solvents (beside acidic water, but then you'll have salt once it is dry again).
for oral consumtion i prefere freebase as it has almost no taste. what is not taken up by your mucous membrane in your mouth will be dissolved in your stomach by your stomach acid and then absorbed.
its easy, but it will take some time for depositting, decanting, filtering, warming, cooling, drying.... Days. or Weeks.
It's good if it can stay somewhere and you can work there every day for 5-30 minutes.
With a few boils in plain water
(or maybe even better water with acedic acid @ ph ~5) you can extract the alkaloids easily.
When you keep the seeds in a closed cloth bag during boiling you can just hang them up to drip over night before the next boil. That saves you a lot of filtering hassle.
Grinding the seeds will increase the yield, but also the filter job.
Make rather more boils with just enough water to cover the seedbag than less boils with more water.
Collect all the tea in one or more containers and let it settle for a day or two. then decant. Now you can filter, but that might not be necessary jet. It might be easier to wait with the filtering until you solidified and resolved the alkaloids (as freebase or HCl).
then its time for the next step:
To clean up further, you can either do one or more "manske" or base-acid rounds or a mix of them. With both methods you will loose a few % of the alkaloids in every round, no big difference in loss between them.
Base-Acid rounds are faster (no heating and cooling necessary) but you'll need lye or ammonia, both corrosive chemicals you might not get so easy and cheap. Sodium might work too but bubbling CO2 caused some trouble to some people. For the last basifining its best to use foodgrade ammonia, as any contamination in the end product will evaporate together with the water. If you don't have ammonia use foodgrade soda or foodgrade lye.
Manske you'll need just salt (NaCl) water, heat and time.
Base-Acid:>>>>> don't use soda if your solution contains lot of acid, it might end in a mess <<<<<
while gently stiring, raise the Ph of your acidic acid / harmala solution slowly with lye or ammonia to Ph 10, then filter or wait for the percipate to settle, then decant.
Dissolve the freebase ( filter cake or the sludge left from decanting) in 5% acidic acid, filter out any impuritys, raise the Ph again and collect the freebase. after some more rounds like that the filter cake (=freebase) should get brighter and brighter, almost white when dry.
You can additionally wash the freebase after each round with water (raise the Ph if necessary to 10 with lye, ammonia, soda or ...)
If you have a tea with medium or low alkaloid concentration, heat to near boiling and add the same amount of hot saturated NaCl salt water. Cool slooowly.
If you have freebase or salt harmalas: Take note of the aprox amount of dry alkaloids. Dissolve the freebase in as little clear vinegar or acedic acid as possible, then fill up with water until you have ~
50ml for every g freebase.
If you have HCl just dissolve them in 50ml water / g alkaloids.
heat up to almost boiling and add
4,2 - 5g NaCl for every g freebase. Cover the vessel / pot and wrap with blankets to sloooow down the cooling process. Once at room temp, you can move it to a fridge for further cooling.
Then filter out the fiber-like Mix-Harmala-HCl crystals. You can now dry them and enjoy or repeat manske for cleaner product. just dissolve the Harmala-HCl in 50ml water / g alkaloid, heat, add salt, cool slooowly, filter, repeat...
If you want to
isolate Harmine and DHH or THH:
If you have Harmala-HCl salt, dissolve it in ~10ml water / 1 g Harmala-HCl.
If you have Harmala-freebase dissolve in as little acedic acid / vinegar as possible, then add water to total ~10ml / g freebase.
Now slowly add ammonia. If working with small amounts, use diluted ammonia drop wise, if working with bigger amounts, for example 60 g freebase use 1 or 2 ml 9% ammonia at once. gently stir and observe the Ph-level (a cheap digital PH-Meter for a few € from ebay will work great).
You will notice a depression or even a drop of Ph at certain points. That will tell you when to stop and decant / filter before continuing.
For example: Ph stedily rises up to 7,5 and then stops or start to drop. FILTER. continue with ammonia until you pass that mark again ( for example 7,4 ... 7,3 .... 7,2 ... 7,3... 7,4 ... 7,5 ...
7,6). FILTER . Continue like that until Ph 10.
That way you will get two big and some small fractions. The first of the big fraction is the Harmine, and the second big fraction is mostly DHH (and some Harmine). The other small fractions are mixed stuff and may contain even other alkaloids.
You can repead this separation on the harmin and DHH fraktions for further purification.
You can also repeat the process on the combined small fractions or just keep the small fractions all together and throw them in before the separation of your next batch.
If you need to clean tools or vessels etc with alkaloid-remains first wipe them with a small piece of filter paper or paper-towel and collect them together with all used filters and once finished you can extract any entrapped alkaloids from it. The extract of them can be purified as described below or stored and processed with your next batch.
der-seemann attached the following image(s):

harmalin fb.JPG
(183kb) downloaded 134 time(s).
harmalin HCl.JPG
(523kb) downloaded 133 time(s).
harmine fb.JPG
(140kb) downloaded 133 time(s).
harmin HCl.JPG
(141kb) downloaded 133 time(s).
(965kb) downloaded 134 time(s).