Hello Nexus,
I am grateful to be here. My short Bio is recovered drug addict/alcoholic with 18 years straight clean and sobre 12 step recovery. Trades person working away from home with a family making lots of good decisions and becoming more miserable daily with the grand design of humanity.
Come covid, Decided to leave my high paying 2 week on 2 week off wilderness job for obvious reasons related to travel and caring for my wife and kids. Finally had some time to myself so I decided to use psychedelics and thc for stress and anxiety management as well as conciousness expansion and increase of open mindedness. Ive been in NA for almost 20 years but no longer.
I feel all my decisions including the extraction of alkaloid from raw legal products ordered from my home have all been spiritual in nature and designed to help myself and my family. 9 months ago I was planning to leave my wife and kids because they were making me insane. Now I wake up and think how I can be the change in my family that allows them to lead happier, safer and more productive lives. This the greatest form of service to the earth I can do at this point in time. That and driving around in my new plug in hybrid vehicle to help others more in need than myself.
Im not sure if reality is what we individually perceive. I dont care as much about these questions as I once did.
Once again, grateful to be here.
"I think; therefore I might be."