Hi there! I just made my account after spending about a week reading through forum posts and the FAQ, and I thought I might as well write a short introduction, explain my intentions, and get some advise from this wise community.
I've always had a fascination with psycho-active substances and with exploring myself. One of the benefits of growing up with the internet and parents who were all about freedom of information was that I was able to research anything that I was in any way curious about. From a young age I did countless hours of research on meditation, lucid dreaming, breathwork, hypnosis, and drugs. I've never lost those interests, but now that I'm older and more educated, my fascination with psycho-active substances has grown. A few weeks ago I finished reading "The Doors of Perception" for the first time, and found it immensely interesting. I was having a discussion with a friend about DMT when I recalled stumbling across this site many years ago in my hours of internet trawling as a kid. I hadn't bothered to actually read anything on the site back then, and now I wondered what I might have missed on the DMT Nexus. Boy oh boy did I miss a lot... I pulled up the wiki and started reading, and just didn't stop. I had so many windows open because I kept finding links that lead to other discussions that I found interesting that I wanted to save for later. I talked to a good friend of mine who shares my interests, and he pointed me to Erowid, where I found even MORE of this information.
This community fascinates me. I always thought it was such a shame that most entheogens were outlawed before any serious research could be done surrounding their use. Imagine my suprise when I found a whole community of people on the internet, quietly going about that research on their own, keeping to themselves, exploring the unknown together. I knew that this was a community and a movement that I had to be a part of.
I had always wanted to try DMT at some point in my life, but I had no idea how to get it, so it was always sort of a vague goal. After reading several of the extraction teks, I couldn't believe how easy DMT is to extract, and decided that I have to try it myself. I'll be spending the holidays with my family, so I won't have the opportunity to do any sort of extraction, but I think that will be in my benefit, since it'll give me two months or so to do more research and make sure this is something I want to do, and if after those months have passed, I'm still feeling the way I feel right now, I'm going to have to try it.
Now it's time for me to ask some questions. I've never tried any entheogens before. The most serious drug I've tried is marijuana in the form of edibles, and I've only taken those in relatively small doses. I've read posts on here saying that you should work your way up to DMT, starting with shrooms or LSD first. The problem is, I'm not sure how I would go about getting either of those here in the United States, and even with the various reagents for testing LSD, I'd still be worried about getting the real thing. Instead, I was planning on trying DMT first but in very small doses in some sort of changa mix (maybe some blue lotus and peppermint for example) and work my way up from there. Would that be a stupid thing for me to do, or is it a reasonable way to start? When it comes to extraction, I had a few other questions. I like the look of Amor Fati's method using only food safe chemicals, except I think I would devise some other tool for the filtering out of glass instead of the plastic spray bottle construction shown in the tek, so as to abvoid phthalates. For this I would need mhrb, and I know that we don't talk about sourcing that except in the form of live plants and seeds. Regardless of how I got the plant material, I know that possession of any plants that contain DMT in them is technically illegal in the United States. I guess my question is, are there other uses for MHRB or the Mimosa Hostilis in general that would provide plausible deniability when it comes to ordering these things? I kind of doubt it would be a problem, but, y'know, I'm not trying to screw my life up with legal charges right now. I'm not really worried about possessing DMT itself, since a small bag with some freebase DMT in it would be pretty easy to hide, but ordering things like Mimosa Hostilis plants to my house makes me a little uneasy. Also, if I were to go about growing the plant myself, what kind of time frame would I be looking at before I could ethically harvest some of the roots?
I think that's all of my questions for now. Sorry the post was so long

I tried my best to write it with all of the forums rules in mind, and I look forward to becoming a part of this lovely community. Thank you all for everything you do!
“ Thousands of years ago, the work that people did had been broken down into jobs that were the same every day, in organizations where people were interchangeable parts. All of the story had been bled out of their lives. That was how it had to be; it was how you got a productive economy. But it would be easy to see a will at work behind this: not exactly an evil will, but a selfish will. The people who’d made the system thus were jealous, not of money and not of power but of story. If their employees came home at day’s end with interesting stories to tell, it meant that something had gone wrong: a blackout, a strike, a spree killing. The Powers That Be would not suffer others to be in stories of their own unless they were fake stories that had been made up to motivate them.”
Excerpt From: Neal Stephenson. “Anathem.”