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Finding a Psyche Friendly Girl/Guy? Options
#1 Posted : 1/15/2010 7:22:29 PM
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Well for me this thread is about a girl but let's keep it unisex.

Pretty much what are some good questions or ways to see if a person would be okay with psychedelics. Obviously at a concert it might be pretty easy to find this out; However, in daily life this can be challenging. As you can't go up to a girl and be like "Oh hello, do you enjoy smoking freebase dmt?", hahaha.

So what are some ways of beating around the topic(remaining discrete), and finding other seekers of the "other-side"?

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#2 Posted : 1/15/2010 7:26:28 PM

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obviously going to, say, an Alex Grey exhibit or an electronic music party increases your chances of finding someone keen on such activities Cool
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#3 Posted : 1/15/2010 7:34:56 PM

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ha - I think you just meet those kind of people when you and they are ready... just stay open, trust your intuition, and dont be afraid to drop hints. I find there basically 4 types: those who are not into the idea at all, those who are curious, those who are ready to begin exploring, and those (like us) who already are exploring. It can be hard to work out which of the middle two with some people.

balaganist is a fictional character who loves playing the game of infinite existence. he amuses himself by posting stories about his made up life in our plane of physical reality. his origins are in other dimensions... he merely comes here to play.
#4 Posted : 1/15/2010 7:40:46 PM

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Don't forget secret option number 5 "right... you've gone too far!"

I'm useless at meeting people at parties. My dancefloor ears suck. Apparently girls like it when you can hear what they're on about Smile Art exhibitions sound cool!
#5 Posted : 1/15/2010 9:04:39 PM


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mydriasis wrote:
"Oh hello, do you enjoy smoking freebase dmt?", hahaha.

This made my day hahaha

Well I think one thing is finding a girl that its OK with you using psychedelics, and another whole different thing is that she is also into psychedelics.
Maybe with the first one there could be differences and she wouldn't like to try psychedelics, maybe she is OK with her personality as it is (maybe she was into psychedelics and now she is not). On the other hand, a girl using psychedelics would probably understand you a little bit more. I'm not sure if seeking your partner in raves or psychedelic art galleries is the best idea. Maybe instead of searching for a psychedelic soul you could search for an open-minded, intelligent or adventurous soul that is smart enough to understand what you do and why you do it, and with some love and luck, maybe you could turn her into a psychedelic soul. That way, the relationship would be based on comprehension and understanding instead of psychedelic substances.

Of course, it would be awesome to find a DMT girl but I think that doesn't necessarily mean that you two would get along.

Now... how to go smooth and find if a random girl is OK with DMT without being to obvious?
Well, maybe you could talk about the Strassman study and go kind of:

- "Yeah so I was reading this book a friend gave me... "The spirit molecule" by Dr. Rick Strassman... I'm on page 75 and I am shocked.
Who would have thought that such a simple molecule could have those amazing effects these people report... Don't you think that blah blah blah?"

or maybe you could bring up the whole psychedelic issue in a funny way like:

- "I was reading an article the other day that the guy who discovered DNA was an LSD user, and he even wrote a book about how he thought that maybe our DNA is engineered by an extinct alien civilization! Hahaha, he obviously was an smart scientist so... who knows, right?"
#6 Posted : 1/15/2010 9:19:46 PM

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I met a girl a few weeks ago that I really like..but I was talking about this stuff with some people that night at the party so she already knows..but still not to the extent and depth to which I take these things..this is my path and anyone I am going to be with needs to understand that or it wont work..been there done that..

I dont care if a girl doesnt do these things with me as long as she respects what I do and what it is that makes me me..I wont ever again be with someone that cannot do that.

The act of smoking some white crystaline powder is the hardest one to explain haha.
Long live the unwoke.
#7 Posted : 1/15/2010 9:31:54 PM

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yeah even though its possible to be with someone that doesnt necessarily use psychedelics or had many experiences, its very important that one's partner respects entheogen use, because for people like us this is just too important, its not like a little hobby that we can hide or something.

I agree that the best places to find someone of the sort are probably psychedelic music festivals/gatherings, or events like the lsd symposium that happened in switzerland, or alex grey performances/exhibitions, etc. Or the internet..

It must be very very special to be with someone that you can take a huge psychedelic dose next to, and together with, and both 'melting' next to each other with full confidence.. A partner that is interested in the latest nexus advances, lol... I never had this, but at least no conflict either, just sort of uninterested acceptance...
#8 Posted : 1/15/2010 9:35:15 PM

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I once saw a smiling girl who was talking to a colleague. Later, he told me that she was into shrooms and goa music. That somehow made me feel funny. A psychedelica loving girl is such a dream. I mean...it's fascinating to even think about it.
#9 Posted : 1/15/2010 9:37:13 PM

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Try NORML meetings, they tend to have some very liberal girls Cool
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-Mi padre
#10 Posted : 1/15/2010 9:42:28 PM

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These girls are indeed out there... My advice is to not look for them in the usual places, but places that scream psychedelic or spirituality. Meditation courses, psyparties and alternative markets have all proven to be great! Smile
#11 Posted : 1/15/2010 9:47:14 PM

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we have some very special girls here in the forum (all or most taken though, sorry guys Pleased ), so they do exist Smile

I wonder from their side if they ever had difficulty finding a psychedelic-friendly guy. Any females want to voice their opinion?
#12 Posted : 1/15/2010 9:55:33 PM

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but places that scream psychedelic or spirituality. Meditation courses, psyparties and alternative markets have all proven to be great!

I can also recommend the study of social and cultural anthropology/Ethnology. There seem to be quite some interested people.

#13 Posted : 1/15/2010 10:11:56 PM

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I had a gf that loved mushrooms...she would eat these things fearlessly and trip with me all night long..it was fun for a while..but even so we were diff people and she didnt seemto be on the same level as me anyway and eventually we just did not get along...
Long live the unwoke.
#14 Posted : 1/15/2010 10:19:11 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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"I can also recommend the study of social and cultural anthropology/Ethnology. There seem to be quite some interested people."

That is how I got to know this girl I met 3 weeks ago..she is into anthropology..ended up comming over and taking home some of my books..read serpent and the rainbow in like 3 days..she was also interested in mushrooms and her and her friend were planingon eating some so I gave her a bunch of mine..but she ended up eating then herslef and later told me about all of these crazy visions she had..ha but she also said it was kind of intense and freaked her out at first..I think she ate all of them though..

But shes cool and into buddhism and spirituality so if it goes anywhere I am not worried about having to justify my use of entheogens.

Long live the unwoke.
#15 Posted : 1/17/2010 4:56:54 AM
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Thanks for the advice guys, I value it all Very happy.

I am meeting up with a girl tomorrow and don't wanna blow my cover but surely wouldn't mind sharing some experiences in the future. I would love to bond with a woman on ayahuasca or pharma or even some nice burning changa.

I asked her if she was the type that just kind of goes with the flow, cuz she said she didn't like making plans.
She said she is one of those people and asked me if I was and I said "yeah, I live to explore"

I'll let you guys know how it all works out, I hope this one is at least cool with the silly weed.

#16 Posted : 1/17/2010 5:42:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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well I wish you the best of luck mydriases!
Long live the unwoke.
#17 Posted : 1/17/2010 7:41:51 AM

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Hey good peoples,
Me and my wife trip together all the time. When we first started going out together there was a weekend coming up and she asked if we were going to catch up. I told her that I was going to a rave this weekend but we could catch up Sunday. At this stage she had never touched anything but alcohol. She asked me straight up, Do you take ecstacy? I told her of course and she said to me, Do you know what that shit does to you? I asked her if she had ever taken it and she replied no. I then told her that she is preaching to me in a totally uninformed manner and that after she has tried it and not liked it she can then come back and have the right to tell me how bad it is but until that day I do not want to hear it. She totally suprised me by telling me OK I will try it. Suffice to say that she totally loved it and after a month or two she tried some acid and that was the start of a beautiful relationship with psychedelics. Our favorite pastime on weekends was to down about 10-12 subaeruginosa's (mushrooms) in the morning and go bushwalking with a big bottle of water and a container full of mushrooms and honey for the day. Kids have slowed that down a bit now but we still get the occasional weekend away. This weekend is a music festival 2 hours from where I live and although she has been a bit scared of it before she told me this weekend she wanted to try some changa. What an amazing wife.
My point from this story is that these girls are out there and sometimes they are not the girls you expect would be into it. My wife didnt even know she was. I think that with patience, a bit of luck and most importantly absolute honesty you will find your girl. I wish you luck mate.
#18 Posted : 1/17/2010 2:54:46 PM

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#19 Posted : 1/17/2010 2:59:42 PM

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fun crowd Smile
#20 Posted : 1/17/2010 3:15:05 PM

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Im lucky enough to have a wife that has been openminded to my music and eye candy choice, I dont think I can recall even one festival/party that she never came along with me, we have always dropped lsd, mushrooms, mdma etc together. We have never been on a different high. Only things she wont attempt are full doses of DMT/changa, but she supports me in whatever I choose to do. She has always been there for me.

I really feel that if one is to find the right partner, there has be some sort of compromise between each other. I hate it when people get narrow minded and start labeling people because of what psycs they consume.

I wish you all the best in meeting a likeminded partner.
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