Is it possible to use the natural plant enzymes to help DMT yield?
The answer could of course be a simple "no". Is this answer known? If not, it could be fun to investigate this.
For example, we could try to release the plant enzymes naturally present, and then add inputs (over the counter amino acids and enzyme cofactors) to try to get the reaction going at biological conditions (gentle pH/temp). As
DWFZ points out, one way of this not working is if the enzymes needed are not present by default and waiting for gene expression.
In sone Teks like
CYB's max ion, it has been found that freeze/warm water cycles of the ground submerged bark could be beneficial for yields. Cell lysing will help release DMT directly, but what is the purpose of the warm cycle? If enzymes are released during the freeze, could some extra DMT biosynthesis occurs during the warm step?
It that is the case, then adding tryptophan, P5P and SAMe could help the yield boost from the freeze/warm cycles (all over the counter health supplement)
Does anyone know why this won't work? Is it worth a try?
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