Allegro Vivo wrote:Thank you, potnoble, I really appreciate it.
I'm shooting for this coming Saturday, although I'm still vacillating between Cybs Hybrid and Max Ion. The former seems easier - a big plus for a neophyte - but the latter is reputed to be better in terms of yield. I also like the idea of the pictures in the Cybs tek here.
Both of Cyb's Teks, for me, work amazingly well, and amazingly easily.
My suggestion would be to try the one that seems easier, to you.
Apparently, there is a measurable improvement in yield with the Max Ion, but when I extract from, typically 100 to 200 grams of MHRB, it produces so much spice that I don't care about the difference. For me, it is huge quantities, always about 2% yield. So, multiple grams, for many people, is quite alot. Trying to squeeze another 40-60 milligrams sometimes is not worth it.
But that is specifically MHRB.
I do have one comment, you mention this Saturday, keep in mind that things can take a little longer than you planned especially if you are doing freeze thaws, etc. I'm never in a hurry, and my last pulls are commonly a week after I started. Again, that's just me.
Allegro Vivo wrote:Here's a quick question for whomever is reading:
Will using Pyrex baking dishes with cling wrap covers keep the NPS smell out of my freezer reliably? I must admit that I'm not entirely confident in my wrapping skills. I also have small round glass containers with snap-on plastic lids. Okay, or would the plastic contaminate the pull? Also have Mason jars though I'm concerned about crystal removal from them.
In my experience, cling wrap works just fine.
I just pull one layer tight over the top and don't have issues with spill or odor in the freeze. Please feel confident in that regard.
Also, there are so many tips and conversations here in the forums, lots of reading for you, will answer many of your concerns.
You'll be fine, good luck.
" Enjoy every sandwich." - Warren Zevon
"No, they never did turn me into a toad." - Pete (O Brother, Where Art Thou?)
"Are you a time traveller?" "No, I think I'm more of a time prisoner." - Nadia Vulvokov (Russian Doll)