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I had Covid-19 in mid June. I luckily didn't have heavy respiratory issues other than feeling like i was inhaling through a coffee stirrer and never feelong like I was getting enough air. O2 levels were OK. Lots of brain fog and exhaustion. Heavy episodes of sweating and chills, sometimes with no fever present. I began taking a strong brew of Lomatium at the onset of symtoms and at about 6 days in I exhibited the beginning of a rash wish soon spread over my whole body. My liver enzymes were vert high. I don't consume alcohol which concerned my doctor. The rash she said looked like what happens when the liver ejects a strong viral load. By day 14 the rash was receding significantly but my hands itched incredibly. It appears Lomatium can have this same effect so I am unsure if it was the virus or the root. I also felt a very Aya like experience during illness, it spoke to me lessons in stillness it was here to teach as an agent of the Earth. Whenever i could get out of bed i moved to my Yoga mat and did a Yin practice and long Pranayam exercises, mostly just deep yogic breath It took over a month to get my strength back. Maybe more for my endurance. I am finally feeling normal and strong. I started back using small amounts of changa, like 30 mg in the garden as a heart opener and Sunday I did 25 mg of freebase in my emesh rig. On that occasion i was visted by an entity who o could feel working on specific places on my body. The whole trip was like soul surgery and its the best i have felt in months afterward. I recommend a daily low dose enteric coated aspirin because of clotting Covid-19 can cause. I believe the virus has the capability to attack many systems in the body depending on viral load and route of entry. My wife is still dealing with the aftermath, heart rate spikes and exhaustion. Marijuana, LSD, psilocybin, and DMT they all changed the way I see But love's the only thing that ever saved my life - Sturgill Simpson "Turtles all the Way Down" Why am I here?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1111 Joined: 18-Feb-2017 Last visit: 12-Jul-2024
Great to hear of your recovery, Dithyramb!
Ditto for skoobysnax.
I've felt better these last few days, the most prominent symptoms being the brain zaps, tinnitus and sensations in my head. There is still some vertigo, but much less now.
From what I've read, the symptoms people are experiencing can be caused by many things: it may be an active infection, or they may have cleared the virus, but the system is still struggling in one way or another. It may be clearing old virus particles or infected cells (or struggling to clear them), it may be immunosuppressed or inflamed. Depending on what's causing the symptoms, different treatments are needed.
Oftentimes Covid causes reactivations of old, dormant viruses, like Herpes simplex, causing cold sores. Another frequent one is EBV (Epstein-Barr virus). But I've also heard about someone in whom Covid triggered latent malaria, years after the person traveled to a malaria-affected area. This is probably due to a weakened immune system which has kept the pathogens in check until Covid overwhelmed it. So even if you got Covid originally, you may need to treat a completely different virus / bacterium / parasite, or a whole bunch of them.
Covid can also cause immune amnesia, infecting B cells. Many long haulers test negative for antibodies, which could be due to their B cells being affected.
Last night I had another session with ACRB tea and it went well.
One thing I've noticed (and I noticed it early on, maybe 2 months ago) is I don't feel the effects of THH. People experiencing brain zaps may be suffering from heightened serotonin levels, possibly due to the lung serotonin receptors not working, leaving more serotonin for the brain. Brain zaps are one of the most common side effects of (otherwise healthy) people going on or coming off SSRI's. The zaps seem to be a result of changing neurotransmitter levels. That may be linked somehow to why I don't feel THH.
Edit: apparently famotidine (Pepcid AC), an H2 blocker, is used to treat serotonin syndrome. It's also one of the recommended medicines for covid / long covid.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 856 Joined: 15-Nov-2009 Last visit: 03-Feb-2025
Thanks, Jagube. Good to hear you are recovering also. I am still fine, and I even got my sense of smell back. İt is said that a sudden and complete loss of smell is a strong indicator of covid-19. That's how it had happened for me. İn one evening my sense of smell was completely gone. The most disturbing part for me was the strange mental fog. The complete recovery from that was after my ayahuasca analogue experience. I am continuing daily lemon juice, nettle seeds, and pine cone tea. The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.
~ Pablo Amaringo
 DMT-Nexus member

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It sounds like quite an ordeal what some of you went through.
I was wondering...do any of you know how you got infected? Could you trace it back to any particular source?
And is there anything you would have done differently, knowing now, that you got a covid infection?
I mean, most of us non-infected are still struggling to find a healthy way of living in between covid-paranoia and nonchalange.
The points of view of people who actually went through an infection could probably be very helpfull to many people.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1114 Joined: 13-Jul-2014 Last visit: 06-Feb-2024
Well me personally, i got sick because my gf's kid just started kindergarten, and the same week he started going, he got sick, brought it back home, gave it to his brother, my gf, and me. My gf said she had gotten her friend sick after that, and her friend went and got tested and it apparently wasn't covid, not sure what it was, but that's what my gf said. So good to know i probably didn't have covid, and good to know whatever it was that the Rue helped me, though i'm sure the Rue still works against covid but unless i get sick with covid and try it out i won't know. With that said though, i do believe that washing one's hands and watching out for people coughing and rubbing snot everywhere is a good first step in not getting sick, especially hard to do with kids though lol.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 3090 Joined: 09-Jul-2016 Last visit: 03-Feb-2024
Yeah, it is possible for childeren to get sick and to infect others. But it is very rare. Childeren tend to be superspreaders when it comes to influenza, but for covid-19 it is mostly adults who spread it and who get sick.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 856 Joined: 15-Nov-2009 Last visit: 03-Feb-2025
How is everyone doing? My recovery still holds, but there is one thing that continues and I am not sure if it is covid-19 related. Since the beginning of my infection, I started having a strange "metallic" taste in my mouth, centered around my throat. This still continues, even though I have been symptom free after one week of infection. I have relocated to the Mediterranean coast where there is an abundance of the super antiviral rockrose (cistus). I am drinking it along with olive leaf everyday. The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.
~ Pablo Amaringo
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1111 Joined: 18-Feb-2017 Last visit: 12-Jul-2024
The rollercoaster continues here.
Last week I was having a flare-up. I did an extended fast (roughly one day and two nights) and got better, for whatever reason. After 2.5 days of feeling better I 'relapsed' again for a couple of days. Feeling ok-ish (90-95% normal) now, with just mild vertigo and a slightly irritated upper chest, at times also an irritated throat, occasionally with sputum. Yet only couple of nights ago I had terrible brain zaps, and bad sensitivity to sound during the day.
Still, when it's bad, it's probably not as bad as it once was, and when it's good I kind of forget about it and carry on with my life. I would thus say I'm getting better, but every time I've said that, I've jinxed it and gotten worse soon afterwards, so I'd rather not say it and admit anything is possible.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1114 Joined: 13-Jul-2014 Last visit: 06-Feb-2024
Me personally, even though i didn't have covid when i was sick recently, once i took the Rue, a few days later i was back to normal and been normal since. Still having some phlegm in my lungs, but that's probably just the Tobacco smoking. From now on though, anytime i'm feeling sick, particularly viral, i'm gonna take the Rue, just in case and just to see.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4031 Joined: 28-Jun-2012 Last visit: 05-Mar-2024
"Use of psychedelics" is open for interpretation.
I've always considered a deeper psychedelic session like a sport (sort of), one better does not engage in sports when your energy levels are already low. Forms of sickness relate to me as low levels of energy (because your energy is needed for combatting the sickness). If you're not going for a sport session because of it, I would likewise also not take on a serious psychedelic endeavour.
But "use of psychedelics" can also be microdosing, or mini dosing. Imho 1 gr of non roasted rue seeds/powder is seriously notable, hence I believe it does a job on an active level and without depleting or being demanding on ones levels of energy. Now the virus wave is again rising, I'll restart taking one capsule a day, or two with half a day in between.
Haven't had covid since the start, or I'm unaware. Knock on wood. I feel for those having the felt the burden.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 856 Joined: 15-Nov-2009 Last visit: 03-Feb-2025
*Knock knock* Normally I would expect a medicine to help clear out an infection when used appropriately... The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.
~ Pablo Amaringo
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1114 Joined: 13-Jul-2014 Last visit: 06-Feb-2024
Hey guys, so today my gf's dad just tested positive for covid after first testing negative, they're keeping him in the hospital for a bit i guess. He went to the hospital last night and they said his oxygen levels were low. Anyways, my gf got sick last week, then i got sick, not sure if her dad got sick because we were sick or if he got sick elsewhere. But last week when i started noticing i was getting sick again, took 3 grams of Rue for 3 days and the sickness went away again. Only some residual phlegm in my lungs is the only thing i still notice, but i also smoke a lot of Tobacco lol, so some of that at least is due to that.
Idk if i was getting covid, or if her dad got sick separately from us, but whatever i had last week, the Rue once again cleared it out. I'm gonna start back on my daily Rue regimen for the next few days or so again just in case. I'm probably not gonna get tested, but i have faith in the Rue.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1114 Joined: 13-Jul-2014 Last visit: 06-Feb-2024
Update - So my gf's dad is out of the hospital and back home doing fine, her mom is apparently doing fine last i heard and has been cooped up in her room, she had tested positive too.
I'm quarantined at my house, have taken 3 to 4 grams of Rue seed powder encapsulated the last 4 days and will probably take it tonight as well, haven't been sick, so either i didn't catch it or the Rue helped. Like i said, i felt a little sick around the 3rd of Jan, my gf said she started getting sick around new years, the Rue cut out whatever i had when i took it for 3 days, so this Monday after i had been around 2 confirmed cases of covid since last Friday, came back home and been taking the Rue the last 4 days, no sickness. Take it as you will, but either i didn't catch it, or the Rue helped me out.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 55 Joined: 07-Mar-2020 Last visit: 03-Sep-2024
I really feel like this just comes down a couple basic things... When your on certain subtances they generally wear you out and take a toll on your body. During most trips most people forget the basics Drink water,eat,rest. During this time your body lacks what it needs to defend it self. Causing the virus to be able to excel at what its trying to do. Taking most drugs when you are sick is reckless in general but most colds and other things are not serious enough to harm you with lack of the basics. something like covid or the flu probably best to just wait it out and have your fun another time.
Stay hydrated my friends thats my two cents.