To be honest I'm not seeing masses of differences, lots of filtering and cleaning but maybe I'll try it next time.
I wanted to add that after the initial boil and I had 8g of Alkaloids from 100g of Rue seeds which looks about spot on, but by the end only 0.8g so I lost 90% somewhere thinking about it.
During my extraction I didn't get any crystals growing after the first Manske, I found that white solids were forming in the salt solution.
After I filtered them out with a coffee filter I put the whole filter into warm water to redesolve all of the white "gunk" and added salt to the mix and cooled again.
I did this 5 times and then dissolved in vinegar and precipitated with sodium carbonate.
I'm wondering if something went wrong with the Manske part due to no crystals forming.
Anybody got any thoughts?