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How to make pharmahuasca hit reliably Options
#21 Posted : 6/18/2020 10:58:12 AM

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Here is my 100% Success recipe:

- Mix harmala extract (200-250mg) and DMT (30-100mg) TOGETHER in Orange Juice
Make sure everything is dissolved before drinking
- Drink it. Right after drinking, eat One apple. This will make sure the medicine is absorbed quickly.

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#22 Posted : 6/18/2020 2:04:54 PM

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I've done pharmahuasca only one time with great results.

This is how I did it:

- orally ingest 200mg harmala fb
- wait 100 minutes to achieve peak effects of harmala
- dissolve 30mg DMT fb and 70mg harmala fb in lemon juice
- drink the lemon juice with goodies
- eat one raw tomato

After I took the dissolved DMT and harmala in lemon juice I could feel the first alert from DMT in 5 minutes or less. From that point it was a very fast come-up -> in 40 minutes I hit the peak.

The harmala dose was too high for me. It should be adjusted to achieve a better experience.

It worked really well. I basically got the idea of how I should do it by reading on the DMT-nexus forums.
#23 Posted : 6/18/2020 8:51:23 PM

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With oral DMT, there is always the chance of it not hitting.

There are many things you can do to make it hit more reliably. But you'll never get the 100% chance of actually hitting.

Don't try to be economical with your MAOI, that's my number one rule with oral DMT.
#24 Posted : 6/18/2020 9:00:00 PM

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dragonrider wrote:

Don't try to be economical with your MAOI, that's my number one rule with oral DMT.

Have you experienced too much of the MAOI though? Too much Harmine was VERY unpleasant, it felt like being stimmed up on amphetamines while tripping.

I feel like the MAOI is the stage lighting and DMT is the show. If you get the lighting wrong it doesn't matter how good the show is :/
#25 Posted : 6/19/2020 1:26:36 AM
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dragonrider wrote:
With oral DMT, there is always the chance of it not hitting.

There are many things you can do to make it hit more reliably. But you'll never get the 100% chance of actually hitting.

Indeed there's a chance of it not hitting, however back during my experimentation from 2012 to 2015, the oral DMT kicked in reliably every time. Basically what i did was take my capsule of 200mgs of Harmala/Rue extract or capsules of powdered Rue seed (i prefer to roast my seed prior to grinding now), and then an hour later drink my Mimosa or Acacia tea, worked like a charm, could feel the DMT kicking in within 10 to 20 minutes.

The key to reliable activation is getting the Harmala dosage right, and then timing the DMT consumption right, you want the gut's MAO-A to be inhibited fully and properly by the Harmalas when the DMT is consumed. If the DMT doesn't work, it's a Harmala/MAO-A inhibition issue, so Harmala dosage or the timing between the Harmalas and the DMT. Once you figure that out, the DMT will kick in reliably each time. The only times the DMT hasn't kicked in reliably for me personally, was back when i was taking high dosages of Zantac for heartburn and because of the lack of stomach acid and slowed digestion, it didn't get properly absorbed.

#26 Posted : 6/19/2020 1:34:19 AM
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EphemeralTruth wrote:
I feel like the MAOI is the stage lighting and DMT is the show. If you get the lighting wrong it doesn't matter how good the show is :/

You're half correct. DMT is an important ingredient to Aya, without the DMT, the Harmalas don't hold up to anything more than medicinal ime, certainly not Entheogenic, i mean maybe some qualities but for the most part nothing much there. However, with the DMT in the mix, yes the DMT is the main show, however i would consider the Harmalas to be the main show and the DMT to be the lighting that illuminates the Harmala teachings and experience. People are mistakenly under the impression that DMT is the main experience, while it's part of it, the Harmalas are actually the main experience, the DMT aside from adding it's own effects to the experience, illuminates/activates the Harmala effects, so proper Aya is primarily Harmalas with some DMT, hence why they go Caapi heavy in South America with a light to moderate dosage of DMT.

With that said though, the good thing about this stuff is you can adjust the dosages to your liking, however for proper Aya, you wanna go Harmala heavy with a dash of DMT to light the way, ime.

When using low to moderate dosages of Harmalas and moderate to high to heavy dosages of DMT, the DMT is the main part of the experience, but when using high to heavy dosages of Harmalas and low to moderate to high dosages of DMT, the Harmalas are the main show. Plus, the more Harmalas you use, the less DMT you'll need for a full experience, the less Harmalas you use, the more DMT you'll need.
#27 Posted : 6/19/2020 2:09:01 AM

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Since this thread all of a sudden blew up today I just wanted to stop by to say that I swear by the croissant, and the cola. Also I think THH makes a huge impact.
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#28 Posted : 6/19/2020 2:54:05 AM

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200 mg harmala freebase, 20 minutes later 70 to 100 mg spice dissolved in a shot of cola. Works very well every time.
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

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#29 Posted : 6/19/2020 5:30:30 AM

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VibeSurfer wrote:
Since this thread all of a sudden blew up today I just wanted to stop by to say that I swear by the croissant, and the cola. Also I think THH makes a huge impact.

If you got the croissant idea from this thread, glad it works for you Smile I don’t do pharma anymore, but I found that croissants worked better than normal bread. Someone suggested it was the high butter content baked into the bread.

Re: harmala/DMT importance: up until I started smoking syrian rue, I didn’t think much of harmalas.

Having begun smoking syrian rue on my ayahuasca trips, I have concluded harmalas are awesome.

DMT is the guitar. Harmalas are the person playing the guitar. No DMT, no music.... but I understand why shamanic cultures think the harmalas are the more important part now. I get stuff out of the ayahuasca by smoking the syrian rue that I wouldn’t get from just adding more DMT in the mix. And smoking the rue is a great way of getting it because you can titrate your doses and you won’t make yourself more nauseous in the process of consuming extra harmala. Within a few small tokes the trip becomes highly amped up and extended and transformed.... in a good way. For me, at least.
#30 Posted : 6/19/2020 5:02:11 PM

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ShamensStamen wrote:

When using low to moderate dosages of Harmalas and moderate to high to heavy dosages of DMT, the DMT is the main part of the experience, but when using high to heavy dosages of Harmalas and low to moderate to high dosages of DMT, the Harmalas are the main show. Plus, the more Harmalas you use, the less DMT you'll need for a full experience, the less Harmalas you use, the more DMT you'll need.

That's very interesting. I took 180 Harmine / 50 THH / 65 DMT. My harmine & THH was the super pure powder you can order online. I felt BLASTED by the harmalas... like strong amphetamine spotlight in my eyes the whole time. The DMT was light-ish and didn't have real visuals, more like very vivid thought space. I started the trip at 3pm and it was enough to keep me awake almost the whole night. I had a terrible headache the next day and felt like I had no serotonin (almost like molly blues).

I probably shouldn't have mixed harmine and THH without ever trying them individually (I had just heard THH really enhanced the experience), but based on this experience I clearly need to recalibrate the dosages. Has anyone experienced something similar?
#31 Posted : 6/20/2020 9:18:26 PM

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EphemeralTruth wrote:
ShamensStamen wrote:

When using low to moderate dosages of Harmalas and moderate to high to heavy dosages of DMT, the DMT is the main part of the experience, but when using high to heavy dosages of Harmalas and low to moderate to high dosages of DMT, the Harmalas are the main show. Plus, the more Harmalas you use, the less DMT you'll need for a full experience, the less Harmalas you use, the more DMT you'll need.

That's very interesting. I took 180 Harmine / 50 THH / 65 DMT. My harmine & THH was the super pure powder you can order online. I felt BLASTED by the harmalas... like strong amphetamine spotlight in my eyes the whole time. The DMT was light-ish and didn't have real visuals, more like very vivid thought space. I started the trip at 3pm and it was enough to keep me awake almost the whole night. I had a terrible headache the next day and felt like I had no serotonin (almost like molly blues).

I probably shouldn't have mixed harmine and THH without ever trying them individually (I had just heard THH really enhanced the experience), but based on this experience I clearly need to recalibrate the dosages. Has anyone experienced something similar?

Never taken THH, but I’ve worked with pure harmine. Never had any problems remotely resembling what you report. THH is a mild very mild serotonin reuptake inhibitor (sri)... and if you combine pharmaceutical selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (ssri antidepressants) with maoi’s, you will have serotonin syndrome and probably die. Intriguing report.

Plants are cheaper and I can literally eat the raw ground up plants (syrian rue and acacia) in a peanut butter sandwich with some honey without even feeling nauseus, so I don’t bother with anything else anymore. I don’t recommend this technique by the way. Only one other person I know can do it without feeling nauseous. Everyone else powerpukes, lol.
#32 Posted : 10/9/2020 3:52:40 PM

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consumed 50 mg Harmaline extract.

15 min later I smoked a half blunt of changa (mullein/lotus/b caapi, in an unknown ratio, with very light dmt) with my girlfriend...

The dmt effect was noticeably very light, with those super light translucent CEVS

However the Harmaline hit me like a train once I took about 5 hits... completely slumped me

It was the strangest sub breakthrough I've ever had..... very deep, yet short lived trip (probably due to the minimal dmt in the changa, if i had to estimate; probably 30-50 mg or less)

The Harmaline really sets things off.... Initially planned to consume 100mg Harmaline extract, but boy am I glad I only took 50mg.... That stuff can really sneak up and take you awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

After finishing the second half of the changa blunt, we hit a dmt vape pen a few times and it synergized really well with the pre-ingested Harmaline....

More to come....Light and Love and Namaste
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