The lye should do a good job of breaking down cell matter and freebasing the DMT within a few hours. The largest concern you should have is safely storing your jar until your solvent arrives, theorhetically, glass should hold a base solution indefinetly, but there are other theories stating that exposure to strong base solution, such as an STB tek, can weaken glass over time. STB teks commonly call for base solutions with pH's often upwards of 12, although a pH of ~9 is the minimum to convert most of your DMT to freebase.
I would advise you to either find a different source of solvent and pull it now, or to transfer the solution to a fresh jar.
The end product will probably contain more plant oils the longer the solution sits, unless you did a proper defat before basifying.
I am not certain on lye's reactivity towards rubber, I have never had any issues with the seal material that comes on pickle jars/ ball jars/ canning jars.