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My dmt experience Options
#1 Posted : 9/18/2020 12:19:47 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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My experience with DMT

**I want to start off by saying that this is my own personal experience,and all the ideas I play around with throughout this text are only my own interpretations and  explorations of my experience.**

So I first got into psychedelics via acid about a year ago, which for me, seemed to be exactly what i needed. It really helped me with personal and spiritual growth,and has given me the gift of awareness. I feel as if acid has given me the ability to not only view myself objectively,but also to understand others better.

And so naturally,I learned to love acid,and surely enough, after a good few trips,I wanted to see what mushrooms had to offer me. To me,mushrooms were quite similar to acid,at least visually,but mentally they were a lot more euphoric,and I felt a deep sense connection to my surroundings and nature.

After gaining some experience,and becoming more comfortable and “natural” in the psychedelic state, I started wondering “what else is there to experience?” I’ve done MDMA a handful of times, and i smoke weed on a semi-regular basis, and have done so for some time now. 

The experience I was searching for,would only later turn out to be that of DMT.

I had known about DMT for a very long time,or at least been aware of it, but i never really researched it before. Until one day, when I accidentally stumbled upon a video by Vice, in which Hamilton Morris interviews an artist( Joe Roberts of the LSD worldpeace) who creates art that's based on the DMT experience. Long story short,i ended up spending 2 weeks researching everything there was to know about DMT. Over the course of the following weeks I found out about the DMT nexus,about the DMT subreddit (without which I could never have gotten this far in my spiritual journey,and am forever grateful for) and a whole bunch of amazing people, sharing their experiences with this profound and truly amazing substance.

After I had successfully extracted my first batch of DMT (260mg in total),I was set out to experience this for myself. In spite of all the countless hours of research that i had spent on DMT, i still felt as if i was entering new territory. 

When the time came and I had my DMT loaded up(40mg) ,I was( or rather thought I was) ready for the upcoming experience. I lit my blowtorch….and ended up burning nearly all of my DMT. It had a flavor resembling that of burnt chemicals and rubber,and it hurt my throat a lot,and in hindsight, I was very fortunate not to have experienced the full effects,since the burning sensation in the back of my throat was extremely uncomfortable and distracting,and probably would have made the trip that much worse. The only closed eye visuals I had from this tiny dose,were seeing a large rainbow colored tunnel.( it wasn't clear,nor vivid in any way, i just felt like it was there and i could sort of see it) and in that moment i felt as if i was looking at the tunnel that people shoot through when they enter hyperspace. To no surprise,i came down relatively quickly and was left with a feeling of being on the brink of something big,but not knowing what it was.

Later that day i decided i’d try again,and after watching a youtube video of a guy explaining how,when smoking DMT, the less smoke there is,the less likely it is to burn. So i tried it again,with a smaller dose (20mg) (not to waste any DMT if i were to burn it again),and with this new information,i was more careful about not burning any of the DMT. so i took a deep inhale,and the first thing i noticed was that it didn't taste awful this time. It had quite a pleasant flavor to it. And as I took my second hit,a heavy buzzing sound started emanating from my surroundings. And I felt like my lungs were empty,but also at the same time like they were full of warm air. I layed down on my bed,and relaxed. This time the visuals were a little more vivid and clear. I saw the same tunnel I had seen earlier,but I was closer this time. I was at the entrance of the tunnel,and all around me I could see these human-shaped beings of light jump into the tunnel and being shot out into hyperspace. I,however,was unable to go in myself. I felt a presence near-by,and the way I can describe it, it felt like it was promising me that the next time I would smoke ,I would get to go through the tunnel,and into hyperspace.

Much later that same evening,near midnight,I felt like it was time. I got up,prepared everything,and decided to try the sandwich method this time. I placed a layer of weed on the bottom of my bowl,sprinkled 50mg of DMT on top,and covered it gently with another layer of weed. I had my headphones on (I was listening to Dreamer by Abakus),a comfortable blanket around me,and the bong in my hand. I felt ready. And so I lit the edge of the bowl,and inhaled with a steady and even pace,I took my finger off the carb,and inhaled. Immediately after I blew out the first hit, I knew this would be it. Everything in my FOV started to fill up with geometric strings of eyes,in different colors and shades of reds,yellows and greens. The strings were moving around constantly,and they felt warm. I took the second hit,and as I blew out the vapor, everything I saw around me looked like ripples and waves. The walls started waving out of existence,and as I struggled to take the third hit,inhaled,and exhaled,I felt my entire body shoot backwards into space. I don't remember much about the initial experience,and i think the weed made it harder to remember,but the next thing i remember was standing in a gigantic underground ballroom,with marble floors and pillars,that were colored in shades of green and purple,and in front of me, stood three gigantic men,in green striped suits with tophats. The giants were hundreds of feet tall,and as they looked at me, with their arms open and they said stuff like “ **welcome**”, “ **we’ve been waiting for you**” and “ **we’re so glad you're here**”. (Only one of them was talking)

Throughout my time with them,I was showered with feelings of acceptance and welcoming, and I felt like I was home. As a little while passed, I suddenly felt the entities saying their goodbyes, not with words, but with a feeling, almost telepathically. They told me that they had to leave,but the goodbye was surrounded by a loving and beautiful feeling,not a negative one as one could expect.

I slowly started to feel my fingers again, my chest rising and falling as I took deep breaths. I opened my eyes,and this part of the trip felt like a very strong acid trip. The walls were still melting,and as i looked at the window in front of me, i saw a reflection on it,in which i saw three portals,and i remember asking myself,is that the DMT realm? How do I know if any of this is real?

I quickly remembered that I should simply allow the trip to progress naturally and not fight it. So i relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the visuals,until eventually i was left with a feeling of pure amazement and happiness.

DMT really is something entirely different,and should be treated with respect. 

Thank you everyone who actually managed to read through this incredibly long trip report,and as well to those who only read some. I appreciate every one of you.

With love,

Whatever happens happens, don't let your past define you, love above all else.

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#2 Posted : 9/18/2020 7:14:37 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for sharing! Big grin
Psychedelic drugs don´t change you, they don´t change your character,
unless you want to be changed. They enable change. They can´t impose it.
Alexander Shulgin
#3 Posted : 9/18/2020 9:56:35 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 24-Sep-2024
Location: The Strange Attractor
Thank you for a nice report Smile Welcome! Very happy
Intensity increases exponentially until you reach the I of the storm.
#4 Posted : 11/4/2020 1:30:02 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 218
Joined: 09-Jul-2016
Last visit: 26-Aug-2022
Nice, too bad you burnt the first 40mg. I was really looking forward at that point...
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