Obtain alcohol. SWIM likes everclear, but 91% IPA should work fine.
Obtain kief. This can be obtained by screen sifting, by using a grinder with a kief catcher, by stretching a silk cloth over a bowl of weed, or by using a special hand cranked kief rubbing device. You can also get a little extra kief to top it off by washing out your nug jar, grinder, rolling tray, and even leftover baggies with a little bit of alcohol - to be saved of course.
Put your kief into a small, sealable, taller than wide glass jar. A test tube would be perfect, SWIM uses an old container for freeze dried chives. You should be able to find something. It must be tall though.
Heat up a little alcohol in a hot water bath or with a hot plate. SWIM is risky, and uses a shot glass in the microwave with quick bursts. This cannot be recommended, but it has always worked for SWIM, a long as it is carefully watched and not allowed to be in the microwave for more than 3-4 seconds. The alcohol should be warm, but really doesn't have to be boiling.
Use a pipette or a straw with your thumb on one end to transfer some hot alcohol carefully onto the kief. Use significantly more alcohol than is required to cover the kief. Shake, or stir it up really good, then let it sit for several hours....
...or overnight. Now it should have separated into a transparent, possibly colored (amber or green, depending on the amount/potency of kief used) alcohol layer, and a layer of sediment coating the bottom. The alcohol can be decanted by carefully pouring it off and collecting, taking care not to disturb the sediment, and leaving a bit of alcohol behind. It can also be decanted by use of a transfer pipette, but I don't think the straw will work for this one.
A couple more warm alcohol pulls should exhaust the kief material.
The alcohol, upon evaporation, should yield some very sticky, very potent hash oil. This can be scraped up with a razor blade and rolled with some finely ground weed or kief to make it more handle-able. It can be dissolved in everclear for a tincture (or to be dropped and evapped on bowls and joints). SWIM's favorite way to use it is to drop some onto a bowl of good weed in a vapor brothers.
SWIM may make a pictorial when the time is right.