Away at college he is. Fine cannabis indica there is. Friends want him to share. He wants to know what is the best way in which to safely travel with 7-14 grams of fine cannabis indica 400 miles in a automobile. He wants to know what methods are tried and true; methods which can also hinder a drug dog from finding out. Please, he needs help.
He already knows that all surface areas that have ever or could come in contact with the fine marijuana must be cleaned of any resin, residue, or cannabis molecules that can be smelt by a police dog that just wants its chew toy / ball.
Another thing he knows is to take care and make sure his hands are washed and even going to the point of wearing gloves when placing the herb into its hiding container. He thinks you can never be to careful.
He has also heard that 10% bleach solution can be used to eradicate and break down the scent molecules of our dear beloved mary jane. Placed on a cloth and rubbed over surfaces that may have come in contact with bud particles.
Vacuum sealing? Multiple zip-locks? Hidden in frozen raw meat? At the bottom of a jar of window washer fluid? Body cavities (DOES NOT WANT) ?
Drive responsibly he knows, but the law wants to find reasons and if they look, they WILL find a way to pull him over. Unless they don't that is.
Please, tell him, he needs to know. He must not let down his cannabis connoisseur friends. Tell him of ways in which others have transported our fine friend cannabis safely in cars. Various ways which have worked. Etc, etc, etc...
He has tried looking all over the interweb and has found nothing on boards that seem the slight bit intelligent.
Thank you for your time