Swim wants to cultivate some beautiful cacti. Swim found a 'Peyote 6cm multi headed (about 20 heads forming)'
Is this for real? Swim didn't realize multi headed peyote even existed.
But if you guys verify the legitimacy of this, then Swim may end up purchasing and cultivating this beautiful specimen.
Also, Swim is thinking of purchasing a T.peruvianus & a T.pachanoi.
But swims only concern is being sold mis identified specimen. Are these cacti easily identified?
Swim would share with anyone the supplier/vendor with anyone that wants to know, just pm me and i will ask swim.
How difficult are these cacti to cultivate and grow? Swim already has 2 small cacti of unknown specimen without incident.
Once they were left alone for 3 months over summer (vacation) and upon returning swim found some tiny bugs/mites on the cacti.
But they were removed by hand with a small pair of tweezers. No trouble has been had since then.
If you as me, i think swim is looking for some encouragement about vendors selling the advertised specimens and ease of cultivation.
PS: Are peyote/pedro difficult to cultivate from seed? Do they take long to mature? How are they bred/multiplied?
“Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna