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Trying to improve Acacia information Options
#1981 Posted : 7/29/2020 8:38:45 AM

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nen888 wrote:
..for those wanting to test whether their local strain of A. longifolia is active, you could try the 'leaf-burning test'..pick a fresh phyllode, ignite with
a lighter, inhale smoke..if there is an acridness or biting sensation about smoke it's probably an active plant..

Wow, really? I've never heard of this. Will be sure to try.
Please contact me if you have experience working with Acacia Longifolia or Maidenii Smile

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#1982 Posted : 7/30/2020 8:28:25 AM

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Could someone point me in the direction of a guide to the proper acacia harvesting technique(s)? Smile
Please contact me if you have experience working with Acacia Longifolia or Maidenii Smile
#1983 Posted : 7/30/2020 9:07:42 AM

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I recently attempted an extraction on A. Cyclops using 70 grams of mostly fresh phyllodes pulled with hot naphtha. I attempted to freeze precipitate after evaporating a bit till it clouded when blowing on it, but it seems like the precipitate struggled to settle down so I evaporated it all this morning. The yield is looking ok after the first pull with around 50 mg of orange/yellow goo. Unfortunately I only have a gram scale so no way of knowing exactly what the yield is.

Also, I found out that there is a suspected A. Saligna as well as A. Retinodes. I'm excited to test these species as the analysis from this thread seems very interesting.
Woolmer attached the following image(s):
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#1984 Posted : 8/3/2020 10:00:41 AM

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Hoping to start work on A. Longifolia and A. Maidenii soon.

I have some phyllodes of Maidenii and phyllodes/twigs of Longifolia air drying over the next month or so.

Does anyone have any suggested tek's for me to use on these species? I don't mind goo or full-spec.

I appreciate any advice Very happy
Please contact me if you have experience working with Acacia Longifolia or Maidenii Smile
#1985 Posted : 8/3/2020 10:01:51 AM

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Woolmer wrote:
I'm excited to test these species

Have you had a chance to test?
Please contact me if you have experience working with Acacia Longifolia or Maidenii Smile
#1986 Posted : 8/9/2020 6:05:01 PM

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XJ9 wrote:

Does anyone have any suggested tek's for me to use on these species? I don't mind goo or full-spec.

Any standard a/b will work. Cyb's hybrid tek is quite good.

XJ9 wrote:

Have you had a chance to test?

Yep I attempted an extraction on A. Retinodes (which I believe from a paper that I read is wrongly inventoried as A. Retinodes in South Africa but is rather A. provincialis) but yielded next to nothing. I used bark from some dead branches that were cut off a while back and lying next to the tree but it seemed heated naphtha pulls would not even pull any oils as it did not even change colour. Considering that we've have been having lots of heavy rainfall and that I have no clue how long those branches were lying there, I think it is possible that a lot of the alkaloids have been washed out with rain.

An update on the cyclops extraction: I was able to yield a little bit more goo, but I believe this could be largely inactive as on an attempt at intra-nasal administration there was no burning sensation whatsoever and no effects noticed. I know this is definitely not an optimal ROA but I recently moved countries and I have nothing to smoke it with.

Finally, there is also some A. Longifolia (var. sophorae?) growing near my house that I am keen to try an extraction on so I will provide updates on that.
#1987 Posted : 8/14/2020 1:22:32 AM

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Not sure if this has been available on the forum but I've finally gotten a hole of E. P. White's 1950's Acacia research from the New Zealand J. Sci. & Tech.

I'm pretty these were the first reports (correct me if I'm wrong) of psychoactive alkaloids being present in acacia species.

I had trouble finding these articles, but Keeper Trout came to my assistance. He provided me with scans of the original articles here:

However, trout contests some of White's findings - please see attached Trout's notes.
Please contact me if you have experience working with Acacia Longifolia or Maidenii Smile
#1988 Posted : 8/14/2020 1:29:04 AM

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Woolmer wrote:
I recently moved countries and I have nothing to smoke it with.

Where there's a will, there's a way!

Woolmer wrote:
Finally, there is also some A. Longifolia (var. sophorae?) growing near my house that I am keen to try an extraction on so I will provide updates on that.

Looking forward to it Thumbs up
Please contact me if you have experience working with Acacia Longifolia or Maidenii Smile
#1989 Posted : 8/15/2020 2:47:15 PM

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XJ9 wrote:
I have some phyllodes of Maidenii and phyllodes/twigs of Longifolia air drying over the next month or so.

Doesn't maidenii only contain appreciable alkaloid concentrations in its bark? I have one too, so looking forward to your posting your findings.
#1990 Posted : 8/15/2020 3:12:08 PM

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I have some updates on my A. Cyclops and A. Longifolia extractions.

I tried another pull on A. Cyclops after it had sat around for 10 days or so and it is still yielding lots of yellow goo. I have no idea what to think about this goo. The second I separate the naphtha from the base soup it seems these oils try to evaporate and form a ring around the naphtha pool. I struggle to get them to freeze precipitate but will try again this evening.

Regarding the A. Longifolia and A. Retinodes extractions, I believe I did not grind my bark fine enough to let the lye do its job. My coffee grinder is not optimal and I can only get it to a shredded consistency. The naphtha comes out clear whereas the A. Cycylops phyllodes (which I ground with a soup maker and a touch of vinegar also to a shredded consistency) turn the naphtha very yellow.

These results leave me very curious about the A. Cyclops trunk and root bark which I can mercilessly strip considering these species are very invasive in South Africa.

Edit: I yielded way more A. Cyclops oil from the third pull than I expected. Currently infusing it onto some imphepho Cool - will bioassay some time next week.
#1991 Posted : 8/20/2020 9:57:04 PM

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Jagube wrote:
XJ9 wrote:
I have some phyllodes of Maidenii and phyllodes/twigs of Longifolia air drying over the next month or so.

Doesn't maidenii only contain appreciable alkaloid concentrations in its bark? I have one too, so looking forward to your posting your findings.

I'm not too sure. I'm completely new to personal extracts so either way, it will be good for experience. I'll let you know once they're sufficiently dry Smile

Woolmer wrote:
will bioassay some time next week.

Please contact me if you have experience working with Acacia Longifolia or Maidenii Smile
#1992 Posted : 9/13/2020 7:22:49 PM

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Below are some updates on my extractions:

I bioassayed the enhanced leaf from my A. Cyclops extraction with minimal effects in a bowl but unfortunately I think I chose the wrong leaf (really harsh smoke) and I may have used too much leaf (don't own a proper scale and couldn't weigh my yield either). I will try some in a bong but I am not too hopeful about it.

Attatched below is a picture of the yellow goo. It seemed to me like a really high yield (from 50g) considering that it is a goo and covers so much of the bread plate. Surely this could not all have been plant fats/oils? Another thing which boggles me and which I mentioned before is that upon evaporation the goo started forming a fair bit outside of where the naphtha pool was if that makes sense. Notice how the yield is denser on the outside of the circle. Are these some sort of oils which try to escape but just get too heavy and fall?

This was an extraction on phyllodes from a tree in the Western Cape completely infested by the midge that was introduced for biological control.

I also did a recent extraction on trunk bark (probably over 100g dry) from an A. Cyclops in the Eastern Cape which yielded almost nothing. This tree did not have any noticable signs of ifestation. The naphtha did not change colour at all (Unlike the phyllode extraction which turned it very yellow). Does this add to the possibility that the phyllode extraction was mainly fats/oils. I have read about some unsuccessful extractions on A. Cyclops bark in this thread before.

Another thing I would like to note is that the bark extraction created a distinct layer of fats between the naphtha and soup, while the phyllodes did not.
Woolmer attached the following image(s):
IMG_5920 3.jpg (1,183kb) downloaded 242 time(s).
#1993 Posted : 9/14/2020 6:51:17 AM

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Jagube wrote:
XJ9 wrote:
I have some phyllodes of Maidenii and phyllodes/twigs of Longifolia air drying over the next month or so.

Doesn't maidenii only contain appreciable alkaloid concentrations in its bark? I have one too, so looking forward to your posting your findings.

I haven't personally worked with active strains of Maidenii but nen888 has plenty of experience with it and if you get the right strain the phyllodes have good % alkaloids.. maybe 0.6% from memory? Nen?
#1994 Posted : 10/8/2020 6:23:47 AM

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I have yet to properly bioassay my A. Cyclops extract but in the meantime, I have run an A/B on at least 100g dry Acacia Erioloba trunk bark which yielded a tiny bit of yellow oil from FPing not much unlike the A. Cyclops oil. One thing to note is where I currently am there is rarely rainfall and this bark had been taken cracker dry from a tree that looks to be dying (but is not yet dead!).
#1995 Posted : 4/22/2021 1:36:31 PM

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Over the past few months, I have done quite a few extractions on a number of African and Australian acacias. Most of these extractions either ended up as a very small amount or a dirty oily yield that would not re-x and which returned a negative bioassay

My most recent extraction on Acacia Sieberiana var. Woodii has yielded something quite interesting. I only used the leaves (80g dry), removing them from the small stems which bind the leaves to be bipinnate.

I did a hybrid A/B similar to cybs tek using a hot pull with a mixture of xylene/toluene and some other hydrocarbons. Upon evaporating it I have been left with a cream seemingly crystalline substance. The weight is around 200mg. To note this was just a single 20-30ml pull.

I am very surprised at this, both the significant yield and the fact that it is more solid than gooey after evaporating the xylene/toluene.

Next step will be to re-x in some light naphtha.

I suspect the bark to have an even higher yield.
Woolmer attached the following image(s):
IMG_0078.jpg (1,239kb) downloaded 159 time(s).
#1996 Posted : 5/25/2021 12:24:04 PM

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Bioassay of A. Sieberiana was negative and re-x did not work too well.

Recently did a hybrid a/b on A. Pycnantha trunk bark. In two pulls with xylene/toluene, I got a 0.1% yield of orange goo. Will try to re-x and perhaps bioassay.
#1997 Posted : 5/27/2021 2:23:43 PM
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yeah know the feelinConfused
#1998 Posted : 6/20/2021 2:08:59 PM
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Hello all,
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread.

Seeking your validation on the ID of my plant which I believe to be A Longifolia - from Sydney Australia.

infinitexistence attached the following image(s):
20210617_204219.jpg (2,276kb) downloaded 130 time(s).
20210617_204246.jpg (1,941kb) downloaded 131 time(s).
20210617_204226.jpg (1,605kb) downloaded 130 time(s).
#1999 Posted : 6/20/2021 8:51:27 PM
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Gday people,
Awesome informative thread. Just a quick question, has anyone heard of any luck with Acacia Disparrima? I have not been able to find out much about it but I thought I would give it a run.
If nothing else it will be good to practice some tek or other. Big grin
#2000 Posted : 8/11/2021 4:18:09 AM

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Just thought I would add some information.

Recent extraction on A. Longissima (50g dried bark and phyllodes) harvested in winter, yielded an orange goo very small amount maybe 5-15mg max?? Menthol like smell (very similar to a previous A. Dealbata extraction- this too yielded minimum goo but went untested.)

Bioassay was conducted on A. Longissima extraction not active.
Disclaimer: All my posts are of total fiction.

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