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#21 Posted : 1/13/2010 3:36:15 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Godspark wrote:

"The Vatican newspaper and radio station are criticizing James Cameron's 3-D blockbuster for flirting with the idea that worship of nature can replace religion - a notion the pope has warned against."

"In a recent World Day of Peace message, the pontiff warned against any notions that equate human beings with other living things in the name of a "supposedly egalitarian vision." He said such notions "open the way to a new pantheism tinged with neo-paganism, which would see the source of man's salvation in nature alone, understood in purely naturalistic terms."

God forbid we respect something that has provided us with every single piece of technology since the wheel

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#22 Posted : 1/13/2010 3:43:38 AM

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Godspark wrote:

"The Vatican newspaper and radio station are criticizing ....


considering the catholic churchs appalling record of corruption, paedophilia, childhood indoctronation and oppression of women throughout the entire length of its shambolic existance it is certainly in no and never will be in any position to critisize anyone or anything!!

to think I was brain washed by these fools from my earliest memoriesCrying or very sad

ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions
#23 Posted : 1/13/2010 1:57:48 PM

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ambi-lysergance wrote:


considering the catholic churchs appalling record of corruption, paedophilia, childhood indoctronation and oppression of women throughout the entire length of its shambolic existance it is certainly in no and never will be in any position to critisize anyone or anything!!

Amen brother!

In a way it's good to see that this is getting their backs up, surely because they are scared and know that they are loosing their stranglehold on the masses - people are waking up and their fairytales being questioned to the point where they can no longer re-interpret or twist things round to meet their agendas.

#24 Posted : 1/13/2010 2:16:51 PM

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Very happy well said methtical.

what they have managed to get away with just because of who they are and the power they exert makes my blood boil to the point of evaperation ( should end up with some nice xstals in thereLaughing )

the hypocrisy is savage.

parents would be more suited to warning their kids against the dangers of these monsterous self proclaimed, self indulgant false pilgrims of god than some movie!

ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions
#25 Posted : 1/13/2010 4:29:17 PM

The Great Namah

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How sad....

Nature worship is so evil! Seriously, I mean, we should be worshiping a guy in a funny hat that's against gays, all other religions (save Jews), birth control (!), and freedom of thought. Thank god the pope tells us what to think, or I'd be so confused!

Seriously though, respecting other living things as we respect humans is NOT a bad thing. I mean, if another race WAS to visit earth would the pope be against treating them with the same respect as humans? I'd rather he not be one of the first people that meets with an alien race.

I just can't understand religion sometimes. It hurts my brain and my heart to think of all the atrocities that have been done in the name of god.
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#26 Posted : 1/13/2010 5:18:20 PM

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I dont agree at all with the posts that think that being inspired by something like this is rediculous...I think thats a sad point of view...if you cant be inspired than I feel for you.

All culures have stories like this that have deeper messages imbedded in them..thats the point of telling a story...when tribal peoples sit around telling stories of creation, hunting stories etc...there is usally some sort of knowledge transmitted within it that is relevant to the lives of these people...our culture is no different..our situation needs stories to help us "see" just as much as any other..

Language is not so one dimensional..there are many ways to transmit a message.

The real sad things is the stories that we most often choose to tell these days..the great myths that shape us a as a culutre..most of them seem to point us in the direction we are currently going...story time and mythology are just a big part of this culutre and they are any other...this is a type of language people...you just need to loosen up and be a little creative to get that.

This myth is not a new one...this story has been told over and over..ever seen fergully?..dances with wolves?..same thing..and it will come up again and again until people learn to tuely learn to read it and see the situation for what it really is..

Long live the unwoke.
#27 Posted : 1/13/2010 5:21:31 PM

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Skizm wrote:
Godspark wrote:

"The Vatican newspaper and radio station are criticizing James Cameron's 3-D blockbuster for flirting with the idea that worship of nature can replace religion - a notion the pope has warned against."

"In a recent World Day of Peace message, the pontiff warned against any notions that equate human beings with other living things in the name of a "supposedly egalitarian vision." He said such notions "open the way to a new pantheism tinged with neo-paganism, which would see the source of man's salvation in nature alone, understood in purely naturalistic terms."

God forbid we respect something that has provided us with every single piece of technology since the wheel

Yes, but to me that's only half of the story...its dont a hell of alot more than just provide us with useful technology..
Long live the unwoke.
#28 Posted : 1/13/2010 7:10:04 PM

Johnny Noone

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I think the vatican feeling pressure for and eco-religion to take hold is not to far off.

i have been developing and conversing a theory of mine for a couple years now, which is inline with this topic. Having heard all of the excitement about 2012 and how it will be the end of the world and all that great stuff, naturally i started to look into it. now bear in mind that i am just voicing an opinion upon events and research, and am putting things together as a theory and not fact.

i found that the constellations have a 2000 year cycle and that right now we are in the age of pisces moving into the age of aquarius. 2012 is supposedly the end of the world, but i believe it is an end of an age. I think the biggest change here will be shifting in consciousness, with that being a possible shift in religious belief. as i live in america, i am subject to the belief systems we have here, with one of those being christianity. also having been dragged to church through my childhood, i learned some of the stories. jesus died 2000 years ago and he said he will be with us till the end of the AGE. so it seems like his time is running out. what religion or ideology would be next then? well, what have you seen everyday, that people are starting to preach more and more and even go so far as to enforce with laws... going green. People are starting to pray to mother earth and give tithes and offerings to the institutions(churches) that will help clear your concience of your sins against her, but not without filtering through a couple greedy hands first.

now here's the thing that bugs me about the green movement, its not a bad idea. we should respect our land, waters, and air. but it is being twisted in a way so that politicians build platforms on it and businesses around it, thus making them our new priesthood and saviors of the earth. everybody is jumping on this bandwagon, just as people in biblical days jumped on all of the religious explanations for why certain unexplainable things were happening. people accepted it because they didn't have the means or desire to investigate, so they adopted it because it wasn't a bad idea and got further taken advantage of.

the telling of stories to get a message across and further indoctrinate that message into a society isn't a new game. the style in which the stories are used to propagate, will always be changing to keep tricking the next batch of suckers. i just don't believe that making a purchase at the checkout stand is really going to impact my environment more than it is an uplifting symbol for my guilty, polluting conscience. how many people do you think that (RED) U2 ipod really saved, and how much more did sales increase for ipod when they released that? people are naturally guilty and want to help, but they are also lazy and don't want to give real effort. therfore, we have the desire for and can conveniently purchase new and fancy gadgets that will save us or new religions to believe in that offer saveness from our certain, self caused doom.
#29 Posted : 1/13/2010 7:19:59 PM

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Blackstatis wrote:
now here's the thing that bugs me about the green movement, its not a bad idea. we should respect our land, waters, and air. but it is being twisted in a way so that politicians build platforms on it and businesses around it, thus making them our new priesthood and saviors of the earth. everybody is jumping on this bandwagon, just as people in biblical days jumped on all of the religious explanations for why certain unexplainable things were happening. people accepted it because they didn't have the means or desire to investigate, so they adopted it because it wasn't a bad idea and got further taken advantage of.

I hate the fact that environmentalism is now a fad..becasue it means alot of these "environmentalists" will drop it as soon as it becomes unfashionable and run off chasing the next fad to hit the streets..

Lots of people talk about the environment..and then throw away paper etc becasue there are no recycling bins around etc..and they think you are nutz for stuffing your pockets full of paper to rycycle later..
Long live the unwoke.
#30 Posted : 1/13/2010 7:21:12 PM

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just go watch Waking Life and it'll work itself out
Everything I post is made up fiction. SWIM represents a character who is not based in or on reality.
#31 Posted : 1/13/2010 7:30:14 PM

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narmz wrote:
just go watch Waking Life and it'll work itself out

Lovely film.
#32 Posted : 1/14/2010 1:46:44 PM

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God forbid that we worship the source that actually gave us life.

This just in- "The pope's a complete and utter tool!"
#33 Posted : 1/14/2010 3:11:19 PM

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^^Agreed! My opinion of Christianity just took yet another plunge...
#34 Posted : 1/14/2010 4:21:59 PM

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Recycling is only part of a solution - and one that only exists for profit. While receycling is a noble gesture really we are only saving the companies that produce waste some money (recycling is a business that is profit driven). The real issue is waste. As a species we are extremely wasteful without any real plan to use renewable resources so we don't deplete them at the rate we are. Tossing paper in the recycling bin doesn't affect clearcutting one bit.

We are fed this constant line that we need to buy this and buy that to keep up with the Jones'. Until people stop purchasing crap that is really only essential because everyone else has one we are doomed. I started looking around my house last year and discovered that most of the "stuff" (cue George Carlin) I had accumulated is essentially non essential, with most of it being made of material with a half life of what...500,000 years?

Many of these products are being so cheeply produced that they are breaking down (TV's for example) far quicker that they should be so that you will need to buy a new one sooner.

I won't even start on the whole bottled water epidemic - how stupid are we?
#35 Posted : 1/14/2010 4:33:27 PM

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OnthePath wrote:
I won't even start on the whole bottled water epidemic - how stupid are we?

Ha! I know what you mean. Perhaps we need to be issued water bottles to be refilled at dispensaries (already a growing trend) and bottled water made commercially illegal (though still kept in stock for emergency situations of course).
#36 Posted : 1/14/2010 4:42:59 PM

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amor_fati wrote:
OnthePath wrote:
I won't even start on the whole bottled water epidemic - how stupid are we?

Ha! I know what you mean. Perhaps we need to be issued water bottles to be refilled at dispensaries (already a growing trend) and bottled water made commercially illegal (though still kept in stock for emergency situations of course).

Good luck with that.

It'll be bottled air next. What a genius scam.

From this day onwards I will be replacing the word "business" with the word "scam"
#37 Posted : 1/14/2010 5:25:01 PM

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"Recycling is only part of a solution - and one that only exists for profit. While receycling is a noble gesture really we are only saving the companies that produce waste some money (recycling is a business that is profit driven)."

That sounds sort of rediculous...recycling is more than just pop cans dude...sure there is some profit behind it..and yes we do need to just stop creating so much waste..but recycling is not just something we do to help companies save money.

Bottled water is poison anyway..who wants to drink flouride?
Long live the unwoke.
#38 Posted : 1/14/2010 5:45:44 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
"Recycling is only part of a solution - and one that only exists for profit. While receycling is a noble gesture really we are only saving the companies that produce waste some money (recycling is a business that is profit driven)."

That sounds sort of rediculous...recycling is more than just pop cans dude...sure there is some profit behind it..and yes we do need to just stop creating so much waste..but recycling is not just something we do to help companies save money.

Bottled water is poison anyway..who wants to drink flouride?

Sorry to burst your bubble "dude" but I have close friends in the recycling business, as in owning and operating recycling companies that work with the government. I know the ins and outs quite intimately. I also work in an industry that supports the operational aspects of big business paper companies. Unless a profit can be made most of the electronic goods that can be recycled wind up in deplorable sites that create havoc for those that live anywhere near them. Non profit recycling is nothing but smoke and mirrors to get people to buy their products. If it's cheaper to clearcut or simply produce a new product from raw materials there is little if any motivation to recycle.

Most if not all of the products produced for market economies are from raw materials produced for profit only. It's just cheaper to manufacture from raw materials thatn it is from recycled goods. The only incentives are government tax deductions which will have no lasting effect - especially in times of recession.
#39 Posted : 1/14/2010 5:57:53 PM

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The people in control of the resources want them sold and WILL sell them. They have a very powerful scheme to do this.

By all means recycle but first and foremost just don't buy stuff unless it's 100% necassary can't live without material.

However this is counteracted by the fact that manufacturers and retailers can simply throw away what you don't buy without too much of a cost exceeded.
#40 Posted : 1/14/2010 6:14:23 PM

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By all means I do believe that recycling is important, don't get me wrong. It's the wasteful society that we are in that unless we change these ways we're doomed to keeping it up until it's all gone. It won't be long before we're sold "clean air" at the expense of polluting it in it's production. It's going to take something cataclysmic to stop this ride we're on. The planet will be fine in the end but we won't be I'm afraid.
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