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#1 Posted : 8/1/2020 11:05:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: in the underbelly of the cosmic womb
Hi all, I thought I would put together a compilation of photos I have taken over the years hanging out with the Wattles in Australia. I have made it my mission to create a photography project that venerates the Acacia and really brings out the character of each species. I hope you enjoy them.. I've been having loads of fun using an ultra wide angle lens lately ... it is a great ally not just for landscape photography but also plant photography.. the slight warping in corners is fantastic for adding a sense of motion or 'life' to the subject.

I'll get the ball rolling with a rare and softly spoken little fellow from where I grew up in the New England area of NSW.. Meet Acacia Ingramii.. Or "Ingram's Wattle" .. Is usually found growing around the steep gorges of the Oxley Wild Rivers area.. the last photo is next to Dangars Falls just near where I grew up.. a magical place
acacian attached the following image(s):
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ingram2.jpg (206kb) downloaded 132 time(s).
goirge.jpg (130kb) downloaded 68 time(s).

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 8/1/2020 11:07:46 PM

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On the gorge note, here is another beauty and one of my favourite species .. also grows in the same areas as the previous dweller, but is a little more widespread throughout NSW and smaller areas of South East Queensland. It is considered by some to be a sub species of Acacia Blakei. Enter.. Acacia Diphylla
acacian attached the following image(s):
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Acacia Diphylla.png (1,086kb) downloaded 128 time(s).
diphylla.jpg (123kb) downloaded 126 time(s).
diphylla butterly.png (1,386kb) downloaded 127 time(s).
#3 Posted : 8/1/2020 11:10:05 PM

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SAY HELLO .. TO MY LIL FRIEND! ... Acacia Neurophylla .. a native to WA. Very photogenic species which I thoroughly enjoyed getting in awkward positions to honour.. (no kink of course) ... it really encompasses the "green and gold" in a uniquely vivid way.
acacian attached the following image(s):
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#4 Posted : 8/1/2020 11:12:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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A graceful little species which grows in the northern tablelands of NSW as well as a very small area of SE QLD. This wattle has a super cute and curious vibe.. say g'day to Acacia Venulosa... a close relative to the also stunning Acacia Lanigera (who you will soon meet in the coming posts)
acacian attached the following image(s):
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venulosa seed.jpg (104kb) downloaded 121 time(s).
venulosa sun.jpg (57kb) downloaded 121 time(s).
venulosas.jpg (73kb) downloaded 121 time(s).
#5 Posted : 8/1/2020 11:15:45 PM

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This species is known as the 'poverty wattle' due to its abundance in poor soils. It is rich however in graceful beauty . Is a tiny little shrub that stands out like a glowing beacon when in bloom..It almost looks like a dancer that has been frozen in motion... found in east coast SE QLD, NSW and Victoria.. the newest member to the set.. Acacia 'Dancing' Dawsonii
acacian attached the following image(s):
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acacia dawsonii.jpg (132kb) downloaded 118 time(s).
#6 Posted : 8/1/2020 11:23:07 PM

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Another gorgeous species, closely related to Acacia Longifolia, you have probably heard of this species at one point or another due to it's visionary properties. It is also however a gorgeous tree that carries a powerful presence and really stands out wherever it grows. It's leathery, and 'resiny' phyllodes have complex nerve networks that glow with the sunlight behind them like hyperspace itself. And its confident growth habit lends it a truly rugged beauty... say hi to Acacia Obtusifolia
acacian attached the following image(s):
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obtuse.jpg (160kb) downloaded 111 time(s).
#7 Posted : 8/1/2020 11:33:02 PM

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Another favourite.. I am absolutely in love with the vibe of this species.. its phyllodes are gorgeous.. I needn't say much more - its elegance speaks for itself! From the southern area of Western Australia .. Acacia Urophylla
acacian attached the following image(s):
acacia urophylla.JPG (5,887kb) downloaded 109 time(s).
orphylla.jpg (2,243kb) downloaded 106 time(s).
uro.jpg (2,811kb) downloaded 64 time(s).
#8 Posted : 8/2/2020 4:59:43 AM

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Bright, dense and furry yellow rods are the standout feature of Acacia Cheeli, as well as its tall majestic growth habit and pale blue foliage. Will be found nestling amongst the native cypress in the dry scrub. In bloom it is one of the more brilliant displays I have bore witness too.. the flowers are just this sort of hyper bright cheddar cheese yellow..
acacian attached the following image(s):
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cheelii.jpg (129kb) downloaded 100 time(s).
#9 Posted : 8/2/2020 9:33:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Beautiful, thanks for sharing!
#10 Posted : 8/2/2020 2:50:50 PM

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endlessness wrote:
Beautiful, thanks for sharing!

Literally stole my exact words right out of my head. Lol
#11 Posted : 8/2/2020 2:52:48 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Very cool project!
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
#12 Posted : 8/2/2020 3:49:15 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thank you guys! Lots more to come Smile

Next up .. "Woolly Wattle" .. or Acacia Lanigera. Closely related to Acacia Venulosa from a few posts up. Gets its name because the phyllodes, seed pods and stems are covered in small hairs.. in botanical terms "glabrescent".

Super bad ass plant.. no more than 2 meters in height but the erect, sharp, spear-like phyllodes reach for the stars as if seething from the earth to the heavens. The look of Acacia Lanigera reminds me of hyperspace .. and the first photo below is perhaps my #1 favourite acacia shot I've gotten so far .. it just captures something magical and sentient about the plant. There is quite a masculine vibe about this Acacia.
acacian attached the following image(s):
lanigera.jpg (58kb) downloaded 68 time(s).
lanigera (2).png (846kb) downloaded 68 time(s).
lanigera3.jpg (67kb) downloaded 68 time(s).
#13 Posted : 8/2/2020 4:04:08 PM

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Sunlight shards through the majestic Acacia Melanoxyn..
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light shard.jpg (117kb) downloaded 63 time(s).
#14 Posted : 8/2/2020 4:29:27 PM


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Those are all so amazing!
Acacia Urophylla Love
How insanely beautiful are these plants
#15 Posted : 8/2/2020 6:22:48 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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cubeananda wrote:
Those are all so amazing!
Acacia Urophylla Love
How insanely beautiful are these plants

Yeah she's a beauty.. was disappointing that it was so windy and rainy for most of the time it was flowering.. so didn't get any shots with fresh fuzzy fur balls like I was hoping. Been waiting a year for it to flower since I moved over to western Australia
#16 Posted : 8/2/2020 6:52:33 PM


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acacian wrote:

Yeah she's a beauty.. was disappointing that it was so windy and rainy for most of the time it was flowering.. so didn't get any shots with fresh fuzzy fur balls like I was hoping. Been waiting a year for it to flower since I moved over to western Australia

Hope the Dreamtime makes time for your photos acacian Smile
#17 Posted : 8/3/2020 10:14:54 PM


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Hey acacian!

I have really been enjoying your photos of acacias and took the liberty to use them as textures in some visual loops. its a market or whatever, but not marketing. its just one of the best places to host this kind of content to show people. Anyways I'm making a library and its going to feature photos of acacias as the textures for now Smile Mostly doing it because I love fractals, and also these acacias inspire me in a way, as well .

cheers https://gumroad.com/miusoph

Here's kind of an idea where I'm going with it Wink
#18 Posted : 8/4/2020 5:22:44 AM

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Hey that's real cool Cube! I like it a lot.. the unpredictability of the acacia makes the fractal quite unique.. the colour scheme i that was works great with the track too. Thanks for taking the time on that!

Next Acacia loves rocks! Granite specifically.. has an incredible upwards "seething to the sky" kind of growth habit and is powerful to be in the presence of.. welcome, Acacia Granitica!

acacian attached the following image(s):
granitica.jpg (121kb) downloaded 41 time(s).
granite 3.jpg (137kb) downloaded 41 time(s).
granitica2.jpg (73kb) downloaded 41 time(s).
#19 Posted : 4/13/2023 3:28:11 AM

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About 18 months old, these are my floribundas and acuminatas that are still in pots- I moved some a few months ago into the ground which took off and are about between 4 and 7 feet tall already!

I will eventually post some pictures of those.

I strongly encourage people to grow these amazing specimens! Awesome to see my little mates enjoying the climate here (NSW).
wattlez attached the following image(s):
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w2.png (2,924kb) downloaded 17 time(s).
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