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About HPPD, here is a interesting theory Options
#1 Posted : 8/1/2020 3:16:56 AM
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Edit: I have to put a disclamer saying, this post or any of the content of it does not constitute any kind of medical advice. If you need medical help, contact a ceritfied physician. This post is intended for only educational pruposes only, just as a personal story I want to share, and must be taken as what it is, a story some random dude has posted in a forum. By any means is not A thing you must take as a advice and is NOT an advice. Having said that, here we go!

Hello folks! So this is a chat conversation I decided to post since it describes my finding in my journey with hppd.

03:38:54 ‹FuseAll›Thing is I had a lsd trip and developed hppd. Then I found out I had lyme disease. I treated lyme disease and hppd was gone
03:38:59 ‹FuseAll›like 100%
03:39:12 ‹FuseAll›And im not the only one with the exact same story
03:39:55 ‹FuseAll›like dozens of people i with hppd i talked with they all were bitten by a tick at some point of their life and they all got better after treating their disease
03:40:04 ‹FuseAll›so is real interesting none the less
03:40:40 ‹FuseAll›And I have this theory, that because lyme disease supresses the inmune system, old viruses reemerge
03:40:44 ‹FuseAll›and there is this one virus
03:40:48 ‹FuseAll›known as JC virus
03:41:52 ‹FuseAll›and is a real interesting virus, many of us have it, like 60 to 80% of the population, depending on demografics, and it is controled by the inmune system, and when the inmune system is compromised it reemerges
03:42:06 ‹FuseAll›so , this virus infects cells using the 5ht2a serotonin receptor
03:42:15 ‹FuseAll›the exact same receptor psychedelics act on
03:42:39 ‹FuseAll›so i have this theory that this virus is the responsible for hppd, or what people called "flashbacks"
03:43:01 ‹FuseAll›I'm 90% ceirtain it is that way
03:43:06 ‹FuseAll›just wanted to share
03:43:39 ‹FuseAll›Any of you guys knows someone with hppd?
03:43:55 ‹FuseAll›If so, ask them if they have ever been bitten by a tick
03:44:11 ‹FuseAll›also keep in mind that the bacteria can be transmitted sexually
03:44:55 ‹FuseAll›and also keep in mind that anything that supresses the inmune system, like hiv or mycoplasma pneumoniae and alikes can cause the same inmunosupressive effect and the same symptoms
03:45:12 ‹FuseAll›I've researched the whole thing and it is really intriguing
03:45:18 ‹FuseAll›imma post about it actually

The substance I used to treat my lyme disease, and also hppd, is called chlorine dioxide. Is a antiviral and antibacterial, and indeed it is used to sterilize our water to make it suitable for human consumption. Is a mild oxidizer. Is non toxic and people use it to treat many disease, if you want to hear testimonies from people using it, check https://mmstestimonials.co/

So thing is that I was having extreme hppd for 3 months, after a lsd trip, and decided i will be give a shot this, and surpisingly with every dose my visuals decreased a little bit.
It took a long time till it cleared 100%, but it definitivelly cleared it. Since it kills viruses by contact, via oxidizing their lipidic protein surface.

Also you can check this video that talks about the effectiveness it has when used in the current virus pandemic patients. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uofFOvxyJwM


I also wrote this in the chat:

03:49:03 ‹FuseAll›Yes. Actually the sindrome visual snow causes the same thing. Without taking psychedelics. But seems like when taking lsd makes it easier for the virus to enter the receptor. Since the virus isnt a substance, the body cannot decompose it like a substance, and the virus gets stuck in the synapse provoking reocuring visuals and psychedelic headspace
03:50:19 ‹FuseAll›What i think it happens is that the virus usually wont enter the receptor because the virus ligand proteins or whatever they are called, have to compete with serotonin, and since serotonin has more afinity for the receptors it gets in there first
03:51:05 ‹FuseAll›but when you take lsd, i think serotonin is depleted somehow, and the virus binds to the receptor since it has less competition with other molecules
03:51:12 ‹FuseAll›thats my theory at least

Just wanted to share, because i do really feel this is extremelly important information since it "saved" my life. Meanwhile i had hppd I could not concentrate nor think clearly and was always distracted by the psychedelic headspace. Now I have a normal life.

Also, wanted to make you know, that if you search about chlorine dioxide and you watch and read the mainstream media about it, they will say its toxic that is poison and whatever.
What i can tell you is that it allieviated all of my lyme simptoms, leaving me with any type of permanent adverse effect, other than the temporal and rapidly fading herxheimer reaction.

I also had a few infusions IV intravenously and had no problem at all.

The LD50 of chlorine dioxide in rats is 292 mg/kg and they have to administer it to them for 2 weeks straight 24/7 in order to kill em. That's because the substance has a real low half life, of 30 minutes or less.

About the JC virus, according to wikipedia : Human polyomavirus 2 can cross the blood–brain barrier into the central nervous system, where it infects oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, possibly through the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor.[14] Human polyomavirus 2 DNA can be detected in both non-PML affected and PML-affected (see below) brain tissue.[15]

Soo, the 5ht2a serotonin receptor is the same receptor psychedelics act on.

Soo, make your own conclusions people.

Also there are people that get hppd, and after a mushrom trip their hppd clears up. I think this must be because the psilocin has more affinity for the receptors and moves out the virus.

But hey, there are people that get hppd from psilocin directly, so go figure.

Thats pretty much it.

We have a discord group were we disscuss all this, and everyone with hppd has lyme, and everyone gets better with different treatments (LDN inmuno-modulation, Culter ALA chelation, Buhner protocol herbs and so on), so if you want to join and have something to contribute or just want some advice y'all are welcome.


Kind regards

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#2 Posted : 8/1/2020 3:21:20 AM
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And by the way, I posted this in several forums, hppdforum and reddit. For some weird reason mods dont like this theory. They dont like the idea that this condition might be of pathogenic and inmunologic origin.

I just want to say it again, this does not constitute any type of medical advice, this is just a story some random stranger dude is sharing on a internet forum and should be taken as that, a story, a fairy tale. Peace!
#3 Posted : 8/1/2020 3:36:28 AM

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I am very interested in your virus and immunosuppression theory around hppd, fascinating to find out about the JC virus.

However, I have not heard good things about the treatment you've mentioned using on yourself for Lyme. In fact everything I've read about it suggests that it is extremely dangerous; among other things, people are hurting their autistic children with it trying to "cure" them.

I very much hope you are staying safe and have not come to any harm.
Until we are all free, we are none of us free.
Emma Lazarus
#4 Posted : 8/1/2020 4:11:39 AM
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04:12:45 ‹PlantTraveller›that is fascinating, FuseAll, i scrolled up and read all of what you wrote. very interesting!
04:17:31 ‹FuseAll›My pleasure
04:17:35 ‹FuseAll›I decided to post it
04:17:37 ‹FuseAll›here it is
04:17:37 ‹FuseAll›https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/d...70014
04:21:14 ‹Strelok444›i have a friend that is also always distracted by his psychedelic headspace...
04:21:34 ‹FuseAll›ask him if he was bitten by a tick
04:21:43 ‹FuseAll›or that if he has any other health problems
04:21:46 ‹Strelok444›copy that
04:22:05 ‹Strelok444›he lives beside a river...
04:22:44 ‹FuseAll›like joint pain, or suffers anxiety, tachicardia, fatigue, fibromialgia and alikes
04:22:49 ‹FuseAll›Them most likely he has been bitten
04:27:23Spiralout left the room (Timeout)
04:28:30 ‹cubeananda›im confused
04:28:31 ‹cubeananda›tho
04:28:37 ‹cubeananda›its a virus or a bacteria?
04:28:47 ‹cubeananda›or just like those?
04:28:51 ‹PlantTraveller›lyme is a sneaky one.
04:29:16 ‹cubeananda›absolutely
04:29:16 ‹FuseAll›The hppd itself is a virus
04:29:29 ‹FuseAll›but viruses only reemerge when a inmune system is low
04:29:30 ‹cubeananda›sometimes you dont even get the little bullseye and can still contractit o.O
04:30:07 ‹cubeananda›"03:44:11 ‹FuseAll›also keep in mind that the bacteria can be transmitted sexually"
04:30:28 ‹FuseAll›And the lyme bacteria, supresses the inmune system. Thus, the viruses you had as a kid start to reemerge in your body wreaking havok. this is what causes most of lyme symptoms, rather than the bacteria alone
04:31:02 ‹FuseAll›Yes, indeed, there are strains that do not create a bulls eye rash and have the same effect
04:31:04 ‹cubeananda›forgive me im jaded but this all sounds quite ridiculous
04:31:22 ‹FuseAll›and other times it goes deep in your skin and does not form a bull eye rash
04:31:25 ‹cubeananda›because lyme is a real thing so i wuldnt want to conflate this other kind of infection that youre talking about
04:32:18 ‹FuseAll›I know it sounds ridiculous, but it is what it is, is just that i talked with many people with the exact same situation as me
04:32:47 ‹FuseAll›because lyme is a real thing so i wuldnt want to conflate this other kind of infection that youre talking about "
04:32:51 ‹FuseAll›What do you mean by that?
04:33:20 ‹cubeananda›"known as JC virus"
04:33:25 ‹cubeananda›known as
04:33:27 ‹cubeananda›by who?
04:34:19 ‹FuseAll›JC is a virus that most of us have. Is just that it does not necesarily manifest as disease. But if your inmune sistem is low, it can reemerge and create all the hppd thing if you take acid ( and if you dont can as well , but taking acid precipitates it )
04:34:36 ‹FuseAll›JC virus is named after the discoverer, Jhon Cunningam
04:34:55 ‹FuseAll›https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hu...rus_2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_polyomavirus_2
04:35:03 ‹FuseAll›-Here is the wikipedia article
04:35:28 ‹FuseAll›and here is a quote of the article
04:35:29 ‹FuseAll›Human polyomavirus 2 can cross the blood–brain barrier into the central nervous system, where it infects oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, possibly through the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor.[14] Human polyomavirus 2 DNA can be detected in both non-PML affected and PML-affected (see below) brain tissue.[15]
04:36:08 ‹cubeananda›mk im seeing a bit more where youre coming from
04:36:20 ‹FuseAll›So is a virus that can be present in the brain, specially if your inmune system is low
04:37:03 ‹cubeananda›quite interesting
04:37:09 ‹FuseAll›So my theory is basically this :
04:37:39 ‹FuseAll›https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...EGShQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpj0emEGShQ
04:37:55 ‹FuseAll›If you watch this video, you will see how viruses have keys
04:37:59 ‹FuseAll›and our cells have locks

04:38:46 ‹FuseAll›Well, becuase drugs like lsd and endogenous substances as serotonin, can enter this locks, the virus "keys" can enter too
04:39:50 ‹FuseAll›But here is the tricky thing, neurons arent like normal cells. When a normal cell gets a receptor activated, it opens up the cell membrane and welcomes inside the substance
04:39:57 ‹FuseAll›But neurons are a more special type of cells
04:40:27 ‹FuseAll›they dont welcome inside them substances nor viruses
04:41:21 ‹FuseAll›if a virus or a substance reaches a receptor, what happens is that the cell membrane gets depolarized and a electrical signal throught the calcium and sodium channels is transmited to the next neuron
04:42:56 ‹FuseAll›And if the virus cant escape the receptor, because is trying to infect it but the nature of the cell membrane of the neuron does not let it in, then that virus is constantly exciting that neuron, making it constantly active and excited, thus causing the "psychedelic" effect known as hppd
04:43:06 ‹FuseAll›That's what I think is happening
04:43:24 ‹cubeananda›wow that is insane
04:43:32 ‹cubeananda›also glad you got your lyme disease taken care of
04:43:32 ‹FuseAll›Will post this conversation as well
04:43:41 ‹cubeananda›lol sorry for being so skeptic
04:43:45 ‹FuseAll›Yeah right? Is fucking crazy!
04:43:52 ‹AcaciaConfusedYah›lmao
04:43:53 ‹FuseAll›No, dont be sorry, thats the right thing to be
04:44:06 ‹AcaciaConfusedYah›you are both in the right
04:44:15 ‹AcaciaConfusedYah›good to be skeptical but open to new info
04:44:19 ‹cubeananda›but it would literally be a virus causing the hppd
04:44:21 ‹cubeananda›in that case
04:44:21 ‹AcaciaConfusedYah›and Fuseall for not getting mad
04:44:23 ‹AcaciaConfusedYah›and yelling
04:44:37 ‹cubeananda›which seemed unbelievable
04:44:46 ‹FuseAll›exactly
04:45:05 ‹FuseAll›Thanks AcaciaConfusedYah for apreciating that ^^
04:45:06 ‹AcaciaConfusedYah›i wonder if corona can work in a similar way
04:45:44 ‹FuseAll›Yes, people lose taste and have neurological symptoms too, because it infects nerve tissue, specially the one that takes care of the taste Duh!

#5 Posted : 8/1/2020 4:48:08 AM
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PlantTraveller wrote:
I am very interested in your virus and immunosuppression theory around hppd, fascinating to find out about the JC virus.

However, I have not heard good things about the treatment you've mentioned using on yourself for Lyme. In fact everything I've read about it suggests that it is extremely dangerous; among other things, people are hurting their autistic children with it trying to "cure" them.

I very much hope you are staying safe and have not come to any harm.

First and foremost: This comment does not constitute medical advice by any means

Dont believe the first google search you get. Everyone knows that google searchs are not any longer what they used to be.

Well, they've also done studies with this and they were videotaped and the results were not well welcomed in instagram facebook and youtube.
As something like DMT wont be welcomed as well. This video is the one I mean

Not saying it is truth, just pointing out it exists.

Here I leave you with a video of a study done to treat malaria with the exact same substance, by staff that worked for the Red Cross
The video is also on youtube

The red cross has denied that this video has anything to do with them and that is completelly fake.

In the documentary quantumleap.is in the minute 31:29 they tell the whole story about that video if youre interested in hearing it

I am saying is truth? Nope, I'm just pointing it exists.

And believe me when i say im not a conspiracy type of guy, i hate conspiracies.

Also story is that all mainstream media are saying is poison.
Meanwhile others say is the solution to many things.

What is true is that all blood transfusion bags carry some amount of chlorine dioxide, to prevent contamination of viruses and bacteria. So it is patented for that prupouse, and if it is used with that prupouse, you can assume that it does not damage the blood. althought you could argue with me that that's a matter of concentration, wich I will have to agree.

Also, there is not one single death or permanent damage reported from this that i've know of this and i've done extensive research.

I also used it myself, and im fine, used it for about a year, and had no problems, althought i dont recomend anyone using it themselves. That was just my personal decision.

A good resource if you want to know more about this is mmsinfo.org
and also mmsforum.co

again, im just pointing out things. By any means im giving any type of advice.

anyway, hope this helps, and do your extensive research.

Kind regards
#6 Posted : 8/1/2020 4:50:37 AM
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And I'm posting this theory and testimony in the hopes someone with enough commitment and knowledge just researches it. Real little is known about this condition and this theory makes a lot of sense, and would be awesome to be just cosidered. Who knows, maybe someday this information is useful for something to someone.

peace y'all!
#7 Posted : 8/1/2020 4:50:50 PM


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I would just like to point out, considering I am a part of this conversation.

Re: the use of chlorine dioxide, I can say absolutely nothing. However, I do find your theory regarding HPPD very interesting.
#8 Posted : 8/1/2020 8:30:21 PM
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I'll look more into this when i get time, but for now i just wanna add that i've had HPPD a few times for a few weeks each time, and it only ever happened after i took LSD. I took oral DMT with Rue/Harmalas daily/near daily for 4 years straight, i've taken oral DMT with Moclobemide some, i've taken mushrooms and Psilohuasca a good handful of times, i've taken 25-D Nbome like twice, never had any sign of HPPD until i took LSD. I also smoked Cannabis back then which i'm pretty sure contributed since the HPPD wasn't that noticeable when i was sober but when i'd smoke the Cannabis definitely brought it out more. Each time i took LSD i'd have HPPD for a few weeks after and when i smoked Cannabis during that period of time i'd have visual distortions and feel like i was tripping. I will say though, Cannabis did also seem to make me feel like i was coming up on DMT or would make me feel like i'd taken the Aya as well but as far as HPPD goes it'd only happen anytime i'd take LSD, never happened with the other Psyches. After a few weeks the HPPD would go away. But it was consistently tied to LSD for me personally. Can't say i ever remember getting a tick bite though.
#9 Posted : 8/27/2020 11:54:22 AM
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ShamensStamen wrote:
I'll look more into this when i get time, but for now i just wanna add that i've had HPPD a few times for a few weeks each time, and it only ever happened after i took LSD. I took oral DMT with Rue/Harmalas daily/near daily for 4 years straight, i've taken oral DMT with Moclobemide some, i've taken mushrooms and Psilohuasca a good handful of times, i've taken 25-D Nbome like twice, never had any sign of HPPD until i took LSD. I also smoked Cannabis back then which i'm pretty sure contributed since the HPPD wasn't that noticeable when i was sober but when i'd smoke the Cannabis definitely brought it out more. Each time i took LSD i'd have HPPD for a few weeks after and when i smoked Cannabis during that period of time i'd have visual distortions and feel like i was tripping. I will say though, Cannabis did also seem to make me feel like i was coming up on DMT or would make me feel like i'd taken the Aya as well but as far as HPPD goes it'd only happen anytime i'd take LSD, never happened with the other Psyches. After a few weeks the HPPD would go away. But it was consistently tied to LSD for me personally. Can't say i ever remember getting a tick bite though.

Just a question man, so the hppd goes away on its own or you take some other psychedelic and then it goes away?

Thnx for sharing your experience
#10 Posted : 8/27/2020 7:36:35 PM
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It went away on it's own.
#11 Posted : 4/14/2021 11:34:12 PM
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Very interesting hypothesis, I'll certainly be keeping my eyes open for evidence relevant to it!

One comment I'd like to make is that if your hypothesis is valid as stated, it wouldn't in any way limit HPPD to lyme sufferers. Instead, immunocompromise of any kind would make HPPD more likely.

In particular, I'm curious to hear from people (or those who know people) with HIV or taking immunosuppressant drugs who have done psychedelics. The prevalence of HPPD or lack thereof in such people would be a functional test of your hypothesis.

Something else that does come to mind is that I've heard of psychedelic use in palliative care contexts. Certainly, a number of such patients would be immunocompromised. Has anyone heard of an increased incidence of HPPD resulting from such use of psychedelics?
#12 Posted : 5/16/2021 1:48:59 PM
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monsoonext wrote:
Very interesting hypothesis, I'll certainly be keeping my eyes open for evidence relevant to it!

One comment I'd like to make is that if your hypothesis is valid as stated, it wouldn't in any way limit HPPD to lyme sufferers. Instead, immunocompromise of any kind would make HPPD more likely.

In particular, I'm curious to hear from people (or those who know people) with HIV or taking immunosuppressant drugs who have done psychedelics. The prevalence of HPPD or lack thereof in such people would be a functional test of your hypothesis.

Something else that does come to mind is that I've heard of psychedelic use in palliative care contexts. Certainly, a number of such patients would be immunocompromised. Has anyone heard of an increased incidence of HPPD resulting from such use of psychedelics?

Thing is that they would need to be inmunocompromised as well as be exposed to the jc virus. So to get hppd. So not all inmunocompromised patients will get hppd

Also keep in mind that lsd is way more likely to provoque hppd than psilocin. Also low doses of psilocin are way more likely to cause it than high doses ( I guess this is because of competitive affinity between the receptors and the virus spikes)

Also I hear many reports of people with constant hppd that goes away completelly after a very big dose of mushrooms, metocin or dmt or alikes, like 75 mg of metocin or psilocin for example.

All this is anecdotal evidence from my observations.

I've tripped again without any hppd reincidence.

Thing is, if im correct about this thing, and by doing some research, ive found out that citomegalovirus can attach to the dopamine receptors...

Something attaching to the dopamine receptors, means hallucinotary delusions.

Maybe drug triggered schizophrenia is because of the cytomegalovirus attaching to the dopamine receptors?
I mean it also could be toxoplasma gondii infecting neurons and producing dopamine ( thing that has been proven possible) but i dont see why specially the drug triggered cases wouldnt be related with the citomegalovirus.

The same way that hppd is caused by the jc virus attaching to the 5ht2a serotonin receptrors?


Im pretty sure this could be the case and it would explain many many things.

I mean, is a pity that mental health aint researching as much as needed into this type of thing since it would explain a lot of things.

Note that the things they give the patients are dopamine receptor antagonists and 5ht2a antagonists.

These guys know their shit but are there for the profit.

Anyways, my 2 cents
#13 Posted : 9/2/2022 9:32:57 AM

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I have HPPD for about 2 years and i guess it may never go away but i hope it goes around 8 years later from what i've heard in some reports.
i think i got it after using 6-APB for only 2 times in one day,i don't know exactly how much i used it but it wasn't too much.and the effects wasn't pleasant.
thankyou for your effort but i don't think what you said is well prooved.
beside that,if lyme or jc virus is the case,it should go away with other medication like antivirals, and doxycyline which is well prooved for lyme disease treatment.
another thing you forgot,lyme disease has many other symptoms such as acute heart problems that isn't apparent on hppd.
if you say that is special jc virus condition different than lyme,then there is lack of proof.
from my own experience,My hppd didn't get lower with any medication,for example i have used antibiotics and my visual snow didn't improved.the only medication that did much with visuals was "Lamotrigine".
It changed the patterns and depths of visual snow,it looked like there were dots on every walls and grounds.normally there is dots every where not on the furniture.i can say it was somehow worse than normal.i don't recommend that,but i guess having relaxation and calmness can help a little to tolerate this condition and sometimes i think it gets better temporarily.
I hope we all get better soon,even if it does't,have in mind that everything is gonna end one day!
there is afterlife and hppd can't be there for sure!Very happy

Edit: my visual snow isn't caused by 6-apb but it was developed by my stupid decide to put a powerful green laser right into my eyes by myself.i wanted to know what can happen because many people say you shouldn't do it but i didn't know the reason so i tried to discover something new but it wasn't worth it. i still have visual snow and sometimes i think its getting worse by time.
Homo Trypens
#14 Posted : 9/2/2022 10:05:03 AM

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Visual snow is HPPD?

I've been having that since 4th grade, a good 6 years before my first trip (LSD). Even went to a doctor for it, i think she invented a name just for me - she called it "eye migraine" and didn't know a way to make it go away.
Was disturbing for a bit, because everything always looked like it was raining. Even the blackboard...
I had to look at the ground to know if there was actual rain or not.

It stopped being this directional after a while, and has been my companion ever since. It sometimes does form patterns, or like auras around trees, or just generally enhances 3D spaceSmile
#15 Posted : 9/2/2022 10:07:49 AM

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Have you guys ever thought of using Iodine to try and fix it? Or anything else thats antibacterial/viral but has a 100% to be sure high safety levels - without controversy? Ik i'm pulling the lines but even garlic and ginger can have some nice effects on viruses...
A second chance? Huh... I thought I was on my fifth.

Homo Trypens
#16 Posted : 9/2/2022 10:17:00 AM

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justB612 wrote:

Have you guys ever thought of using Iodine to try and fix it? Or anything else thats antibacterial/viral but has a 100% to be sure high safety levels - without controversy? Ik i'm pulling the lines but even garlic and ginger can have some nice effects on viruses...

I don't like to take anything that's not either tasting really good, or psychoactive in the right ways Very happy

So Iodine, and also garlic, isn't for me. I do eat and drink decent quantities of ginger though.

I never even considered that it might be a viral problem in my case, and still don't. Not saying it's impossible of course.

Anyway, i don't perceive my snow as a problem. I honestly feel like it's an enhancement of my visual sense.
#17 Posted : 9/2/2022 10:29:54 AM

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Homo Trypens wrote:
Visual snow is HPPD?

I've been having that since 4th grade, a good 6 years before my first trip (LSD). Even went to a doctor for it, i think she invented a name just for me - she called it "eye migraine" and didn't know a way to make it go away.
Was disturbing for a bit, because everything always looked like it was raining. Even the blackboard...
I had to look at the ground to know if there was actual rain or not.

It stopped being this directional after a while, and has been my companion ever since. It sometimes does form patterns, or like auras around trees, or just generally enhances 3D spaceSmile

Visual snow is one of the main symptoms of it.
I also have dissociation syndrome which i don't feel real like before.
this is why i miss my childhood so much.
feelings are also weaker.like listening to music doesn't make me euphoric like old days.
i forgot to say something...using Lamotrigine improved my dissociation syndrome.i felt more real.
but it had so many side effects like hyperacusis that isn't worth it.
Homo Trypens
#18 Posted : 9/2/2022 11:41:47 AM

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goodone22 wrote:
Visual snow is one of the main symptoms of it.
I also have dissociation syndrome which i don't feel real like before.
this is why i miss my childhood so much.
feelings are also weaker.like listening to music doesn't make me euphoric like old days.
i forgot to say something...using Lamotrigine improved my dissociation syndrome.i felt more real.
but it had so many side effects like hyperacusis that isn't worth it.

I'm very sorry to hear.

I had a friend who went through a phase where she basically felt no joy and no purpose in anything for months to years after taking LSD quite frequently at very young age (14ish). I think she healed with time after quitting both LSD and cannabis. We lost track of each other, i know she has kids now and works with children, too.

Do you spend time outdoors, maybe even barefoot? Are you growing any plants? If not, i can recommend all of these as anchors to earth and reality.

I hope you'll find what you need and are looking for <3
#19 Posted : 10/21/2022 3:15:22 PM
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I really love the theory and I am glad you spread it!

FuseAll wrote:
And by the way, I posted this in several forums, hppdforum and reddit. For some weird reason mods dont like this theory. They dont like the idea that this condition might be of pathogenic and inmunologic origin.

I just want to say it again, this does not constitute any type of medical advice, this is just a story some random stranger dude is sharing on a internet forum and should be taken as that, a story, a fairy tale. Peace!

For some reason that does not surprise me. Don't let them spoil your vibe. You were doing great work! Their loss really.

YOu'd have better luck talking on youtube than reddit.


The reason I like the idea is because... it explains a lot about biochemistry and psychedelics... (I don't have HPPD or lymes).... and its probably related or relevant to lot of things. Viruses affect everyone anyway.

I wonder if viruses can cause bad trips, or even bad dreams even? Quite possible? Maybe if I took some anti-virals before a trip... the trip would be cleaner?

#20 Posted : 10/21/2022 4:03:35 PM

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nitrogenaztec wrote:
I wonder if viruses can cause bad trips, or even bad dreams even? Quite possible? Maybe if I took some anti-virals before a trip... the trip would be cleaner?
Ever heard of Efavirenz? That antiviral medication unexpectedly showed 'neuropsychiatric effects' ( https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs40264-016-0440-y ) which Hamilton Morris looked into (he had a terrible time, so don't bother).

And, speaking of terrible, so is your idea of unprescribed, off-label use of an essential group of medications which could contribute to the development of resistance in viruses. Best not to do that.

The idea that a viral protein might show affinity for 5-HT-2a receptors is, however, perfectly plausible.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
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