Exitwound wrote:maybe his brain chemical factory just processes things differently.
Yeah, that's very possible, enough so to where little much is gotten from it.
Have you tried changa with him, and if so how was the blend made and what were the ratios used?
Reason I say this is because maybe it's possible that the level of the MAO-A enzyme within his brain is somewhat more elevated than most folks. I remember reading several studies years back, one in particular talking about how from birth MAO-B is basically negligible, with MAO-A levels being relatively high at birth, with MAO-A increasing up until adulthood then leveling itselfout. MAO-B seems to have a linear ascent til the later/older years of a persons life, while MAO-A stays essentially where it's at. Obviously we're primarily focused on MAO-A here.
Not that the above study/info is all that useful, though it shown to me that the brain is going through changes constantly, even in the realm of this.
Though some of the other studies I'd read highlighted enzyme differences between people in terms of the levels of each, which isn't too surprising really.
I wonder if these differences in enzyme levels are enough to cause this experience [in some people] to be dampened, enough so to only reach sub-threshold/threshold effects? I don't think it's out've the realm of possibility.
That's why I'm asking about changa, and the ratios of dmt:harmala used if changa indeed was used.
Something to think about. Through smoking harmalas you're inhibiting these enzymes within the brain, allowing DMT to saturate itself moreso than if it were you just vaporizing DMT by itself, allowing it to stick around longer in order to give it's effect/s, without being broken down nearly as readily.
You don't even have to make a changa blend of any sort. Harmalas could just be smoked on some smokeable form of leaf, allowing a minute or two afterwards, then vaporizing DMT. Harmalas also could be used sublingually, allowing the 5-10 minutes for them to absorb, then shortly after vaporiazing DMT. I'm almost certain that doing one of these methods would result in a much stronger experience versus just having vaped DMT alone.
If he's on any contraindicated meds in relation to this, then this route might not be ideal depending.